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/lit/ - Literature

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12278598 No.12278598 [Reply] [Original]

>single-handedly destroys the Western Canon
no offense kiddo

>> No.12278605


>> No.12278611


Sounds like a Mark Twain character or something

>> No.12278613

>destroying civilizations
Nothing new here folks, move along

>> No.12278620

Yeah. She didn't even attack the Canon though. Just pointed out what we all knew anyway

>> No.12278646

>all these admitettedly interesiting questions about culture and educational institutions
>it all boils down to pandering to the female consumers and tolerating negroes/spics
Amerimutts, everyone.

>> No.12278709

She shouldn't have skipped canon class to get an abortion.

>> No.12278757

They way the she said old white men at 3:15. She said it as an insult. These people hold serious resentment towards white men.

>> No.12278782

I wish America disappeared.

>> No.12278997
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So much this.

>Hurr white males wrote moby dick and war and peace

>> No.12279006


>> No.12279016


>> No.12279022

Agreed. My robot and magic books are literature.

>> No.12279075

>"Has anyone actually read these books?"
Is she being serious? Not that I'd expect anything better from someone like her, but what is so hard to imagine about people reading established classics?
Maybe I'm being biased because I don't study literature and can read books of my own choosing and whenever I want to, but if I studied this stuff, I'd definitely be interested in it and have more time to read anyways since it'd be part of my studying. As a student of medicine, I have to pick my books and time carefully.

>> No.12279144

She is jewish.

>> No.12279169

I wouldn't expect literacy from a woman who chose to kill her baby

>> No.12279173

This. Very few people actually want to dismantle the canon. The most the average “subversive” says is that the canon doesn’t really do much for some people.

>> No.12279195


Jesus, what's wrong with Americans?

>> No.12279205

The only worthwhile part of this video is what Harold Bloom says.

>> No.12279241


It's unbelievable that it has taken this long to respond to the 'canon' with a big YIKES. Should have been way sooner imo.

Pre-modern people may have been ignorant, but that's no excuse to blindly accept the misogynist rants of while male 'artists'. Their work is overrate, boring, and pompous.

And look where they are now. With equality in the publishing industry white men are hardly getting published, which just goes to show that oppression was the only thing making them popular.

The canon got a much needed makeover, and this can only be good for the future.

>> No.12279250

The question I find more interesting is "Why do schools fail so badly at teaching students why the great novels and their themes matter?" I got a better understanding of why to care about themes from a couple of people on tumblr contrasting Game of Thrones with A Song of Ice and Fire than from more than a decade of English and Literature classes. I have gained a greater appreciation of many great works of literature (and film, etc) from bloggers and video essayists talking about them than I did from any classroom.
I'm not even sure why what the Internet people say is better at making me care. The two obvious possibilities that come to mind are either that they need to explain why themes matter to retain their audience, or that they're willing to criticize the works they analyze. (When was the last time you saw anyone question whether or not Romeo and Juliet was a successful satire on courtly romance stories?)

>> No.12279259

Great comment, upvoted!

>> No.12279265

>I have gained a greater appreciation of many great works of literature (and film, etc) from bloggers and video essayists talking about them than I did from any classroom.
So you're a pseud that looks up summaries of books he puts in his shelf half-read on youtube to look like he's in the know.
Got it

>> No.12279294

>can't read
Who's the pseud now?

>> No.12279304

Your post got a smile out of me. Good job, anon!

>> No.12279328

Did she have an abortion??

>> No.12279331

Interesting that it's always white women complaining about the white man. Makes you think.
Also I've read both War and Peace and Moby Dick so I don't know what this cunt is talking about when she says "has anyone read these books???"

>> No.12279336


>> No.12279339

>go on, stay mediocre. Never challenge yourself

>> No.12279363

and made a documentary about it


>> No.12279390

Read the comments.

>> No.12279395

It's just a lump of cells bro lmao what kind of virgin gets upset over removing a parasitic lump of cells?

