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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 286 KB, 1052x1600, Alfred-Eisenstaedt_Gustav-Klimt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12275241 No.12275241 [Reply] [Original]

Adam and Eve. Odysseus and Penelope. Paris and Helen. Orpheus and Eurydice. Marcus Antonius and Cleopatra. Hadrian and Antinous. Jesus and Magdalene. Tristan and Isolde. Aberlard and Heloise. Dante and Beatrice. Petrarch and Laura. (These last two are not completely lovers, but also valid). Romeo and Juliet. Quixote and Dulcinea. Faust and Gretchen. Napoleon and Josephine. Washington and Lincoln. Newton, Descartes and Leibniz 3-way. Humbert and Lolita. Percey and Mary Shelley. Pierre and Marie Curie. Cobain and Courtney. Molly and Sam. Jack and Sally. Ennis and Jack. Joaquin Phoenix and Gentoo...

This is very /lit/ but there are also films and maybe someone could defend videogames.

>> No.12275255

You and I :)

>> No.12275475

Me on the left
Also, Beren and Luthien

>> No.12275535

Van and Lucette

>> No.12275545

Troilus and Cressida

>> No.12275630

Christ and His Bride

>> No.12275645 [DELETED] 

>Jesus and Magdalene.

>> No.12275659

Shasta Fey and Doc Sportello

>> No.12276766


>> No.12276776

what's the pic from

>> No.12276838
File: 177 KB, 499x658, 1539544574269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Werther and Charlotte.

>> No.12276906

desu yoko should be on there.

>> No.12278485

popola and devola

>> No.12278495

Rinaldo and Armida

>> No.12278516
File: 100 KB, 700x466, 1494656348144276473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some brute sexually harrasing random nurse in public
>this is somehow considered (((""""romantic""""")))

>> No.12278539

love is only a form of sexual harassment sublimed.

>> No.12278540

Soren and Regine

>> No.12278544

You mean Dante and Gemma?

>> No.12278549

Marcus Aurelius and his right hand?

>> No.12278550

Deleuze and Guattari

>> No.12278571

Could these sensations make me feel the pleasures of a normal man

>> No.12278577

Adolf and Eva

>> No.12278583

>Jesus and Magdalene
Stopped reading there. Your discounted, false pseudo-gospels were rejected as fraudulent centuries ago, long before Dan Brown dragged them from the grave to give crypto-credence to his idiotic myth.

>> No.12278589


>> No.12278591

Me and your mom

>> No.12278592

Because I love you.

>> No.12278604

Venus and Adonis

>> No.12278810


>> No.12279085


>> No.12279821 [DELETED] 

This is not /his/. Most of the couples in the original post are from fiction. And you mention Dan Brown. Nikos Kazantzakis was publishing The Last Temptation even before Dan Brown was born. But that doesn't matter, as you say, this ideas come from the Gnostic texts not considered as gospels by the Church. If you wouldn't stopped there you could have seen that not only actual couples were taken into account. As you can clearly read, it was included Dante and Beatrice >>12278544
but Dante was married with Gemma, so why Beatrice? Because in his poetry (if you read the Divine Comedy) Beatrice was praised in an impressive way as a product of a pure, ideal and powerful love. And Dante gives her such prominence in such a masterpiece of literature, having only seen Beatrice once in her childhood or two, or even having invented her completely. With Dante proclaiming that in the book he had said of her "what no man has ever said of a woman".

Beatrice, from latin Beatrix, means "bringer of joy", and maybe Dante himself chose this name to mean "the blessed one" for her to symbolize faith and to turn her into a heavenly guide and protector. Because at the end he want us to accept the fervent harmony and deep peace of The Heaven. And this may be like the way Jesus loved humanity, or like when you mention Magdalene, to show the way she loved Him unidirectionally, the way any woman could love the savior, because the most profound joy a bride can have is when her husband is The Lord and makes her heart devoted to religion and away from the snake and his sins.

