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/lit/ - Literature

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12270640 No.12270640 [Reply] [Original]

>in 2018, Pewdiepie is more well read than an average litizen
How did it came to this?

>> No.12270646

Pewdipie ? He came to this by reading, unlike /lit/izens.

>> No.12270651

Fuck these are all really good books, expected him to be reading pleb shit
Good on him though

>> No.12270655

you're gay pewdiepie fuck youu

>> No.12270663

Reading books is not the same thing as understanding them.

>> No.12270664

Probably because he's young, rich, and doesn't have many actual responsibilities. Much like the greatest authors of times past.

>> No.12270677

Goddamnit, I have to like this nigga now.

>> No.12270680

Honestly I think pewds only reads to trigger /lit/
It's all just banter

>> No.12270688

It pisses me off actually. People might think I got my taste from him even though I’ve been reading Pessoa and Kierkegaard for years and have never seen one of his videos.

>> No.12270700

The only way he could be more based was if he said the n-word

>> No.12270701

Umm, think again sweetie

>> No.12270705

Buy The Unabomber Manifiesto already pewdiepie.

>> No.12270714
File: 59 KB, 510x400, church.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to admit that I never made it past the Don Juan mastrubation in Either/Or.
I like the poems, tho.

>> No.12270720

I have good news for you.

>> No.12270803


I'm kind of worried that this will just make literature popular as a fashion accessory for the video game playing crowd because Pewdiepie is reading them. They won't develop a liking or love of it through their own interests.

>> No.12270829

>Penguin Kierkegaard

Otherwise kinda based

>> No.12270905

Well he does clearly browse this board and site on a whole

>> No.12270910

Some of them might, which is more than would have otherwise

>> No.12271174

Most of /lit/ is caught up in appearance, they want to be 'literary' and that's all there's to it. They only care about playing 4chan, which is all pretense and throwaway posts of no substance (like this one). Pewdiepie just reads and enjoys books, he reads a lot more than he shows on camera, too, it seems.

>> No.12271197

Doesn't matter, reading challenging philosophy demands a kind of discipline often foreign to video game players (not that there can't be dicipline to playing video game, but it's a very different kind). So my guess is that very few will actually get to read Kierkergaard and he'll just be another namedropped unread author like he's always veen in /lit/

>> No.12271252

He shouldn't have bought Penguin editions.
Probably this to be desu

>> No.12271271
File: 56 KB, 640x640, 95765F77-3A30-4E72-8251-52DA2E714756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Pewds is browning this now just know I appreciate you bro. You’re a hilarious person and it shines through that you have a great soul. Edgar kicks ass. Your wife is the kindest woman and you’re lucky to have her.

Thank you for all the content you’ve given us and stay based.

>> No.12271309

Everything is a fashion accessory.

homo-economicus is the red pill and everything we do is unconscious signalling

>> No.12271316
File: 193 KB, 657x527, 1478716627401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shilled alfsvoid in his video
>she now has 70k plus subs

I'm genuinely convinced pewds browses this board. It's obvious he's on 4chan

>> No.12271324

>gayssoa, gayerkegaard, and dostoevsgay

>> No.12271348

he is a multimillionaire with work that isn't backbreaking or overly time consuming, so he certainly has the time to actually sit down and reflect if he chooses so. i'm a wagecuck myself with hardly any personal time, and if you resent him for getting out of the trap then you're a faggot

>> No.12271360

>have total financial security
>your only job is to turn on a camera and laugh at memes for 20 minutes a day
makes it pretty easy to have the time and energy to read shit

>> No.12271369

Pugs are honestly nothing but the most despicable abberations of nature, ugly, full of health problems, filthy and stupid. They should all be killed.

>> No.12271377

he lurked here and got all of his reading reccs from this board and /r/books which steals them from here. This board is directly responsible for what his channel is doing right now, and so is /pol/, he is just popularizing yo culcha bruh
Being perfectly honest since I am not going to respond to anymore retarded replies today: K is brainlet midwit shit, Pessoa is also brainlet midwit shit though it does require a certain sense of self to resonate with, and Dostoyevsky is classic middlebrow brainlet shit. None of it is very difficult. Literature is not very deep anon

>> No.12271389

Quite bold of him to get the Penguin edition for all three books... lol

>> No.12271395

What is some highbrow literature?