>> No.12279406

you're a lump of cells too

>> No.12279411

its pasted from the comment section

>> No.12279416


But what if feminist trash was being published every year of recorded history and simply turned to dust because it sucked?

>> No.12279438

>My sophomore advanced lit class nearly killed my love of reading. Siddhartha was probably the worst, I could not get through it.

>> No.12279453

What an absolute moron

>> No.12279470

That's a big WHAT IF.

All we can say for certain is that women were oppressed for 99% of history, and now that they are not they are dominating the publishing industry and winning all the writing awards.

What more do we need to know? On an equal footing women are winning the culture war.

>> No.12279485

Isn't that the nostalgia chick
What the fuck is she doing now? I haven't heard any news about her in years.

>> No.12279492

>These books are too long and boring.
And these are the childish retards who read the entire Harry Potter series, the dullest franchise in the history of the literature.

>> No.12279495

Don’t do that

>> No.12279555

what´s the deal with people nowadays wanting to elevate low brow entertainment?

>muh books written by poc

who the fuck cares? they just want to feel morally superior

>> No.12279736
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>what's wrong, he asked

>> No.12279742

she uses her full name like a grown up, is openly lefty and broke up with Todd.

>> No.12279761

>>These books are too long and boring.
That was barely a joke a few seconds in.
If youtube videos requiere too much comprehension from you I don't get what books you can read. Something that includes coloring maybe?

>> No.12279767

it's a video meant for 15 year olds
it's fine to promote reading in teens

>> No.12279786

I see nothing wrong with anything that she said.

>> No.12279801

she cheated on Todd

>> No.12279833

Nobody cares Todd. Fuck off

>> No.12279852

Beautiful, anon. Have a great Christmas

>> No.12279853
File: 56 KB, 541x558, craig_wright.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The canon as a concept is quite useless, I dont quite see the point of it. When we "defend the canon" do we defend the works in the canon or the list/collection itself?

If the former, then we dont need the term canon to defend them. If the latter, I dont even care, who cares about a made-up list

>> No.12279854

Assuming you're correct that I don't have the comprehension to watch a five minute video at least I can spell correctly you fucking troglodyte.

>> No.12279858

I doubt he's even that.

>> No.12279863

Why did you bother typing this post?

>> No.12279867

I almost gave her a view you sneaky shit. Better luck next time.

>> No.12280844

That makes it even worse. She's a loser teaching kids to be losers.

>> No.12280862

And you feel important for that achievement?
I'm sure you could impress some six year olds.

>> No.12280868

If anything /lit/ would be better if people read more for enjoyment. The canon is little more than a guide, if you follow it great but if you hate books because of it then you shot yourself in the foot.

>> No.12280876

You're a loser like her because you assume people can't read classics for enjoyment. You don't know what's good.

>> No.12280895

I said that it's great if you read it
But you can't pretend we don't get constant threads complaining about very basic canon books that they probably shouldn't be reading because they're not ready.

>> No.12280920

This type of attitude really irks me because I had to deal with it in my teachers a lot in school. They actively discouraged kids from challenging themselves when they caught students reading books they felt were too difficult and that's the type of attitude you have. How they judge a book to be too advanced is anyone's guess.

How the hell are you supposed to become a better reader and thinker if you're not constantly challenging yourself? We have to encourage kids to read these books because we have losers like you trying instill your loser philosophy in them.

>> No.12280938

It depends on the person.
Some people like challenge, others don't. There is no universal way to introduce people to literature.
I'm sorry you had a bad experience with teachers.

>> No.12280957

don't we all, once america is gone all jewish influence over the world will disappear too.
hoping putin is taking charge of this desu

>> No.12281867


>> No.12281876

Actually it's American, British, German, or Swedish women.

>> No.12282037

i wanna fuck lindsay ellis in the mouth

>> No.12282057

Funny how this meme started out supposedly to be used against racists/white supremacists and now it is used exclusively by racists. Good job libtards lol

>> No.12282102

She looks like a qt 3.14 (in this specific pic).
But nah, she didn't destroy shit.

