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12272090 No.12272090 [Reply] [Original]

>no phones, television or computers
>no women
>no drugs (including alcohol)
>lots of books to read

Is this the key to becoming a great writer?

>> No.12272109

you forgot about actually writing

it's like that joke about God and the lottery ticket

>> No.12272119

Those were obviously the conditions to place before actually writing.

>> No.12272127

everyone in that pic drank like a mofo
they surely spent more time drinking than reading,

>> No.12272129

That’s not true at all.

>> No.12272467

yes drugs

>> No.12272476

Better be smoking cigs at least

>> No.12272479

kissing cute boys

>> No.12272534

>implying good authors didn’t use drugs
Faulkner was an alcoholic
Hemingway drank too
Deleuze smoked weed
Jean-Paul Sartre used mescaline
Foucault used lsd
And Nietzsche smoked opium

>> No.12272541

I didn’t imply that at all. He said all of the people in the pic drank. You’ve completely shifted the issue. You have a weak mind.

>> No.12272549

those are all horrible authors, funny isn't it

>> No.12272552


Yes, read Kaczynski and then Ellul.

>> No.12272561

literally all of these authors fucking suck

>> No.12272579

Obviously I was addressing the statement made in the OP. You’re just mad that I (you)’d your post and made you look dumb becuase Nietzsche partook in drugs. (Namely opium, but he was known to drink as well). Only the last line of my post was aimed at you. Furthermore, you type like a conceited nigger. Please off yourself

>> No.12272601


>> No.12272843

>everyone in that pic drank
>No they didn't
>but these unrelated authors did
>So what?

>> No.12272889

>no drugs (including alcohol)
I'm practically straight edge and still feel like a lifeless retard compared to everyone. I'm almost jealous of drunks even though I've never even made an attempt to drink

>> No.12272906

All dogshit except Nietzsche, and he's extremely overrated.

>> No.12272910

Schopenhauer drank, Socrates/Plato drank and fucked underaged boys, Hegel drank, don't know about Schelling or Kant (would assume no for Kant, though that's not Kant), Nietzsche smoked hashish and opium. Joyce drank, Melville drank, Fitzgerald drank and smoked, DFW drank and smoked, Dostoyevsky drank, Borgias almost certainly drank being a Latin. Most notable authors drank, smoked cigarettes, whored, and dabbled in various substances. Pynchon did acid, weed, cocaine, speed etc as did Burroughs.

>> No.12272913

all of those authors sucked

>> No.12272916

You suck.

>> No.12272918

Ok faggot whatever you say

>> No.12272928

worth mentioning poets almost universally drink, smoke and whore (and are often homos). Shakespeare was a very heavy drinker, its safe to assume that Dante drank as well considering his cultural background and the time period he lived in. Trakl was a coke head and drank, Rimbaud drank heavily, Yeats drank

>> No.12273453

Aquinas smoked crack

>> No.12273460

Both objectively bad writers.

>> No.12273462

Plotinus snorted cocaine

>> No.12273490

husserl was addicted to horse tranquilizer

>> No.12273534

Funny how everybody in this thread is trying to cope with their durg-addiction by "but.. but... he did it too and he is a great author hurdurrduu"

>inb4 Homer snorted coke from a horse's ass

>> No.12273543


What's the joke?

>> No.12273553

god buys a winning lottery ticket and gets a billion dollars, then he says whoever writes really good stories while high on drugs will get all the money as a prize. it's actually not a joke, it's a true story

>> No.12273564

John, who was in financial difficulty, walked into a church and started to pray. ''Listen God,'' John said. ''I know I haven't been perfect but I really need to win the lottery. I don't have a lot of money. Please help me out.'' He left the church, a week went by, and he hadn't won the lottery, so he walked into a synagogue. ''Come on, God,'' he said. ''I really need this money. My mom needs surgery and I have bills to pay. Please let me win the lottery.'' He left the synagogue, a week went by, and he didn't win the lottery. So, he went to a mosque and started to pray again. ''You're starting to disappoint me, God,'' he said. ''I've prayed and prayed. If you just let me win the lottery, I'll be a better person. I don't have to win the jackpot, just enough to get me out of debt. I'll give some to charity, even. Just let me win the lottery.'' John thought this did it, so he got up and walked outside.
The clouds opened up and a booming voice said, ''John, buy a fucking lottery ticket.''

>> No.12273569

just the first arrow