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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 209 KB, 2518x1024, dostol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12274365 No.12274365 [Reply] [Original]

Refute this

>> No.12274368


>> No.12274380

Dostoevksy wrote The Brothers Karamazov.

>> No.12274444

nah it should be
>the virgin antiwestern westerner vs the chad russian

>> No.12274452

Tolstoy died without dignity or sanity or love. Faggot.

>> No.12274453
File: 96 KB, 1200x478, QMseS1e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Refute this

>> No.12274460
File: 275 KB, 2518x1024, 1542132368946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Refute this.

>> No.12274487

> Good thing
> Bad thing

I don't get it, there's not even a punchline of you do it like this

> "Rode the Tiger" by acting like a degenerate, sired out of wedlock children and would then deny he was the father

Would word-by-word belong on the Chad page.

This one is good

>> No.12274489 [SPOILER] 
File: 80 KB, 506x571, 1545589421255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

refute this. you can't

>> No.12274494

>there's not even a punchline of you do it like this

yeah this format has somehow reversed into a parody of itself.

>> No.12274539

This is why I come to /lit/

>> No.12274552
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>> No.12274556
File: 128 KB, 768x768, Rm8GY5nWdjPBXEv48yTcngMecKJjqijyrDF8XASdLx4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since we're posting irrefutable things...

>> No.12274573

This is actually correct. It's why paying dowry was a thing.

>> No.12274581

i unironically agree with this. its not that having a daughter is inherently cucked, but sending her to public school where she will be degraded and taught that she must be a slut, then to college so she can get a train ran on her for 4 years is cucked to hell and back. and thats the typical way a daughter is raised in the 21st century

>> No.12274586
File: 499 KB, 500x213, 1387363408623.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

logical. rational.

>> No.12274601 [SPOILER] 
File: 506 KB, 693x422, 1545591065750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

refute this

>> No.12274639

reddit is what distorted the format you fag

>> No.12274643
File: 338 KB, 500x497, virgin_analytic_chad_continental.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Refute this.

>> No.12274700

>came from aristocracy
how's that chad or virgin?

>> No.12274708

Tolstoy felt guilty for fucking his wife. He was most likely a homosexual.

>> No.12274712


>> No.12274718

The only thing more cucked than having a daughter is having a homosexual son. Think about it.

>> No.12274725

You will also don't "enjoy" your son. Are you retarded? You don't fuck your own offspring.

>> No.12274730

>he doesn't marry his daughters off to suitable men to secure trade rights and land concessions
Not having children at all is the ultimate cuck. You are writing yourself out

>> No.12274837
File: 454 KB, 1503x1614, TEKKEN 3 IS THE BEST TEKKEN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Refute this.

>> No.12274915

that's not so much cucked as just... a disgrace

this is the only good refutation, although in today's world I don't know how actual it is

>> No.12274971

Inspiring non-violent protests instead of violent protests that force actual change is pretty fucking gay.

>> No.12274998
File: 694 KB, 1800x1159, 775032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regardless of actual dowries etc, being the patriarch of a large extended family is masculinity's final form, and having daughters (and thus gaining son-in-laws) in part of that

>> No.12275031

all these threads are started by insecure ass nerds gassed up by nabokov's shitty opinions.

>> No.12275044

The dude's Old Testimant. Women and children are of the slave class.

>> No.12275048

Can we stop with these shitty threads? Tolstoy is the heir to Homer, Dostoevsky the heir to Shakespeare. Both are great in their own right, and anyone who truly loves literature should have a strong appreciate of both authors.

>> No.12275063

People are still missing the point of the virgin vs chad meme i see.

>> No.12275071
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>> No.12275102

>shitty low-class american mentality
>he doesn't exert great influence on who his daughter gives her virginity and hand in marriage to.
>he doesn't make sure to put the chilling fear (of what may come from divorce) into the son-in-law
>he doesn't consider the son-in-law as an adoptive son who will serve as a second loins, by proxy, to bring about more children and more power
>he doesn't even consider her happiness in all of this
A miserable pleb edited that image.

>> No.12275125

>aristocrat larping
you're not fooling anyone

>> No.12275155

Pushkin is the one true chad.
A quarter nigger - becomes the GOAT russian writer.
Inspires all of them
Takes part in friggin gunfights before all those fake gangsta hip hop retards in america.
Translators worldwide still cant capture the greatness of his writing.

>> No.12275424
File: 252 KB, 2518x1024, chadoc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took the time to make some oc

>> No.12275501

or it was just, you know, a joke

>> No.12275601

>get shot in the chest after a gun duel fighting for his wife’s honour
How epic is that?
Definitely not a cuck

>> No.12275612

I agree.

This is Mark Fisher:
I'm glad that philistine is dead.

>> No.12275628

The "cucked" part makes it seem like the guy who made this is a pedo.

>> No.12275634

This. The only not-cucked solution is to have regular sex with your daughters.

>> No.12275637

they're both fags who no one would have ever read again if it wasn't for adolescents misinterpreting their alienation as a jewish scheme

>> No.12275667

Funny how hardcore leftists are always some of the biggest consumers of netflix/spotify and mass market entretainment in general

>> No.12275719

yeah funny how dem commies have le iphones right my fellow magapede xD

>> No.12275749

Im not saying it in that meme way, i mean its funny they enjoy the same kind of meaningless media that someone like adorno would despice

>> No.12275805

lucky you don't have to agree with 100% of things Adorno said to be a lefty

>> No.12276241

based tekken 3 poster

>> No.12276269

>the deputy grand master and historiographer of the order of cuckolds
>a chad

surely you're joking anon

>> No.12276305

Nick Land is more obsessed with numerology than with actual math

>> No.12276881

More of these please