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/lit/ - Literature

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12262998 No.12262998 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you read?

I read because it makes me feel like I am better than other people. In fact, after I started a commitment to reading 1 year ago, I now feel superior to the vast majority of people I pass on the street. I can only feel sorry for these plebs who are living in ignorance every single day, trying to find some sort of worthless purpose in their pathetic, feeble little lives. LOL, I scoff at these people who probably cant understand a classic like To Kill A Mockingbird, let alone have ever turned a page of it!

>> No.12263005

You sound like you are trying to compensate for the lack of something.

>> No.12263010

This but unironically and also I only read foreign books.

>> No.12263015

reading is the most degenerate activity imaginable.

>> No.12263018

Because it's a safe way to shut off reality and pretend it doesn't exist.

>> No.12263023
File: 22 KB, 433x639, D46A1D72-4B51-4F14-89D4-333077537CBF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read novels because they point out to me things about myself and others I wouldn’t have otherwise noticed. They make me more perceptive and empathetic.

>> No.12263036

Reading is now a white supremacist dog whistle, you fucking nxzi!

>> No.12263040

I read for the sake of pleasure tf is wrong with ppl on /lit/?

>> No.12263047

I’m deeply interested in other people but also deeply autistic. Reading is a way for me to indulge in that interest without having to make everyone involved uncomfortable.

>> No.12263051

Why'd you feel the need to share that with us, then? This is an anonymous imageboard after all.

>> No.12263061

because the OP asked a question, you illiterate fuck

>> No.12263069

books lube my brain, so when i have to write or speak or do anything that requires thinking i just feel "warmed-up" if i've been reading for a while.
haven't read in a few weeks though, i need to get back on it.

>> No.12263079

Okay, but why did you feel the need to answer it? Because you're a narcissistic faggot seeking the same validation everyone else who goes out of their way to tell people they "read for entertainment" crave. If you really read for entertainment you'd be less concerned with telling everyone how normal and non-pretentious you are and more concerned with talking about books. But you crave attention and validation so here you are telling everyone how unconcerned you are with reading for validation. Biggest lol of the day tbqh

>> No.12263088

Keep projecting

>> No.12263153

Embarrassing. I read for pleasure and was honestly let down that OP wasnt baiting and surprised that most people have similar vain and depressing reasons as to why they read. I figured someone would have already posted my response of reading for pleasure but no one had, so i did it. No wonder over half of /lit/ doesn't seem to fucking read btw judging by these responses. I discuss literature all the time here with my fellow actual readers and i enjoy it very much and i think you have yet to truly understand/will never understand the pleasure and ecstacy literature can bring. And again since its anonymous, how could you possibly think i was trying to boast, unless you have the brain of a salmon?

>> No.12263216

jesus you are an absolutely insufferable faggot.

>> No.12263227

A pointless, surface-level and unfunny bait. You also chose a middle school book which is just sort of depressing. It could've been somewhat funny if you'd chosen a high brow but pointlessly obscure book. Please lurk /lit/ more before you try to be "ironic", at least lurk until you're not underage.

>> No.12263259

>let down that OP wasnt baiting
he clearly is as it's a joke thread you dumb faggot, then again, you probably are as well, so here's your (You)

>> No.12263374


Still, i felt like it emodies over half of people on /lit/s attitudes

>> No.12263509

Because I'm a loser

>> No.12263653

Is there any girl you like, autismbro?

>> No.12263723

No, why?