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12260074 No.12260074 [Reply] [Original]

Why is he so hated?

>> No.12260147

>More of Lawrence's political ideas can be seen in his letters to Bertrand Russell around the year 1915, where he voices his opposition to enfranchising the working class and his hostility to the burgeoning labour movements, and disparages the French Revolution, referring to "Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity" as the "three-fanged serpent". Rather than a republic, Lawrence called for an absolute dictator and equivalent dictatrix to lord over the lower peoples. Bertrand Russell rejected Lawrence's mystical notions of blood consciousness vehemently, and thought that they had led straight to Auschwitz. In 1953 Russell, recalling his relationship with Lawrence in the First World War, characterised Lawrence as a "proto-German Fascist", saying "I was a firm believer in democracy, whereas he had developed the whole philosophy of Fascism before the politicians had thought of it." Later, Harrison drew attention to the veins of sadism and racism that run through Lawrence's writing.

>> No.12260168
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>> No.12260181


Hated or not for his wacky political beliefs - and a lot of legendary writers had unsavory politics (damn you Yeats and Pound) - he was an excellent poet and a good novelist.

The Escaped Cock/The Man Who Died is a superb novella (better than Last Temptation) and Sons & Lovers is essential reading

>> No.12260186

What's "unsavory" about their politics?

>> No.12260192

>a lot of legendary writers had unsavory politics (damn you Yeats and Pound)

>> No.12260214

This is reflective of modernism as a last gasp of the European elite and their perception of themselves as gatekeepers of art and culture against jewish/Marxist agitation of the lower classes at the time and their making art a soulless commodity a la Dada, expressionism, etc. Most non-jewish artists of the time felt the exact same way.

>> No.12260219

>If I had my way, I would build a lethal chamber as big as the Crystal Palace, with a military band playing softly, and a Cinematograph working brightly; then I’d go out in the back streets and main streets and bring them in, all the sick, the halt, and the maimed; I would lead them gently, and they would smile me a weary thanks; and the band would softly bubble out the ‘Hallelujah Chorus’.
>“Humanity is a huge aggregate lie, and a huge lie is less than a small truth. Humanity is less, far less than the individual because the individual may sometimes be capable of truth, and humanity is a tree of lies. And they say that love is greatest thing, they persist in saying this, the foul liars, and just look at what they do (...It's a lie to say that love is greatest, what people want is hate - hate, and nothing but hate. And in the name of righteousness and love they get it...If we want hate, let us have it - death, murder, torture, violent destruction- let us have it: but not in the name of love.”
He was faggot fascist autist and not a very good writter

>> No.12260228

Seems like a mostly accurate assessment.

>> No.12260252

I can't speak to him as a person, but Lady Chatterly's Lover is pretty distasteful in how it glorifies a woman committing adultery and betraying her war-wounded husband.
>t. not even conservative, before everyone gets all mad

>> No.12260279

>t. soiboi

>> No.12260295


Your Daddy's in trouble you autists, who are you going to circle jerk when they force him to resign to save his kids

>> No.12260298



>> No.12260305

just the reply i had expected

>> No.12261322

>all these random soibois who the only thing they know about DH Lawrence is epic 2 fashy sentences from wikipedia
most ppl dont even care

>> No.12261570


>> No.12261582

>damn you Yeats and Pound
You might want to double check your address bar.

>> No.12261656

>making art a soulless commodity a la Dada, expressionism
Look up what led Nolde to painz what he painted and then off yourself.

>> No.12261663
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>tfw D.H. Lawrence spent a year in Australia and basically single-handedly inspired the local fascist movement

>> No.12261677

a true edgelord

>> No.12261719
File: 61 KB, 550x765, 99591bbc318ecd41ae7bbf39a9106e12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look at all these great men with unsavory beliefs
Maybe you're just a lowbrow pleb with shit-tier taste?

>> No.12261740

His novels haven't aged very well artistically, and his whole muh dick, muh sexual energy should not be constrained or repressed is problematic now.
Funny how he was popular in the 60s, but a more puritanical culture has turned away from him.

>> No.12261880 [DELETED] 
File: 117 KB, 1200x861, 1542602042537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not puritanical, our enemies are just spamming us with too much of it.