>> No.12282194

>Funny how this meme started out supposedly to be used against racists/white supremacists
It was an /int/ meme to make fun of Americans you newfag.

>> No.12282233

I'd have more respect for you if you stopped the song and dance and admitted to being a racist.

>> No.12282273

>video full of resentment
>the canon of white countries, speaking a language of whites, expressing the culture of a white country is predominantly full of white men and chosen by other white men. This is a profound revelation
>implies that the categorization for great works of literature made by white men is the only avenue for non white men to display their legitimacy by being included in this group instead of dismissing it as a whole and forming their own canon
>thinks she 'has to' read through the canon, unable to become self aware of her slave like mentality
"these white men are all held up as succussful that's not fair"
>bloom calls it out for what it is
>yikes hahaha
Is this the power of woman?

>opens a book of the best literature of Asia
>all asians

>> No.12282299

I'm a non white. Critisisim of the canon is 100% resentment for being born into a country and culture your people didn't build and formulate, and then having to come to terms with your alienation when seeing it's creators not being like yourself in the most basic way possible. I've accepted it and vowed to use my deep seeded resentment to fuel my own work. I don't deny the value of the canon as much as I would feel better in doing so

>> No.12282617


>> No.12282677

if people in academic positions of power are openly skeptical of the idea of a canon then they will dilute it and destroy it over time. what the general public or bloggers think does not matter, but general academic rejection or even only suspicion of the canon will ruin literature.

>> No.12282782
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>> No.12283492

Well delivered then.

>> No.12283725

What a mess

>> No.12283909

The worst part of the video is probably her not even giving an contraargument to Bloom's argument. She just laughs at him and moves on. Embarrassing.

>> No.12284049


Worthless fucking woman brain.

>> No.12284052

She actually looks kinda hotter in this pic.

>> No.12284091
File: 283 KB, 656x660, 1538877507092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, I don't give a shit about the topic of this thread, I've just stopped by to say I want that braphog's ass on my face.

Thank you for your attention!

>> No.12284141

the absolute state of this bait

>> No.12284148

is this bait? I am not sure

>> No.12284165
File: 39 KB, 596x415, 1545530397616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What annoys me most is not that this video was made, it's the retarded comments in the comment section which have this general theme:
>we're not saying that Melville and Tolstoy are bad, we're just saying there should be more females and non-white authors included in taught literature courses
Then they fail to provide any examples of such authors that should be included when asked. The thought never occurs to them that perhaps the list of greats truly is representative of the greatest works of literature, and that non-whites and women just haven't produced many notable works of fiction. Of course, to think this would involve questioning why that is the case, which would cause great discomfort to them.

>> No.12284180

She criticises bloom for defending the western canon and says that more diverse writers should have been added with virginia woolf as an example... even though virginia woolf was already in bloom's western canon

>> No.12284181

The thing is, War and Peace and Moby Dick are in the canon because they are good as fuck, not just bc theyre "important and influential", or rather, they are important and influential BECAUSE theyre good as fuck

>> No.12284185

There is one comment saying that the Western canon should include more non-western literature LOL.

>> No.12284290
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>How they judge a book to be too advanced is anyone's guess.

>> No.12284329

>itt: young white men ranting about those "bitches", those "spics and negroes", those "kikes", who make such outrageous demands as "not being invisibilized and silenced", because they can't bear losing their privilege

>> No.12284346

Really? I counted at least 5.

>> No.12284385

I think that's kind of silly though since Dumas' works are clearly part of the canon.

>> No.12284400

Who cares? She has a BA in film studies from NYU and an MFA from USC. Qualified lit critic she is not.

>> No.12284790
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>so i posit that what is important is not what history tells you is important, but what inspires you to keep reading in the first place
couldn't agree more

>> No.12284815

It's only a matter of time before the Western Canon as well as other forms of older media will be censored, erased or modified.

>> No.12284828

Of course she is.