>> No.12271436
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/ourguy/ is working them in to the truth.

>> No.12271522

If it inspires even a small percentage of his viewerbase to start reading, I'm happy

>> No.12271804

Who cares what people think about you reading Kierkegaard? He's still a top tier philosopher.
That whole attitude is shit desu fampai

>> No.12271833
File: 127 KB, 1024x1024, 1545025568939m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If he seriously recommends culture of critique or anything by Kevin MacDonald I'll fly to Sweden and suck his dick right down to the base and hold it there for 10 whole seconds without coming up for air
Screencap this

>> No.12271853

Posting big boobie women doesn't make you any less homosexual, anon

>> No.12271863

Got to take one for the team

>> No.12271870

The whole "/lit/ is full of pseuds" thing is more than just a meme.

>> No.12272269

i think a better test would be how meritful is his review of these books
because any idiot can showcase books on his channel that doesn't mean anything
i have a feeling that he just skims through them or something because he struggles with even slightly difficult vocabulary words

>> No.12272396

Your honest opinion is trash. Difficulty and complexity means nothing.

>> No.12272627

trash post

>> No.12272631

this lol

you're sipping up trash juice from the same gutter

>> No.12272641

Tbh that's some patrician taste

>> No.12272648

that's an actual screenshot from his video, yes. he introduced it with something to the effect of it's important to engage with

>> No.12272754

>I read so women will see me and come to suck my dick

>> No.12272766

>posts pictures of a few books /r/literature recommended him
>/lit/: "OMG so cultured! DAE pewdiepie saved literature!" (actual quote)

>> No.12272769

I watched one of the videos and it sounded like he skimmed the book because of how many details he got wrong. I think he admitted to not having the time to read as well

>> No.12272773

William parts of Either/Or (second half) are just so fucking good.

>> No.12272779

There's no way that's not an intentional redpill

>> No.12272784

>and /r/books which steals them from here
You seem to have a big ego to think other people are stealing from you because they're recommending some of the most renowned authors of all time

>> No.12272788

Some 5 years ago literally no major literary community but lit cared about Mishima or Kierkegaard, because lit are contrarians, weebs and wannabe Christians, if anything.

>> No.12272794

I bet you think /lit/ is responsible for Stoner's resurgence in popularity too.

>> No.12272795

Sometimes I think people here read just to justify their elitism and show off how intellectual and cultured they are compared to your average Joe
Very pathetic reason to read at all

>> No.12272797

That's a very poor photoshop.

>> No.12272802

No, that's student debt crisis in the USA

>> No.12272804

When well people stop pretending this guy is fun or cool just because he said the n-word and shills /pol/ shit

>> No.12272823

>another pewdiepie post
>another dozen underages praising a meme vidya reviewer for taking a photo of "patrishoon" books
Damn, I miss it when this board was over 20 year old on average.

>> No.12272850

You only think that because you found literature from /lit/. Mishima and Kierkegaard are well known in the literature community

>> No.12272863

Are you retarded? These are some of the most popular books in the world, lit's canon is basic shit because it's informed by posturing students that've read them in high school and university.

Pewdiepie gets recommendations from his friends, youtube comments, and twitter. He doens't come here, he doesn't defer to lit's abhorrently stock taste. It just so happens that he is recommended and reads many popular authors.

>> No.12272864

I don't say they aren't well known, I say that the general community doesn't care about them more than about hundreds of authors of comparable popularity, wherefore on /lit/ they are among the most commonly mentioned, second only to Dostoevsky and the likes.

>> No.12272866

>no major literary community cared about one of the most revolutionary philosophers of all time and a major contender for the Nobel Prize before he killed himself in one of the most famous suicides of the 20th century
nice post

>> No.12272870

>penguin classics

Until he is reading Kaczynski, Jünger, Evola, Mishima, and the interwar German revolutionary conservatives this man is sleep.

Aside from that, do any of you actually tolerate this man? I have had the misfortune of watching snippets of his videos and his sense of humor, voice and cadence are like glass under my skin. Perhaps it is because I am very old but I find him intolerable.

>> No.12272878

He does in fact read Mishima. He's one Kaczynski away from deserving some actual respect.