I understand you, that with all the people in all the stories ever told, all the kings and prophets and men of God, all of them were just human beings like you and me or maybe with the grace of God or the Holy Spirit, but Jesus no, he was not simply an human being, he was the Son of God, The Lord. I don't know and perhaps no academic can ever know what Jesus experienced or felt as a divine being but temporarily taking the form of the flesh. And i undestand that this vision of Jesus getting off the cross and having sons is unacceptable. Dan Brown only focus on this and is very profitable, but Nikos more than this wished to focus in asking how was that hard battle between the flesh and the spirit, in what could had been to carry that cross of having to save of the humanity, of having to set the new covenant of God with man. Asking himself if that young man ever felt afraid, if ever felt too weak for accomplish his mission, if he ever was close to regret everything and fail to his father. But this literary exploration is also discounted, is false, is a pseudo-gospel (false pseud is double negation) rejected by the modern Church too. I don't know if you consider The Illiad as and idiotic myth too, but clearly is a pagan tale and you didn't stop reading right there. Well, i don't know if i understand love, let alone of what can i know of your undestanding of what love is.

>> No.12279827

This is not /his/. Most of the couples in the original post are from fiction. And you mention Dan Brown. Nikos Kazantzakis was publishing The Last Temptation even before Dan Brown was born. But that doesn't matter, as you say, this ideas come from the Gnostic texts not considered as gospels by the Church. If you wouldn't stopped there you could have seen that not only actual couples were taken into account. As you can clearly read, it was included Dante and Beatrice >>12278544
but Dante was married with Gemma, so why Beatrice? Because in his poetry (if you read the Divine Comedy) Beatrice was praised in an impressive way as a product of a pure, ideal and powerful love. And Dante gives her such prominence in such a masterpiece of literature, having only seen Beatrice once in her childhood or two, or even having invented her completely. With Dante proclaiming that in the book he had said of her "what no man has ever said of a woman".

Beatrice, from latin Beatrix, means "bringer of joy", and maybe Dante himself chose this name to mean "the blessed one" for her to symbolize faith and to turn her into a heavenly guide and protector. Because at the end he want us to accept the fervent harmony and deep peace of The Heaven. And this may be like the way Jesus loved humanity, or like when you mention Magdalene, to show the way she loved Him unidirectionally, the way any woman could love the savior, because the most profound joy a bride can have is when her husband is The Lord and makes her heart devoted to religion and away from the snake and its sins.

I understand you, that with all the people in all the stories ever told, all the kings and prophets and men of God, all of them were just human beings like you and me or maybe with the grace of God or the Holy Spirit, but Jesus no, he was not simply an human being, he was the Son of God, The Lord. I don't know and perhaps no academic can ever know what Jesus experienced or felt as a divine being but temporarily taking the form of the flesh. And i undestand that this vision of Jesus getting off the cross and having sons is unacceptable. Dan Brown only focus on this and is very profitable, but Nikos more than this wished to focus in asking how was that hard battle between the flesh and the spirit, in what could had been to carry that cross of having to save of the humanity, of having to set the new covenant of God with man. Asking himself if that young man ever felt afraid, if ever felt too weak for accomplish his mission, if he ever was close to regret everything and fail to his father. But this literary exploration is also discounted, is false, is a pseudo-gospel (false pseud is double negation) rejected by the modern Church too. I don't know if you consider The Illiad as and idiotic myth too, but clearly is a pagan tale and you didn't stop reading right there. Well, i don't know if i understand love, let alone of what can i know of your undestanding of what love is.

>> No.12281333
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>> No.12281403
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>Mentioning Romeo and Juliet but overlooking Pyramus and Thisbe
>Not including Pygmalion and Galatea (artist and art, incel and waifu and much more)
>No Rimbaud and Verlaine, the quintessential /lit/ pairing

>> No.12281425

>Adam and Eve
Literally why? Genesis is barely a story of Adam and Eve's love. Stop trying to appeal to Christians; at least stop pandering. There are way better lovers in the Bible than fucking Adam and Eve.

>> No.12281433

Ruth and Naomi?

>> No.12281435

Hermaphroditus and Salmacis

>> No.12281452
File: 145 KB, 305x336, wallace4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better pairing than literally the first two living humans.

>> No.12282222

>Pyramus and Thisbe
>Pygmalion and Galatea
Nice, pardon my lack of culture
>Rimbaud and Verlaine
Was about to include them but they ended hating each other, but now i think why not? Does love ought to be forever?

