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12276669 No.12276669[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

who is objectively the most brainlet philosopher?

>> No.12276687


>> No.12276692

im not a philosopher, retard

>> No.12276704

Fuck off plebein scum

>> No.12276764

Having a good time, newfag/s?

>> No.12276777

plato or descartes

>> No.12276802

Did you join 4chan in ‘06 or something you fucking habboraiding funnyjunker?

>> No.12276804

Imagine being this new and thinking you're not


>> No.12276807
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what are you even doing? Ortega y Gasset is the worst one.

>> No.12276812

>habboraiding funnyjunker

>> No.12276816
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Marx, obviously

>> No.12276825

>Strawman a little harder there chief.

Stirner or Rand

>> No.12276840

If Keynesianism is so good then why has it consistently failed to stop capitalism from going into crisis?

>> No.12276854

because thats part of its natural cycle

>> No.12276860


>> No.12276880

Keynesianism is hilarious. I literally hate most popular economists. If you get into the scientific side of economics like the Lausanne school or Game Theory, you start seeing the rewards of studying economics, and you start seeing a grander picture of how people function and how prices and wealth are determined within an economic system.

Unfortunately for Keynes, he fundamentally doesn’t understand anything ever. He makes some mistakes in his equations and terminology and tosses his word salad around like it was nothing. Keynes is the opposite of Hayek but they are both unbearingly mediocre with a few Golden insights on how an economy SHOULD work.

If you want to actually respect economics, read the scientific stuff. Otherwise, don’t even bother.

>> No.12276896

Nick land

>> No.12276909

Pessimists, theologians and other Christian apologia shyte

>> No.12276923
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Carl Yung, you might know him as Carl HUNG

>> No.12276929

lmao I remember creating this image like 9 years ago

>> No.12276930

economic realism is cringe as fuck my dude

>> No.12276935

What does Economic realism mean

>> No.12276936

>doesn't know how to use greentext
tumblr refugee spotted

>> No.12276939

why do empiricists meme the austrian school of economics

do they not see the irony

>> No.12276945

Derrida, covers his lack of insights with obscurantism

>> No.12276957


how to spot the pseud

>> No.12276958

>Can't even use greentext properly

>> No.12276960

>pseud calling others pseuds
You're the pseud king now

>> No.12276962

I can already tell you're winding up to say some dumbass shit.

>> No.12276969

lmao me too

>> No.12276971


>> No.12276972

rather be a king than a peasant

>> No.12276975

>It's impossible to find a reason to live
>Let that be your reason

>> No.12276978

If you actually take the conclusions "scientific" economics presents us with then you will just help accelerate the destruction of the environment and encourage mass consumerist ideology. Basically, you need to stop caring about profit (regardless of how important profit is to the current economic paradigm) because it is morally, spiritually, psychology, and socially reprehensible.

>> No.12276985

Daniel Dennett.

>> No.12277148

> then you will just help accelerate the destruction of the environment and encourage mass consumerist ideology
There are certain sectors of the economy that do this more than other. Economics is not simply about making a profit, it is just analyzing the way things operate in an economy. You can take these findings and try to help make the world a better place. That’s how ideologies like Georgism evolved

>> No.12277154


>> No.12277158

>Catholic posting

>> No.12277160

Dumb, probably ugly
Correct, probably a beautiful soul

>> No.12277161

yeah dont kid yourself dude.

>> No.12277173

people who really think theyre redpilled by the austrians are hilariously shortsighted, just like autistic faggots cringe/unaware enough to call themselves "Mencius Moldbug" publicly

>> No.12277177

? Don’t be that retarded bud

>> No.12277198

there’s no such thing as scientific economics

>> No.12277199

Rousseau or Montaigne

>> No.12277223

Objectively, it's Ayn Rand. She was willfully ignorant of any philosophy that wasn't done by Nietzsche or Aristotle. She didn't engage with any of her contemporaries even when she assumed she had the answers to every difficult and well-trod problem. It's like a some random guy on the street thinking he's an accomplished physicist without knowing what relativity is. Her influence is that of a cult leader, and sadly this cult continues to induct members to this day.

She is one of the few thinkers that I can safely say the world would be better without.

>> No.12277231

There objectively is. And it’s not Keynesianism or Austrian school, that’s for sure

>> No.12277234

What part of her ideas are wrong?

>> No.12277236


>> No.12277241

Also, for any philosopher you disagree with, no matter how much you disagree you can at least say they've advanced the conversation and got the opposite side to refine their arguments. Not so with Rand. Even anything she's inspired philosophers to be more dismissive.

>> No.12277342

The issue isn't even that she's wrong. It's that her arguments are completely worthless, not philosophically interesting, do not contribute anything to the debate besides further obfuscation.

Take her proposed solution to the is-ought problem for example. The is one of the foundational problems of ethics so when someone says they have a solution, you must expect a robust argument. Rand essentially just declares it a false dichotomy without providing a proper argument. You can denounce it as a pseudo-problem, that's a possible move - but only IF you have an argument. She just assumes from the outset a MORAL claim, which is that the only good is that which allows you to survive, and since the two are inseparable the problem is meaningless. This is flagrantly circular, leaving aside how vague and uninformative that principle is. She didn't bother arguing why this should be true, and furthermore it's completely useless as an ethical principle (especially when the problem has nothing to do with anyone's immediate survival).

The biggest issue is that all of this is tied up with her completely baseless system, and you need lots of time on your hands to pick apart every bad metaphysical argument she makes. The worst part is that you could make a cogent argument for the things she believes, but she makes no attempt to do so and is thus worthless.

>> No.12277365

bertrand russell basically just said a bunch of retarded shit and tried to prove logical constructs based off of logical constructs. he's everything that i hate about analytics

>> No.12277509

There is nothing scientific about economics no matter how much mathematical obscurantism is utilized. Show one reproducible experiment. Past data has been analyzed to develop economic theories but it is not scientific.

>> No.12277564

Follow up. Sorry dude, I'll have to check out: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Experimental_economics

>> No.12277571

Aquinas, Augustine, Kant in that order of gay retarded brainlets with high verbal iq

>> No.12277577

lol this is trash and has been shown to be not even vaguely as rigorous as the hard sciences by economists, most economics doesn’t replicate or is woefully underpowered. Its not at all compatible with the word science.

>> No.12277608

explain wjhy stupid fuckhead

>> No.12277626

God isn’t real, reason is an incoherent concept and so is phenomena and noumena, categorical imperative is evolutionarily selected against and unproductive, being a goblin is a moral crime against the fitness of the species.

>> No.12277639

You post the same shit over and over. I post what I read and you post Wikipedia articles.

I’m wondering what kind of books you read?

>> No.12278198
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>It's that her arguments are completely worthless, not philosophically interesting, do not contribute anything to the debate besides further obfuscation.
The Objectivitist Theory of Concepts says hi.

>> No.12278210

My diary desu

>> No.12278242

He’s alluding to the fact that the Austrians treat economics a priori.

>> No.12278256


>> No.12279208

t. hume

>> No.12279267

Tbh she doesn't seem to have read Aristotle or Nietzsche. I think she read Russell's HOWP and shitposted from there, convincing only people who also haven't read any philosophy either

>> No.12279358

How has no one said singer yet? Easily the biggest retard to ever write “philosophy.” Also, people who lump stirner in with rand deserve the rope