>> No.12272880

That is more to do with the lack of online community, especially ones as fast moving as /lit/

>> No.12272888

He called Mishima his favorite author

>> No.12272891

kierkegaard for sure but i think regarding mishy he might be right. at the very least he's a favourite of the 4chan/leddit/emerging yung conservative movement and i thought he'd been repopularised that way

fuck, is it? i couldve sworn i watched that video, like i actually think i remember being really surprised he'd bring that book up after all the flak he got already

>> No.12272894

>Aside from that, do any of you actually tolerate this man?

It's nothing more than the fact he is popular and mentioning these books.

>> No.12272898

He lives in the UK actually

>> No.12272899

If Mishima really that obscure where live? Even aside from his popularity as an author I thought he was famous enough just for the way he died.

>> No.12272904

He hasn't actually read these books yet... and I think he gave up on the previous philosophy books he bought.

>> No.12272905

He dog whistles for right wing politics so he's based and fuckmyasspilled

>> No.12272924

This. I've gotten bored watched more of his videos than I ever should have and it's incredibly obvious that all of his material is guided from other people. It's almost exactly if he found some "best literature" list that looked smart, wikipedia'd the author, skimmed the book while on a flight and then made the video the next day.

>> No.12272929
File: 203 KB, 291x279, kot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are good several dozen philosophers objectively more important than the Meme Knight and countless hundreds of authors at least as good as the Anime Homo. They're great, but the other anon is right in that /lit/ venerates then disproportionately. Just for the sake of curiosity and seeing as you yourself mentioned Nobel, go to list of laureates and honestly check how many of them and how often did you see mentioned here. Then go to warosu and search for Mishima.

>> No.12272933

He got a fricking movie made out of him, of course he's popular for anyone getting into Japanese lit.

>> No.12272947

>Nobel laureates speak for the literature community

No dude

>> No.12272962

Anyone else find /lit/ through pewdiepie?

>> No.12272978

Mishima is his favorite author.

>> No.12272985

No but I did get coincidentally into literature just after his book review series in early 2018, before I even watched his content.

>> No.12272991

Uh.. I didn't suggest that in any way, my illiterate friend.

>> No.12272999

That is literally what you suggested.

>> No.12273000

If you didn't think they were big in the literature community then why bring them up at all?

>> No.12273001

>Aside from that, do any of you actually tolerate this man?
yea. he's relatable. he really reflects the generation that came up in the 90ies/2000s interest wise and in his mannerisms. brought up similarly and went through similar changes. even his channel changed tone in recent years mirroring the changes a lot of people went through, and it at least appeared organic, not dishonest or forced, more like a conclusion/change he made in his life that mirrors your own and happened for the same environmental reasons. really it boils down to a lot of people are lonely and bad at using their time wisely so they end up on youtube watching vlogs, and pewdiepie is often mediocre, sometimes funny, but at least he appears consistently honest and is a public figure i can relate to even in more specific areas (and he sticks it to the MSM which is always a fucking treat to watch)

i'm from austria and i've never heard of him before coming here, and i have a bunch of friends studying lit or philosophy.

>> No.12273011

The absolute state of this thread. How fucking pseud can you get?

>> No.12273014

>redditors getting butthurt about 'fascist' pewdiepie reading their favorite authors
It was wonderful to see. And it's not like Dostoevsky is a massive reactionary anyway

>> No.12273015

Ive never seen alfsvoid mentioned here

>> No.12273022

No, you'll have to try harder.
The poster I replied to mentioned Mishima was a major contender for Nobel Prize. So I invited him to consider that most of actual laureates are collectively mentioned less often than him.

>> No.12273027

>/pol/edditor fighting the noble fight with windmills and strawmen again
b & r

>> No.12273029

You guys know you can find Mishima, Dazai, Kobe Abe by searching Japanese literature on wikipedia right? Those themselves hyperlinking to authors like Dostoyevsky and Kirkegaard.

>> No.12273035

Well you are right. We don't talk about much laureates here.

>> No.12273039

Go look at the badphilosophy thread on it, it was a fucking shitshow.

>> No.12273040

you can see him scrolling through threads in some of the videos where he watches meme videos. idk if he goes on /lit/ himself or if he's getting fed material by his incel editor. might also just be that he browses reddit, since they have similar tastes

>> No.12273041

post some screencaps

>> No.12273042

>an entire younger generation reading Mishima


>> No.12273045

I wonder how many young teenagers have peeped at their mothers are watching pewds

>> No.12273051

Pewdiepie is unironically one of the best human beings alive today

>> No.12273052

Here's the entire thread.
I love the guy who says "i dont care about Pewdiepie" but still knows everyone he has ever interacted with in his life.

