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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 142 KB, 495x541, goodreads2019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12262060 No.12262060 [Reply] [Original]

How did your reading challenge go, /lit/?
I read 32 books this year, almost got to my goal of 40.

>> No.12262064
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>> No.12262072
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>> No.12262077
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>> No.12262083
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and that's all.
The best I ead this year was House of Leaves, Lunches with Orson and The Savage Detectives which I'm reading.
special mention to Annihilation

The worst was definitely Simon vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda (fucking retarded book) and Will Grayson Will Grayson (i wanted to die every page yet I had sworn to finish it to shit on it with REASONS)

>> No.12262138

Goal was 26 I finished 27 and I’m trying to finish the 28th but still have 240 pages left and I plan getting drunk a few times in the coming week.

>> No.12262235
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some good stuff but also some trash this year

part 1/3

>> No.12262243
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>> No.12262249
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part 3/3

>> No.12262257

I had a hell of a year, and I haven't been able to read shit.

>> No.12262298

I wanted to read at least one 600+page book per month, failed, but it was still a good year.

you seem to enjoy 'normal' readings (King, Gulliver, Tolkien, Huxley...).
does it mean that House of Leaves is NOT something superweird and difficult and that makes you wanna die? I mean can it actually just be read with pleasure?

>> No.12262306

hell in a good or a bad way?
don't worry anon, next year you'll read some good shit
>this book loves you
Is it self-help?

>> No.12262326

I'm a bit of a normie, yes. I've tried to get into deeper stuff but i can't get into it
Now, House of Leaves is just the weirdest reading experience I've had. You may have read about how the typography and book design itself go crazy, how its footnotes are ridiculous, how the three stories maybe are connected or maybe not... it's demential.
Read with pleasure? Oh sure. Made me wanna die? Not really, although it had some really heavy, depressing parts.

Sorry if I'm being overenthusiastic but I just think it's not really difficult to read. There is a deeper story and meaning and connections, but if you don't want to delve into it it's three stories, of horror, madness and love.

>> No.12262501

no it's a bunch of weak memes, took me about 5-10 min to get trough it... I what them back

>> No.12263981
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It's been a while since I posted here last. theMystery.doc is cheating since it's about ~300 pages stretched out. The real longest was 1500 pages.

Have you read any other Danielewski? I've not settled on whether to start with The Familiar or HOL.

>> No.12263990

house of leaves is a normie book. i thought it was great, spooky even for someone that doesn't get spooky too easily, and not as gimmicky as most people here seem to make it.

but its still a normie book

>> No.12264089
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This is my year so far. I don't like going back and entering dates.

>> No.12264097

that's a lot

>> No.12264151
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I failed. I lost my mojo and didn’t read from August to December.

>> No.12264191
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I thought I'd try a reading challenge for the hell of it but I quickly realized it made me change the way I was reading. Caring about how much you read a year instead of focusing on reading what you want to read seems like a bad idea to me.

>> No.12264201
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And what I read:

>> No.12264959

things went well –having this goal really helped motivate me on my way to reading significantly more than in previous years, though it wasn't really the reason that I did https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/45642444-m

>> No.12264982
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Definitely not done yet but it has been a good year

>> No.12265017

I've not read other Danielewski, but i wanna read Only Revolutions

>> No.12265035

Pretty nice anon, question, do you ever feel bored while reading? I have left a couple of books in your list unfinished myself cause I couldn't keep myself from feeling sleepy while reading them.

>> No.12265084

Ya I have many times. I tend to tolerate being bored while reading but there are always exceptions. Typically I'll handle boredom with a book if it's one I'm really into finishing

>> No.12265094


No wonder you couldn't finish when your drudging through a munch of meme books like those. You know you're not actually supposed to read them?

>> No.12265129

still 10 days left anon, that's more than enough time to read 6 books

>> No.12265255
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Didn't reach 52 so I'll aim for 40-45 in 2019 and hopefully more challenging books. Dostoevsky was the best thing I read all year, Brothers Karamazov specifically.

>> No.12265266

That's not failing

>> No.12265296
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>> No.12265310

Is that trains book any good?

>> No.12265324

It's only worth it for the drawn designs (if you are interested in that) other than that the information is not very deep and you won't learn more than what you would by spending a couple of days browsing through articles and pages online.

>> No.12265448
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how did I do boys

>> No.12265535

good job, congrats on reading the Bible. I'm going to work on that next year

>> No.12266289

>Dorothy Day
Nice! I read her autobiograpghy this year. I didn't like it that much, but it gave me an appreciation for her as a person anyway.

>> No.12266379


>> No.12266703
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>> No.12266707

"i dont really WANT to reads, but i HAVE to read 40 books by the end of the year!"

literally why? why waste your time if you obviously hate reading? why do you need some goal/incentive when its a fucking hobby?

>> No.12266708

>1 page book
> using Opera
Smh my dude

>> No.12266714

its an audiobook

>> No.12266717

Is The Dying Grass good?

>> No.12266720

It is a spiritual experience

>> No.12267087

i knew i’d find the "geopolitical" russophille pajeet in this thread.
>212 books
you’re pathetic. Don’t pretend you read even 20 of those. Maybe you think you read them by reading summaries online.

>> No.12267122

lol, these threads never change

>> No.12267173
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What is that Mad Woman book in the middle left?

>> No.12267441
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I did it, I read some books!

42, didnt set an exact goal.
Books of the Year:
Kristin Lavransdattar
Lancelot by Walker Percy
The Autobiography Of Benvenuto Cellini
Napoleon the Great
The Origins of Totalitarianism

>> No.12267512
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You can choose to believe what you want but I read and/or listened to every single one of those books in its entirety.

>> No.12267523

prove it

>> No.12267530

come to my house and see my Highlights in every single book also my journals with the notes.
I got nothing to prove to you Sphag.

>> No.12267551
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Been a difficult year for reading, between studying for my CPA license, graduating, moving across the country and job searching, reading took a backseat, regrettably

>> No.12267552
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>> No.12267557

>people not listing their best books of the year


>> No.12267558

still want to show you and others how I do my free association notes and highlights.

>> No.12267562
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forgot the image

>> No.12267564

this proves nothing

>> No.12267574
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never wanted it to, just attention whoring my dude.

>> No.12267576

stop talking to him

>> No.12267584
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You literally can't

>> No.12267640

Yeah I read 27 books, reading goal was 20. I will say this: I just barely completed the 20 last year at the last second. This year, the 20 was done a month or two ago, I read A LOT this year. I’ll probably read a lot next year but work/life is kind of getting in the way right now, that’s how it goes I guess.

>> No.12267645

I usually read about 50, but right now I'm at 13. Fuck.

>> No.12267676

If you've read under 75 books this year you have no business being on this board. You wouldn't watch one movie a year and call yourself a film buff while imposing yourself on actual film buffs and forcing them to deal with your dumb opinions, so why do it with literature?

>> No.12267679

Some of us work for a living

>> No.12267688

I work too and I still read over a 100 books.

>> No.12267707
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it's been alright, I'll do better next year

>> No.12269269

If you work under 50 hours a week and complain about not having enough free time then you're managing your time poorly.

>> No.12270631