>> No.12282600

>Marcus Antonius and Cleopatra
>Hadrian and Antinous
>Napoleon and Josephine

>> No.12282625 [DELETED] 

Quentin and Candance.

>dat incest

>> No.12282649

Sid and Nancy, Phil and Bryann Hartman, Bonnie and Clyde, Johnny Cash and June Carter come to mind.

>> No.12282657

adam and steve

>> No.12282676

Jesus and Mary
The only real answer. All the other answers are merely imperfect pictures of this one.

>> No.12282719

You mean Ruth and Boaz? You better mean Ruth and Boaz.

>> No.12282731

Me and (you)

>> No.12282739

Kids from his dark materials. Two lovers from different dimensions who beat the greatest odds imaginable and still lose.

>> No.12282747

Do you even feel bad posting this utter shit under a trip? I bet not. That is how far gone your brain is.

>> No.12282808

All I want for Christmas is (You)

>> No.12283160

Oedipus and Jocasta

>> No.12283516

Orpheus and Eurydice


Or me and my ex.

Recommend me lost love core /lit/

>> No.12283628

Watching the reel as it comes to a close, brutally taking its time...

>> No.12284261
File: 172 KB, 800x729, 1522393657740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tiberius and Vipsania

In order for Augustus to produce an heir, he forced Livia's son Tiberius, who would become the next emperor of Rome, to divorce his wife Vipsania in order to marry Julia, Augustus' daughter. From SPQR, "One one occasion after their divorce Tiberius is said to have caught sight of Vipsania by chance, and it brought tears to his eyes; his minders made sure that he never saw her again."

>> No.12285021
File: 1.76 MB, 1724x3000, D507402E-51F2-4829-B40A-69CEAE009CDB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Echo and Narcissus

the saddest love story ever written even more so considering its simplicity yet intriguing tale.

>> No.12285187

Pyramus and Thisbe, which is the basis for Romeo and Juliet

>> No.12285360

Most if the Romance “Couples” in the Metamorphosis desu

>> No.12285645

Which Mary? The sister of Martha and Lazarus or Mary Magdalene?

>> No.12285676

pretty sure he means the ship backed up by several ancient traditions (including the gospel of John)

>> No.12285818

'Echo' is such a lovely name.

>> No.12286093


Neither Jesus nor his apostles said anything about any text having authority over an other, or any authority in general. Leas of all on the criteria on which the Canon was compiled. In fact, contempt for History and anality is a common denominator of the Canon, the Apocrypha, the Nag Hammadi, the Dead Sea Scrolls, and everything in between.

>> No.12286114

That or Hero and Leander.

>> No.12286748

but only if it prounced as ‘ch’ not as a ‘k’ desu

>> No.12286824

Beren and Lúthien

>> No.12286832

They're the same person desu

>> No.12287580

What are the best ancient greek and latin mythology names for a girl?

>> No.12287642

Ishmael and Ahab (unrequited)

>> No.12287742

moby and dick
van and halen
tristam and shandy
you and yer ma

>> No.12288580

>no further replies


>> No.12288881

For most literature I find it more interesting when the girl loves but the guy isn’t reciprocal about it, modtly because it seems so alien and unlike most story telling.

>> No.12288908
File: 63 KB, 896x617, Gaius & Aulus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gaius and Aulus, of course!

>> No.12288916

Best answer in the thread

>> No.12288926

yeah more 'gayus and analust'

>> No.12289494


>> No.12289502


>> No.12290943

Adam and Lilith

>> No.12291315

Cupid and Psyche

>> No.12292334
File: 28 KB, 540x307, nollorespormi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12292398

What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.12292401

Oh, so not like the dolphin?

>> No.12292444

Guts and Donovan

>> No.12292690

Me and the girl reading this

>> No.12294348

kys, you will never be happy

>> No.12294438

Achilles and Patroclus

>> No.12295647


>> No.12295656


aww :3

>> No.12295666

Are you so insecure the tiny bit of wit there got you triggered? Or are you just projecting, seeing yourself in his post and wallowing in your own self-hate the pussy way by shitting on him instead?

>> No.12296075


Still nothing! Pants-around-ankles-cowards.

>> No.12296535