>> No.12273055

in English, doc.

>> No.12273068
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>> No.12273071

I lmao'd

>> No.12273079

this but unironically

>> No.12273083

yeah i made it about 30 seconds into one of his videos years ago. he talks in a stupid wacky voice and simply wasn't funny. the popularity of this guy, and other youtube 'celebs' in general, is something i don't think i will ever understand.

>> No.12273086

He has changed a lot in the last few years, no longer uses a fake persona

>> No.12273089

You can't tear the bonds of irony by adding "unironically". Neither one, nor two or even three times would help. How can I be sincere when everything is tainted by irony? What should I do?
Please help me. What can I do?

>> No.12273100

He is definitely a decent guy but is that a good enough for us to care about him?

>> No.12273115

Just wanna let you know I just subscribed to t-series, and just kys, faggot

>> No.12273131

I used to hate him years ago when he was screaming over video games but after a controversy in early 2017 he matured a lot and changed his content and now he's really different.

>> No.12273143

so many underage faggots here now

>> No.12273203

He didn't understand a simple book like Ernest H's the old man and the sea. I don't see what hes going to be able to glean from any of these books. I also think hes just looking online for explanations after reading instead of reading, taking a few notes and then gathering his thoughts after.

>> No.12273204

What is so wrong with penguin classics? They are a reliable GATEWAY into reading. After reading them if you wanted to re-read you would pick up whatever is most recommended academically speaking.

>> No.12273208

Are you saying he's the next Pessoa? Fuck.

>> No.12273212

any recent videos you would recommend checking out? i had a look at his channel and they all have unappealing names.

>> No.12273218

How old are you? You sound like you're about 16.

>> No.12273223

I think he's implying that they're bad translations.

>> No.12273225

His book reviews are good content, they're not super in-depth or anything, more just a chill vlog of what he's been reading and what he thought of them.

>> No.12273226

Wow, imagine being like this faggy loser

>> No.12273227

This is all pleb shit though, no wonder Pewdiepie likes it

>> No.12273228

also this is the most recent one btw, he covers Cervantes, Bulgakov and Haikus;

>> No.12273234

What's your favorite books?

>> No.12273245

Culture of Critique
Can Life Prevail?
Maps of Meaning
Art of the Deal
A Marxist Critique of Songun

>> No.12273248

okay, this is epic

>> No.12273253

Why does he screem like Super Mario on LSD with two Dragon Dildo s in the ass?

>> No.12273259

>they're not super in-depth or anything
It's literally just someone else's blurbs and annotations in his own words. Hardly "reviews" at all.

>> No.12273266

yeah he said in a q&a that they were a bit too superfluous and that's why he stopped the series earlier in the year, he's retooling it to be more in depth.

>> No.12273356

>linking Reddit

>> No.12273361

I have a hateboner for badphilosophy ever since their main moderator got ousted as a chronic basedboy. Even though he was a self-described 'conservative'

>> No.12273362

>90% of the thread is just calling him fascist

>> No.12273366

They even call people like Laci Green and Ian Miles Cheong fascists, what the hell?

>> No.12273375


Just ordered all these on Amazon. Because i wanna be just like Pewds!

>> No.12273381

>can live practically anywhere
>choose to live in the UK

but why

>> No.12273398

Still better than living in Sweden

>> No.12273406

But it objectively isn't.

>> No.12273407

nah I read consider the robster, I still win

>> No.12273415

He lives in Brighton, the gay capital of the UK. Scandinavians love those kinds of locations for some reason.

>> No.12273496
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I started reading young, and admittedly have never watched a pewdiepie video. I will say that I have put almost as many hours into video games as I have into literature over the course of my life, and can vouch for the storytelling mechanism. It is an unacceptable medium for the communication of ideas, particularly "solved" philosophical taxonomies such as Hegel, Kant, Kierkegaard, Aristotle, Plato.

