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12274797 No.12274797 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: post books i can jack off to

>> No.12274831

dude after reading de sade I realized fascists aint too bad after all society needs to be cleaned up

>> No.12274843
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>> No.12275790

Been on Gutenberg's top downloads list for a decade.

>> No.12275796

>Instead of which, her lascivious touches had lighted up a new fire that wantoned through all my veins, but fixed with violence in that center appointed them by nature, where the first strange hands were now busied in feeling, squeezing, compressing the lips, then opening them again, with a finger between, till an "Oh!" expressed her hurting me, where the narrowness of the unbroken passage refused it entrance to any depth.

In the meantime, the extension of my limbs, languid stretching, sighs, short heavings, all conspired to as-ure that experienced wanton that I was more pleased than offended at her proceedings, which she seasoned with repeated kisses and exclamations, such as "Oh! what a charming creature thou art! What a happy man will he be that first makes a woman of you! Oh! that I were a man for your sake!" with the like broken expressions, interrupted by kisses as fierce and salacious as ever I received from the other sex.

>> No.12276445
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>> No.12276590
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>> No.12276608

Gravity’s Rainbow

>> No.12276643

Story of the Eye
Madam Eduarda
The Dead Man

>> No.12276670

The peak of European power and dominance over the planet was in the middle of the 19th century. The recession from this peak was due to internal -rather than external- forces, although I'd submit that these were not inevitable. This period saw the rise of social organizations which -satisfied with conquering the planet- saw the next project to perfect the morality of their nations, eventually leading to civil rights and independence movements.

The mistaken ideal of moral perfection has led to multiculturalism and massive economic opportunity loses: the slippery slope has proven all too real as voting rights have led to a creep towards all manner of dubious rights (E.G. being called by a preferred pronoun.) From a cultural perspective, not every country is equal, and technological advances allowed Europe to dominate the world, before morality encouraged to give up their holdings.

A central dogma of Conservatism is that society and the individual should be moral, but the most dominant empires at their peak, throughout history were far from moral... and it is this contradiction which I consider to be the blindspot which will doom efforts towards the preservation of White European culture. Society doesn't fall apart because it lacks a defined morality, but because it dogmatically clings to ideals which no longer apply to its current situation.

The argument against a White identity is political correctness, although this is not politically motivated, at all, but moral. The solution to this isn't liberalism, conservatism or libertarianism, but in a pragmatic version of libertinism (De Sade failed to resolve the contradiction where the goals of numerous libertines would clash- there have to be winners and losers.)