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/lit/ - Literature

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12274757 No.12274757 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of Austen?

>> No.12274763

a fucking thot. should have got brutally raped and dismembered before writing her books

>> No.12274785

A sweetheart, and a filter. True lovers of literature appreciate Austen. She btfo's all the pseuds with her sincerity and reminder to us all about what literature is truly about.

>> No.12274789

The /lit/ response to Austen is proof, if proof were needed, that /lit/ is tumblr for angry teenage boys
>the identity of the author is offensive to me
>I can't relate to the characters
>the plot doesn't go anywhere

>> No.12274791

I don't know, what do you think?

>> No.12274794
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>> No.12274796

one of the best writers of all time

>> No.12274811

I usually can't stand female writers but I love her books. They're really comfy

>> No.12274832

Just finished P&P, only Austen I've read:

prose is bombastic (better than any OC I've read here) - ironic and sardonic, which was appreciated; choice of subject matter is a matter of personal preference - probably for the autistic-male dominated clergy of this board it's hanging around the wrong neighbourhood.

It's Lite, but I thought it was great.

>> No.12274842

first post best post

>> No.12274944

Comfy. Her and other Victorian/18th century writers like Dickens are peak comfort. Love her! Not my favorite, but her books are good.

>> No.12276039

Invented the realist novel

>> No.12276062
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>a virgin who never married
So this is what being an incel does to your brain.

>> No.12276097

I read and enjoyed Pride and Prejudice.

>> No.12276111


The Bible invented the realist novel.

>> No.12276170

Came here to rag on PnP.
I was mostly plodding through it and it was kinda ridiculous with little happening at all.
Then I got to the end and Darcy just walks in and asks her to marry himor something and I didn't see it coming.
I don't know if I competely missed it, but it seemed there was no chemistry between them.
Just them meeting at parties and not realy liking one another, then wham.
What the fuck am I missing?

>> No.12276543

I don't like her. But her books make good movies. I like the Bronte sisters.

>> No.12276619

Fuck you

>> No.12276676

what a cute wojak, I want to lick her

>> No.12276680

The hardest author I've yet read. Someone like McCarthy is at least esoteric enough you really want to put in the effort because it *feels* like a challenge. But if you don't get Austen there's not a lot of personal motivation, just the universal acclaim she receives.

>> No.12276861

really wish /pol/ and /r9k/ posters would stay on their own boards...

>> No.12276902

>I was mostly plodding through it and it was kinda ridiculous with little happening at all.

Literally every chapter forwards the plot.

>Then I got to the end and Darcy just walks in and asks her to marry himor something and I didn't see it coming.
>Just them meeting at parties and not realy liking one another, then wham.
>What the fuck am I missing?

You not actually reading the book is what's missing.

>> No.12277389

Girls who read and genuinely appreciate her works are often very sweet and romantic.

>> No.12277455

based and agreedpilled

>> No.12277465

The end of Jane Eyre she goes off on this random religious tangent
kind of ruined it for me desu

>> No.12277879

I would have loved to be her secret lesbian lover desu

>> No.12277942
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Know the author before you sparknote a novel, retard.

>> No.12277966

What do you mean sparknote?
I've only read Jane Eyre.
Also I would be disappointed if authors expected that you research their philosophies before reading their work.
Does the OP specify that we've had to have read more than one of her books?
Fecking yanker piss off cheers mate.

>> No.12277986

What does Jane Eyre has to do with Jane Austen , you fuckin wank stain.

>> No.12278251

I've never read her work because it comes off as feminine to an abhorrent degree.

>> No.12278258


>> No.12278289

oh fuck i always thought that was austen
I'm an idiot

>> No.12278318

>this is the kind of person that posts on /lit/

>> No.12278330
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>> No.12278401

It's okay, forgive me for being rude, Ily <3

Merry Christmas :)

>> No.12278508

Are we just making random claims now?
>Dante invented the psychological thriller
>Cervantes invented erotic fan fiction

>> No.12278704

Literally every chapter in P&P is working towards Darcy and Liz getting engaged, it's one of the most tightly plotted novels ever written.
But I think your post reveals much about why Austen is under appreciated here. Her books are about social interaction and how relationships develop, it's like a deaf person reading a book about music

>> No.12278811

I don't usually read books with f*male characters in it, don't know how I'd go with a f*moid author