The fluidity of the place space in video games is such that the player/reader cannot be lead to a thought, merely a pattern of behavior or a question. These questions may be profound, such as God of War's recent core "What is the nature of the relationship between parent and child on the axis of allowed freedom? Are the sins of the "father" inherited, and if not, is a son's necessary doom also to be a parent's burden?" This dichotomy between Kratos and Atrius (Loki) is echoed in the Asgardians.

But this question can only be posed. The frankly unethical and often ridiculous exploits of the character over the course of the story render any actual realized truth to be equally gaudy. I don't take the goodness of a Father to his Son very seriously when that message is supposed to be the solution of my putting an axe through skulls for the past 30 hours. The Halo series explored these questions rather well, and included the violence as a measure by which the question could be understood. "What is the nature of heroism?" "Does indoctrination justify action?" Some of the best writing I've found on the spectrum of human like A.I. to humanity wasn't found in Dick or Gibson, but in Cortana. Shivering, alone in the dark are a rotting hulk blasted in half, drifting through space. Quietly going insane.Results scene here.


I would say that there is no inherent threat in self described gamers being semi-literate, likely less threat than film buffs. I trust Miyazaki, producer of the Dark Souls series with writing more than I do George R.R. Martin. Martin's fantasy island includes numerous cut and paste Lovecraftian overtures too painful to touch. The Elder Scrolls series, for it's popularity, does a deep consideration of A series vs. B series time, and has a number of philosophical musings (chaos carving change from the oneness) similar to Avicenna.

The kids are alright.

>> No.12273512


For the video link, I'm considering 2:25 the starting point.

>> No.12273519


Because he is, finally, an absurdist hero.

>> No.12273604

nice way of saying he's gay
>(know he's married, she's nice)

>> No.12273613

>implying he didn't make this thread

>> No.12273628

Everyone thought you were a pseud fsg before pewdiepie now they know you are a pseud fag

Nothing has changed

>> No.12273634

1. no it won't because reading takes effort
2. why the FUCK do you care you teenage pseud. this isn't your elitary black metal chatroom.

>> No.12273638
File: 149 KB, 2048x1150, 15003208_10153917460726957_4944996668627801075_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone the link the video where he reviews those books=?

>> No.12273644

who is this semen demon?

>> No.12273657

OMG so cultured! DAE pewdiepie saved literature!

>> No.12273665

that's my main motivation for reading these days

>> No.12273667

Can you fuck off back to whatever gay plebbit board you crawled out of?

>> No.12273669

>I will say that I have put almost as many hours into video games as I have into literature
Yeah, that shows.

>> No.12273736


>"Yes I'd like to fill out a response to a person on the internet."


>"Yes, well, sort of. You see I don't actually want to say anything, I just want to imply that he should feel intellectually belittled."

"Ah good, the less substance the better. Might I suggest using green text? This will show that you are an experienced poster, who certainly speaks with authority."

If you have something you would like to share, by all means, I encourage you to use your words.

>> No.12273820

Niggers to that, I say.

>> No.12274222

pewdiepie is singlehandedly saving both the White race and the Western canon.

>> No.12274390

Yeah maybe because he's a rich e-celeb that doesn't have to work meaning he has all the time in the world to read, unlike me.

>> No.12274491

But he also reviews them in his channel

>> No.12274499
File: 55 KB, 541x558, craig_wright.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uploads video daily
>has to constantly reinvent himself from year to year
>get flak from jewish media constantly
>occasionally post about your hobbies on twitter
>some cunt on a haitian jeans-factory forum says he doesn't have to work and reads all day

>> No.12274519

I am with you there brother. Again, I think it has to do with how old you are. I think if you were raised on Spongebob Squarepants you are more or less guaranteed to like him.

Honestly, I was just being a jerk. I always fret over which edition of a book to buy and was projecting my own weakness, fear and neurosis of purchasing an inferior book and translation. I was actually in the middle of a non minor book purchase from the internet when I made that post and so such things were fresh on my mind. I am sure they are fine.

Care to elaborate on that? I was lured into a discord chat room once and I had many good conversations there with several people over the course of a few months. One day pewdypie came up and I testified to my complete dictate for this man. Every one else there was taken aback for they loved him, one claimed he to be the avatar of Kalki. It was then that I realized that these people were young, kids, really, and that I, an old man, did not belong on discord or anywhere else on this cold bitch of an earth. I left that internet chatroom a few days later, silently, and never spoke to any of those good people ever again.

