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12276763 No.12276763[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>go to law school
>have no professional experience
>no firm wants to hire me
>hate it anyways
>dream of becoming an architect
>26yo boomer

Books for this feel?

>> No.12277461

be a paralegal in the meantime.

>> No.12277498

Where did you go OP

>> No.12277644

Just go back go uni anon, it's free where I live

>> No.12277656
File: 27 KB, 960x540, 889300517-hot-water-bottle-toilet-seat-abdominal-pain-shuddering.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dream of being an architect
Yikers OP, it's not the job TV and movies pretend it is.

>> No.12277661

>be 26
>be too stupid to go to school
>be stuck as bookkeeper

On the brighter side, all the gas I keep getting whenever I eat is probably stomach cancer, so going to school would have been a waste anyway, HA HA HA HA!

>> No.12277665
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>dream of becoming an architect

>> No.12277669

Bookkeeper, like you work at a bookstore?

>> No.12277683

Blogspot.com is a good one

>> No.12277699
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books for this feel?

>> No.12277718

>live alone in a miserable apartment in with nobody to share my life with, alone, alone alone

gee anon maybe instead of complaining you should do something about predicament

>> No.12277722
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>> No.12277733

I can't really empathize with rich faggot whining first world problems about how he can't make friends.

>> No.12277744

>lawl school
bad move
>want to be an architect
noble but would be even dumber though less expensive than lawlyering
>gi tract cancer(s)
hey me too!

>> No.12277753

I'm surprised to see no one has said Italo Calvino's Invisible cities.

>> No.12277784

this is a falseflag post, ignore it.

This dude is right >>12277733. The fag from >>12277699 could solve every single one of his problems by getting a gf, which he could easily do since he has a high paying position and is apparently pretty smart. It's like someone whining about dying of thirst while there's a glass of water right beside him.

Go to college kids. Work hard. Get a high paying job. You will suffer greatly if you don't.

>> No.12277787

My diary desu

Srsly, similar predicament, fuck your dreams, get an entry level shit tier underpaid position at any firm willing to take you in, become financially stable first

>> No.12277791

please die you stupid fucking normalfag
going to go shitpost on /tv/ you people aren’t human

>> No.12277796

First I need get a high paying job to pay for college.

>> No.12277804
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>getting a girlfriend
Everyone in our school knew and joked about how the entire everyone in CS were autistic as shit and therefore virgins

>> No.12277805

Great talk, wallow away then

>> No.12277809

Wow everyone is ignoring my advice which is the only one that mentioned a book and is instead arguing like a bunch of losers. This board has gone to shit.

>> No.12277816
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>> No.12277821

I'm sad now, thanks anon

>> No.12277822

Kuso thread

>> No.12277870
File: 351 KB, 1440x2960, Snapchat-168108229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am 21 with aspirations to make it into the gaming industry I believed going to law school to be the way. I'm almost done with my undergrad and working on lsat.

Is it not worth?

>> No.12277880

aren't there a surplus of unemployed lawyers out there?

>> No.12277901

ok how do i get girlfriend?

i'm basically in same situation as described

>> No.12277913

no one wants an inexperienced lawyer, it's a reputation-heavy field in general. You can expect though that eventually all the current top-dog boomers will drop-off, leaving a lot of room to grow (but this will take forever because most of them never retire and a lot of them are immortal jews). On the other hand, a lot of lawyers will be replaced by computer programs and smarter court websites so that's something to think about.

>> No.12278159
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Funny OP, I'm in the opposite position. My whole family made their money in construction and real estate and have been pushing me to pursue architecture since I was a kid. They want to open me a firm and I'll have all the freedom to actually do what architects in school think they'll be doing. My father want to buy me a plot of land once I graduate so I can build whatever I want. Found out I had a talent for it in HS winning multiple competitions nationwide. Got accepted into a top 3 arch school in the country. I'm turning it down
Poorfag projection
These people were meant to fail. I don't give a fuck about his degree or money. Anybody who isn't spiritually dead will use that income to further their goals. Fuck, even if you hate it, work for a couple years spending every penny you can and then pursue whatever the fuck you want. Idiot
>make it in the gaming industry
Lmao have fun. The smart guys start their own company, not aspire to become a cog in somebody else's dream working shir hours for shit pay. Have a real vision or stay home

>> No.12278168

Why the fuck did you go to law school lmao anyone will tell you it's a bad idea
you wouldn't happen to be a young african american man would you

>> No.12278188
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based not spiritually dead richfag
Literally everything I'm not, therefore I'm cringe.
pic related me in a few minutes

>> No.12278193


>> No.12278195

why is it a bad idea aside from the job basically having to be rich peoples' bitch? But that's also not so different from any other job is it? You just have to put more hands-on time with your "masters" as a lawyer and you deal with a lot of big egos and well-disguised schizoid narcissists.

>> No.12278203
File: 51 KB, 850x400, quote-not-every-woman-is-a-prostitute-but-prostitution-is-the-natural-apotheosis-of-the-feminine-georges-bataille-134-47-27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few ways

You can make a tinder profile saying you have a high paying job.

You can make an okcupid account saying you have a high paying job.