>> No.12284856

You silly, non-whites can't be racist

>> No.12284871

Tbh it should be legal to kill kids up to 10 year old

>> No.12284874
File: 256 KB, 613x520, chinesewhitesupremacist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's where you're wrong, kiddo.

>> No.12284883

Kek thank God for Chinese unabashed racism
Hopefully they will conquer the Earth and do a good wipe

>> No.12284944

yep, no guilt complex, no fake enlightenment pretenses, just radically pragmatic efficiency. it's not going to be pretty but they are going to bring an end to liberalism, probably by the end of this century.

>> No.12284991


>I only like people who agree with my asinine views.

Say hi to the underage hoe for me, taxi driver.

>> No.12285119

Nah I hate the Chinese too, but I'd rather go down in a war with the chinks than passively erased by liberal trannies, women and niggers

>> No.12285121
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Hey guys remember when she made this?


>> No.12285171
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>liberal trannies, women and niggers
Those groups are not the problem.

>> No.12285225

Imagine thinking anything of any value has been published within the last 50 years? lmao. Egalitarian trash.

>> No.12285234

Because public schools hire lazy careerist hacks.

>> No.12285246

This post is abhorrent.

>> No.12285258

The fear in those eyes! Yummy!

>> No.12285347

I don't buy into the /pol/ narrative, I have never even seen a jew here in my country

>> No.12285361
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>> No.12285385

The time is now, friend.

>> No.12285564

The JQ didn't start on /pol/ and your anecdotal experience means squat.

>> No.12285713

Could be worse, could be Spartan

>> No.12286035

She's not, she's a potatonigger.

>> No.12286247

Tbh I'd include a few Japanese authors based upon their international influence.

>> No.12286507

The western canon represents white male literature. We have an uphill battle ahead excusing the jews who have been improperly inserted by other jews, we don't need retards like you trying to insert japs. Exit /lit/ now, anon.

>> No.12286553

no u

>> No.12286564

Why should anyone bear with losing power?

>> No.12286577

Imagine spending hours on researching, talking about, video editing and putting up a video on an sjw just cause she said some shit.
Even Carlgon isn't this autistic.

>> No.12286590


What inspired me, as a child, to start reading was my mother reading to us and seeing the Rankin-Bass Hobbit and then reading her 50th Anniversary edition of it.

>> No.12286598

And in our own countries no less. That's why compromise isn't a realistic outcome. Physical removal is the the only option.

>> No.12286605

Not really

>> No.12286631

I don't know
how did americans bear with no longer being able to afford higher education with their own work, sustaining a family with your work alone, picking their government, having a say about your troops dying for a cause, and that kind of stuff?

>> No.12286648

Americans aren't a race, but whites in America are currently fighting against those things created largely by the new judeo elite.

>> No.12286668

whites aren't a single race either tho

>> No.12286673

>sign up for a 4 year studyship in literature
>OMG why do I have to read classic literature??!
what did this pig expect

>> No.12286674

For the most part we are. There is some mud admixture at the fringes but that's not a big deal.

>> No.12286675

>if we don't expand the canon the editorial world will grow and remain a healthy industry
how's that working out for you guys?

>> No.12286693

Italy was occupied by the ottoman empire, you already have a ton of mixedblood there.
Then you have the Gauls, that mixed with the romans, the celtic tribes, the nordic tribes. Europe isn't a single ethnicity, you have to hate whites to assume it is. Do you think pollacks and irishmen look the same and share the same history? The britons and the swedes?

>> No.12286695

you're right, we should all flagellate our balls to sterility and study the hate u give

>> No.12286704

You should just expand. That's how industries, you know, grow. If you think classic authors disappeared when Moby Dick became famous you're pretty dumb.
Nothing bad comes from expanding a medium, if you try to keep it forever the same and untouchable you're killing it.

>> No.12286705

You are describing natural variation within the Indo-European racial family. Also, nonwhite admixture in Italy is limited to Sicily and southern Italy.

>> No.12286714

By being complacent I suppose.