>> No.12274993

His team search info to maintain his "edge" persona

>> No.12275000

>leaving ecelebs in charge of literature
you're making a huge mistake

>> No.12275540

>implying video-editing and playing games is hard graft

>> No.12275599
File: 42 KB, 640x625, 1540868407347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's so easy why aren't you doing it and being successful at it? Oh, wait, that's because it's far easier to say that others don't deserve their success than to actually be successful.

>> No.12275711

fuck off pewds

>> No.12276332

I made this pic

>> No.12276478

Me neither anon

>> No.12276546

He's on worksafe gif in a lot of his videos, so it would not be that strange if he's a /lit/fag desu

>> No.12276573
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>> No.12276607

t. only "hangs out" with discord zoomers

>> No.12276616

In his older "you laugh you lose" videos, it shows him literally scrolling through /wsg/ and /gif/ threads

>> No.12276649

>penguin classics

I hear people diss Penguin a lot around here. What's wrong with them? And who are the best publishers? Norton, Oxford World Classics?

>> No.12276662

Who the hell is going to think you're reading fairly well known and influential literature/philosophy because a Twitter post/video made by a Youtube celebrity? Why would you even care?

>> No.12277126

the fact that this annoying filthy rich swede is a better pseud than i am makes my anus leak

>> No.12277397

I think it is just a way to seem like a patrician with discerning tastes without having to have a meaningful opinion.

>> No.12277468

It's more of an issue with the translators they pick but other than that nothing.

>> No.12277484
File: 539 KB, 957x710, 1418446874638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mentioned that I like Kiekgaard to someone
>"You seen that Pewdiepie video too?"

>> No.12277516

underrated bait

>> No.12277525

'ate niggers, love pewdiepie, simple as

>> No.12277597

Jesus Christ look at the absolute state of it

>> No.12277610

Sometimes their translations arent amazing but I reckon they're a solid enough choice especially if you can't shell out heaps of cash

>> No.12277638

Well, in addition to "jokingly" paying Sri Lankan kids to hold up a sign that said "Death to all jews", using the hard-R N-word on his stream, following and engaging with Notch, Ben Shapiro, Ethan Klein, Logan Paul, Boogie1488, Ian Miles Cheong, Count Dankula, Jordan Peterson, Steven Crowder, Laci Green, Palmer Luckey, Lauren Southern, Bunty King, Stefan Molyneux, Paul Joseph Watson, Butch Hartman, Dave Rubin, KEEMSTAR, Christina Hoff Sommers, and Jontron on Twitter, including having at least Ben Shapiro and Stefan Molyneux on his stream, constantly fash dogwhistling, GamerGate rethorics and probably a lot more I could have mentioned had I given enough of a fuck about him to really dig into his story, the crucial part is his total unwillingness to act apologetic or reflective on all this.

>> No.12277642

>literally being paid to be well versed in internet subcultures and explaining it to a guy that sits in front of a camera all day
How the FUCK can I get a gig like this?

>> No.12277675

Translations are bad and the forward and footnotes are often irrelevant.

>> No.12277788

>had I given enough of a fuck about him to really dig into his story
okay, buddy

>> No.12277811

Quit making threads about yourself you manchild swede.

>> No.12277812

>tfw really want to read works like that, especially Kierkegaard. but I decided to start with the greeks and work my way up chronologically. still with the romans at the moment.

>> No.12277818

so i heard this nigga is famous on the internet, is that true?

>> No.12277999

He’s right though...

Pewdiepie is just translating 4chan into a safe for work entertainment cake for normies to consume, it’s like going to a circus, learning their acts, and writing a book about it and then making millions from stolen culture content

>> No.12278003

Honestly surprised that he reads at all, he comes off like such a manchild.

>> No.12278020

Kill yourself. Plus, Ethan klein is Jewish and apolitical lmao. What a shit troll

>> No.12278027

Hey! Just becauze he was molded by it doesn’t mean im directly stealing it for normies!

>> No.12278031

The comment is copypasted from Reddit.

>> No.12278079

Wow he is so hip

>> No.12278146

same, i'm older and just don't get pewdiepie's humor. haven't seen one of his videos to completion yet, the few times i've watched it's just been a tedious 30 seconds. non sequiturs, random noises, dumb jokes, etc. mostly about shit i don't care about. good on him for making good literature cool.