Or you can go up to girls at bars and give them your number that "happens" to be written on the back of your receipt from the ATM that shows that you have a high paying job. This one is guaranteed to work btw.

If you have money, you can have women. Also remember this: there is someone who is uglier than you who has a gf. There is someone who is dumber than you who has a gf. There is someone who is poorer than you who has a gf. There is someone who is shorter than you who has a gf. There is someone who is more awkward than you who has a gf. Don't stress it.

>> No.12278212

Cringe. Grow some balls will ya

>> No.12278249

>my daddy has a cushy job for me with no responsibilities
>hur poorfag
>dur spiritually dead
>hur muh vision
I hope this is bait.

>> No.12278276

Getting your dick sucked isn't going to undo years of misery and humiliation.

You will just know the misery of the cynical pickup artist.
>Wha-what's all this anon? D-did you lie to me?
>You're a lowlife! Goodbye!
>I feel empty and sick... but at least I know what a vagina is like!

>> No.12278287

>work as a legal assistant for a few years
>get into law school
>hate it
>drop out
>no one gets why you'd do that
>now i pretend like none of it ever happened because i hate having to try to explain it

>> No.12278329

>Getting your dick sucked isn't going to undo years of misery and humiliation.
Nothing will. You should not seek reconciliation, but rather reactivation.

>You will just know the misery of the cynical pickup artist.
>Wha-what's all this anon? D-did you lie to me?
>You're a lowlife! Goodbye!
>I feel empty and sick... but at least I know what a vagina is like!
These are the rules of the game these days. The world is one big brothel. Sorry you were born into such a shitty age but that's how it is. Don't mutilate reality with delusions. You've got to keep a level head.

Don't expect morality, love, happy endings, or some transcendental epicenter of values. There is only one rule that all of the guys at the top live by: "Fuck or be fucked". Live by that. Because that is the substratum that the whole modern world is built upon; that is the energy that is pulsating underneath everything; everything is nothing but a manifestation of this single idée fixe: "fuck or be fucked."

>> No.12278338

>law school = money and prestige
>money and prestige = happy
>no go to law school?? do money and prestige not =happy!=&@@>=3( does not compute

It runs counter to NPC thinking to do that.

>> No.12278346

because it requires expensive graduate training and anyone can get into it so there's no money in it
a job for kids who want to be seen as successful but aren't smart enough for med school, autistic enough for CS, or brave enough to strike their own path.

>> No.12278377

If "fuck or be fucked" is the lone operating principle of humankind then we're hardly better than beasts and nothing matters. Not that I particularly disagree with your post.

A reality un-"mutilated" by religion or something like Kantian ideal of morality is itself a wastelandic mutilated reality.

>> No.12278385


also, everyone here should read The Kreuzer Sonata.

>> No.12278439

I dropped out of law school to follow me dream about a writer and since then I've deleted hundreds of thousands of words and tried to kill myself

I'll let you know the book for that feel when I'm done

>> No.12278478

What's the fucking point then

>> No.12278492

It's okay man.. Give yourself a break sometimes.

imagine being a medieval guy whose job was to shovel shit everyday. Being a writer, even a failed one, is pretty glorious. So is being NEET.

>> No.12278534
File: 85 KB, 1200x630, epictetus-quote-lbr4z1k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If "fuck or be fucked" is the lone operating principle of humankind then we're hardly better than beasts and nothing matters
Yes, I'm not sure if I successfully communicated the idea that by "fuck or be fucked" I am speaking to the principle of Fucking as opposed to strictly the sexual act. "fuck people over or be fucked over" as ethos etc. Not sure if you are commenting on that or not since the critique of us being "hardly better than beasts" applies I guess to both the reduction life to a struggle against others as well as the reduction of life to one "sex-crazed" search for the next lay.

>A reality un-"mutilated" by religion or something like Kantian ideal of morality is itself a wastelandic mutilated reality.
I was speaking more to the mutilation that is the idea that salvation is at all possible (salvation and rectification as principles are impossible period). As to whether a reality devoid of religion or transcendentally based morality is a mutilation I disagree with, but understand your position and what you're saying. Pretty fucked situation either way, eh?

If you are attractive and/or rich? Indulge while you can. If you aren't? Well, Epictetus knew what was up.

Or, as a last ditch effort, you can try to transmute existence into art/aesthetics which would be a way of circumventing the catastrophe of everyday life. But it would have to be a hopeless action that finds its justification and rest in the act of itself alone.

>> No.12278548

I know basically nothing about law school but I do know firms don't just hire lawyers straight out of school and throw them on cases? You typically have to almost work for free/intern for a while.

>> No.12278804

He should probably go back to school. Fucking narc shit that wants a job at my firm?

I don't need your body of ethics that you're likely to tell me about when you're half a fag thinking about blue prints and dick photos on twitter. That's a hard pass with your interview.

>> No.12278829

Not necessarily.

The worst fucking possible thing you could do is say you want to do something else.

>I want to be an architect

Yeah bye. You should do that while I eat turnips on Jupiter and go fuck myself like you are 1005, doing the shit out of.

>> No.12278858


Apparently in the supermarket.
Same place she will get a boyfriend.

>> No.12280118