>> No.12286718

You're not getting it. Literature is an extension of European culture. White people's shit is not everyone's shit, even if others are capable of mimicking it.

>> No.12286724

Limited to the parts of Itally with higher migration, sure.
The indo-european racial family is a made up concept, you're just saying that all this different stuff is the same because it is. Europe has a ton of ethnicities. You seem to hate the white man and its history, trying to erase it or something.

>> No.12286738

So you should have an european canon, separated from the US canon which isn't european at all.
Again, you sound like you want to protect something but your means are what destroys all production.

>> No.12286739

>The indo-european racial family is a made up concept
No it's not. It is a well-documented and widely accepted historical reality. Stop trying to divide whites, that's very jewish behavior.

>> No.12286744

The only Americans are white Americans, who founded and built America and immigrated from Europe.

>> No.12286747

Who's this women and why does her opinion matter?

>> No.12286770

her opinion matters as much as any, if she makes a solid argument you take it in consideration and if she fails you don't.
but people get triggered because she once said feminism

>> No.12286790

because you were taught to hate teachers and love media personalities

>> No.12286909

it should be legal for kids to abort their parents up to age 25

>> No.12286937

now that's fucking based

>> No.12286950

>/lit/ still LARPing as ultra conservative christians

>> No.12287001

>If someone has convictions I don't share it's because they're LARPing.

>> No.12287209

the fact is that the Amerimutt meme originated on /int/ to make fun of Americans. Its okay to be wrong.

>> No.12287217


>> No.12287223

and it was used exclusively whenever Americans started talking about race shit

>> No.12287235

Explain how robot and magic books aren’t

>> No.12287244


>> No.12287245

so wrong

>> No.12287246


>> No.12287247

>implying there not

>> No.12287254


>> No.12287264

I don't agree with some of what she says but for some reason I'm really attracted to Lindsay and i don't know why.

>> No.12287298

>and it was used exclusively whenever Americans started talking about race shit
The meme is Europeans making fun of people who don't have European features. It was always a racist meme.

>> No.12287498

Exactly what I got out of this.

>> No.12287717

>Alabaster hog
Beautiful anon. I hope one day you are recognized for your wit.

>> No.12288646

I was on /int/ when it became popular mate

>> No.12289511

>Italy was occupied by the ottoman empire
Being that much of a brainlet illiterate

>> No.12289657

This, /lit/ resorts to ad hominems because the retards in here can't articulate a decent argument to save their lifes, every opnion mattersvif present in the right way

>> No.12289695


They're both boring pulp trash.

>> No.12290215
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>haven't read Les Miserables
>calling it le miz

>> No.12290268

No she isn’t, she’s east Tennessee mountain white

>> No.12290283

>calling other people losers on a viennese fire spitting forum

>> No.12290311

nigga that aint no damn word

>> No.12290320


>> No.12290352
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I don't get how people fall for this surface ideologizing.

It's pretty clear that people like her only argue against the canon and even traditional art in general because it gives them clicks and earns them money to be edgy.

This is literally the same kind of logic that drives the massive inflation of administrations at universities; if you have educated a horde of literal parasites in Post-colonial and gender studies, where the fuck are you going to put them since capitalists refuse to hire them?

Let it be known that people like her are only doing what is materially in their interest; getting paid to produce ideology.

>> No.12290358

lol /pol/ cucks literally crying about cultural appropriation. you never fail to vindicate faye.

>> No.12290391
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idk why this is so funny

>> No.12290440

the idea of a canon as a totality is just another way of eroding our innate subjectivity. It is necessary as a structure from which one organizes their environment, but it should not be taken too seriously beyond that.