>> No.12278260

reading isn't cool. cool people don't read.

>> No.12278463

What I don't understand is why that's in /r/badphilosophy. Someone you don't like reading a book is bad philosophy? God I hate that fucking website.

>> No.12278486

Yeah... God forbid someone is Jewish...

>> No.12278615

I wonder if this is actual shilling.

Yes, this faggot reads books, why do you feel the need to make a thread about his persona on a literature board?

>> No.12278684

"badphilosophy" is mostly "philosophy i don't like". It's a commie shithole

>> No.12278769

Gee, I see that Sega really took some creative liberties with their adaptation of Dostoyevsky's work…

>> No.12278922

Maybe he's smarter than you give him credit for

>> No.12278933
File: 31 KB, 601x508, Cryingfine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"a lot more I could have mentioned had I given enough of a fuck about him to really dig into his story"
>know everyone he has ever interacted with
>haha i t-totally am not obsessed though

>> No.12279001

If even a few zoomers start reading good shit instead of garbage YA he is fine in my book

>> No.12279012

actually cool people do whatever the fuck they want because they're too cool to give a shit
but you wouldn't know because you're not cool

>> No.12279035

The guy who posted that is most likely a disgusting redditor himself. No one else talks like that.

>> No.12279076

No Ethan Klein is just a poorly informed tard.
I remember him talking about "late stage capitalism" in one of his streams, the guy isn't even a communist he's just dumb.

>> No.12279114

DFW introduced Kierkegaard to me.

>> No.12279118

Yikes, would be acceptable if he was like 14/15, not 30 or however old he is. Also lmaoing bigly at him reading Kierkegaard in English when he is a native Swedish speaker.

>> No.12279125

>I have to admit that I never made it past the Don Juan mastrubation in Either/Or.
That is literally the only good part of it.

>> No.12279133

He has most likely been using 4chan for longer than 99% of the current userbase, he absolutely reeks of oldfag.

>> No.12279442

>people might think
Wrong board, faggot

>> No.12280451

you sure about that? I thought it was a shooop? Or am I getting my chain yanked here?

>> No.12280579

kek'd out loud

>> No.12280590

Tweeting book purchases is not the same thing as reading them.

>> No.12280625

I like the exposure but he doesn't make the books seem all that appealing other than giving them the seal of approval

>> No.12280884


He's doing it for his own self image as a Renaissance man wannabe rather than making the books themselves actually appealing.

>> No.12280896

Jesus Christ could you possible be more of a pretentious hipster faggot?

>> No.12280985

the fact you care so much shows you were already reading as a fashion accessory

>> No.12280996

Do you think Pewds browses /lit/?
He gets really serious when talking about books

>> No.12281006

Mishima is incredibly popular you fag, for a lot longer than 4chan has been in existence. You just now have an outlet to see his popularity and your retardation equates that with an emergence of popularity.

He's one of the most popular authors in Japan, everyone fucking knows him there. And if anyone is at all interested in Japanese lit they know him

>> No.12281020 [DELETED] 

Why does he in English and not in Swedish? Especially non-English authors?

>> No.12281035

Why does he read in English and not in Swedish? Especially non-English authors?

>> No.12281039
File: 31 KB, 720x405, 1545546868698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that thread

>> No.12281045


>> No.12281053

what did you expect?
he's rich he has time to read unlike poor wagecucks

>> No.12281054

The anglo saxon race is responsible for most of the west's greatness. I still hate brits tho

>> No.12281145

What's so bad about it?

>> No.12281170

I really don't see what's the big deal is, I don't understand the hate. He's a European guy in his late 20s getting into literature and posting it on social media. God forbid he reads Kierkegaard.

>> No.12281287

English has the best quality translations

>> No.12281295

Maybe, but not those of Penguin. He'd be reading OWC if the translation was the issue.

>> No.12281305

His audience is composed of Burger teenagers, mate.

>> No.12281908

He have not review it yet

>> No.12281911

That's not necessarily true at all.

>> No.12281942

Is this the year Pessoa was claimed by kids from YouTube/pol/eddit?

>> No.12281980


Going to be hilarious trying to listen to them decipher the master-slave relationship Pessoa brings up on society and individuals.

>> No.12282209
File: 25 KB, 800x600, 1483277522205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suck that Swedish cock, faggot.

>> No.12282561

how long before he read the meme trilogy

>> No.12282689

Care to elaborate?

>> No.12282699

>apolitical lmao

Lol no, he stated on his channel that he voted for Hilary but also hosts idiots like Peterson on his show. He's another "Enlightened Centerist" type and is certainly not apolitical.

>> No.12283761
File: 51 KB, 570x691, Watkins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nathan Oseroff is Drunkentune, former headmod of badphilosophy. What's funny is that he was a self-described conservative, despite sounding like a radlib/commie.

>> No.12284640

Yet more proof, as if we needed it, the /lit/ is easily the most reddit board. Don’t ever post here again, faggot. Also:
>I'm locking this post because video games are bad and dumb, and playing them makes you a perma-virgin who ends up goose-stepping around with your wannabe nazi buddies until you shoot up a school.
Cringe. This is the person who tells you to go back to /pol/ for posting anything not related to Marxist literature.

>> No.12284645

And he has the fucking audacity to have his username be Woland.

>> No.12284649

They won't since his fans doesn't read what he recommends

>> No.12284675

I actually hate badphilosophy, but thought it was funny that Pewdiepie got them so riled up just by posting books.

>> No.12284681


If you actually read Junger you would be living a life of love and brotherhood in a hermitage.

>> No.12284689

Pewdiepie is obviously depressed and looking for meaning. Nothing shameful about that, but still.

>> No.12284694
File: 26 KB, 360x480, 421dbbafffc23795ef306bca14dbc67c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He tries so hard to stray from all the zoomer meme shit he become popular for by bringing up le epic profound literature.
Don't you have enough money to retire on? Cut it with your "i'm special and must be loved by everyone" bullshit. You have nothing of value to offer.

>> No.12284701

Everyone is depressed and looking for meaning. Not everyone is that rich or famous though. Boo fucking hoo.

>> No.12284706

True, he is literally the only human being alive that is a true leisure aristocrat.

>> No.12284722


>> No.12284752

I know. He is going through a rough patch in front of the entire world, tho, with a very naive unaware audience and a lot of professional critics writing in depth columns about him for adult millennials. I find the situation grotesque and interesting.

>> No.12284925

>dont join muh exclusive club

Never change, 4channel, never change.

>> No.12285487

This but completely sincerely

>> No.12285490

He's meme-read.

>> No.12285496

not true for closely related languages

>> No.12285521

his post is wrong, but so are you about Stoner

>> No.12286620

Nah you're not old. You're retarded

>> No.12287138

That exploration of space and behavior training can lead to unexpectedly profound places only accessible to the individual. Perhaps in some distant future this mechanic will be exploited to a fuller extent, but now it seems mostly limited to those already receptive.

>> No.12288029

t. average brainlet who cares about what people think of his taste

>> No.12288046

Why isn't he reading Kierkegaard in Danish?

>> No.12288112

It's philosophy not prose fiction. Plus he probably picked them up from a store which does not have a Danish section.

>> No.12288124

Basically none of the people you mentioned are fascists and most of them are actually decent human beings. You sound like you drank an entire ocean of "self-loathing first-world idiot with nothing better to do so they decided to get a degree in SJW self-pity studies because they weren't smart enough for anything else" kool-aid.

Edit: Lol, I don't know if this is now being brigaded or you're just using all of your alt-accounts, but going from +12 to barely +1 in a matter of 45 minutes on a dead thread is pretty uncommon, especially considering how you were at -8 and are now +10. Whatever the case I just wanted to say from the very bottom of my heart, "suck my balls you pathetic self-loathing losers".

Oops, I see now, you're one of those pathetic Chapocels. Classic examples of really shitty "people" who are well-known for brigading. It's honestly ridiculous that your shitty fucboi community is even allowed to exist on this site considering how absolutely garbage you all are.

>> No.12288130

>It's philosophy not prose fiction
Kierkegaard is very much a prose stylist, similar to Nietszche. I also doubt he bought any of this at a physical store.

>> No.12288137

I also doubt he even knows enough about literature to realize what might be wrong with translations. Is he even fluent in Danish?

>> No.12288146

Any native speaker Swedish not of immigrant background and with an IQ above 80 would be able to read Kierkegaard in Danish.

>> No.12288749

I have read Jünger but I am not there yet.