>> No.12290561

Assigned high school books are an encoded message from rule-abiding, conscientious teachers to the ~20% of students who are rule-abiding and conscientious enough to read the readings. They tell these students, "Yes, you are right. Your peers are insane (Lord of the Flies, A Separate Peace). The socially powerful will use their social power to crush you (The Scarlet Letter, Animal Farm, The Crucible). And it's not only individuals. The entire system is fucked (1984, Les Miserables, Heart of Darkness, The Jungle, To Kill A Mockingbird, Wright, Baldwin). And the social/class system (Dickens, Steinbeck, Great Gatsby). And in the off chance that America is currently engaged in a war (odds > 1:1), that war is fucked (Catch-22, War and Peace, The Things They Carried, All Quiet on the Western Front).

Oh, and you can't even believe yourself. You are currently, right now, inhabiting one in a series of painfully obvious, delusional identities that will look silly in retrospect. You can't see it, but almost every adult can (Catcher in the Rye). You, as one individual, can't really fight the root causes of your circumstances. Any outsider can see how misguided you are in your choice of target for this anger (Moby Dick, Don Quixote).

Enjoy this island of exploratory reading. Most adults in your life have settled on media that valorizes people like them and makes low-status clowns out of people from another age bracket, class, or gender. You will probably fall into this trap too. I can see it already. In that book about the famous, rich, athletic wizard, or the average girl with the hot, immortal boyfriend, or the one about the badass warrior/reality TV star who shows the whole world how laudable she really is. Or the one about the guy who saves the world by playing video games.

These assigned books, if all goes well, will serve as a lifelong gravitational pull away from self-delusion and mass market indulgence-peddling. But you have to actually read them, word by word, sentence by sentence, page by page.

>> No.12290592

based paranoia poster

>> No.12290597

her content is actually really well produced and researched and i am not ashamed to say i enjoy her vids..

>> No.12290604

Yeah it's well produced and funny I like the animations ha ha

>> No.12290623

Who is this harlot and can she make a sammich?

>> No.12290845

wow you've really turned me around on this. what are ten non gendyr binary afro-futurist woc authors of colour i should read?

>> No.12290878

What's the weather like in Swindon at this time of year?

>> No.12290920

>you have to hate whites to assume it is
Imagine being so currentyear+3 the only way you can express of conceive of someone being wrong about something is to invoke the "hate" word.
>Nothing bad comes from expanding a medium
Apparently you are unfamiliar with something called "film after 2003". Also,
>That's how industries, you know, grow.
>, you know,
Don't do this outside of TVTropes, Facebook, Tumblr and Reddit, but especially don't do it on a board about reading and writing.

>> No.12290936

Put the bottle down Lindsay.

>> No.12291246

is nostalgia chick related to the infamous skep"chick"?

>> No.12291257
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>> No.12291287


>> No.12291799


>> No.12292018

Please explain

>> No.12292177

WTF I want to read books now?

>> No.12293012
File: 1.95 MB, 1121x1708, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but they're not

>> No.12294212

They literally all look the same

>> No.12294659

Actually unironically looking forward to it desu.

>> No.12294662

>western canon
>cornerstone of which is the Bible
>written almost entirely by Jews

>> No.12294666

What study(ies) is this based on?

>> No.12294705

>western canon
>why are there so many white males? :O
"Yikes", as they say

>> No.12294706
File: 33 KB, 220x277, Loki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That just means she's prob hungry for a taste of one. All you Nazis get afraid of when people hate you for your culture and you want to explain to them why they are wrong, you want to actually change their minds. But you know as well as they do that we're indispensable to them. So why not tease them back with quality and wait to get your dick sucked instead of actually getting mad like a little bitch.

>> No.12294726

get the fuck outta here lmao

>> No.12294728

Chinese that went to Canada was always the most reactionary so I am not surprised.

>> No.12294738

>this begs the question
>asks a question

>> No.12294800
File: 208 KB, 1369x770, great -American- novels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've already made me mad with this video before, OP. Leave me alone

>> No.12294850

>deny the holocaust in any euro country
>jailed for life
yeah america is the linchpin holding it all together right?

>> No.12295357

I agree that the western canon should be diversified, but with more great western authors

>> No.12295395
File: 152 KB, 438x420, 1503528972953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read the comments
>people suggesting The Iliad should be added to the western canon
>others suggesting the romans