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/lit/ - Literature

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12259964 No.12259964 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Post the best novel by a female author.

>> No.12259991

Memoirs of Hadrian

>> No.12259994
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>> No.12260005

The Waves by Woolf
>fight me

>> No.12260013

why, that is a pretty indisputable choice lmao

>> No.12260041
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>> No.12260096

I remember reading that translation in high school and everyone would make fun of me because his last name was "Fagles."

>> No.12260577

I kind of liked the Professor's House more

>> No.12260634

Patricia Highsmith wrote some great books. Usually I don’t like much stuff by women but something about her style really catches me. She kind of writes fun mid-tier stuff though and doesn’t try to be high-brow, The Talented Mr. Ripley is a real page turner while still having good writing.

>> No.12260673

I forgot that Homer was actually a frizzy haired trans woman of color.

>> No.12261583

the odyssey wasn't written by homer
it was written by a young italian woman

>> No.12261616
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I have always had fondness for this trilogy

>> No.12261643
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Hour of the Star, Portuguese original.

>> No.12263151

Such a comfy book.

>> No.12263158
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>> No.12263163
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Everybody laugh at Homo Fag here

>> No.12263261
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Although /lit/ has somehow never recognised a book about a crazy German philosopher trying to marry a 12 ear old out of pure idealism.

>> No.12263281
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>> No.12263390
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I love her, anyone else? Migrated to /lit/ not very long ago so idk who's big here and who's not.

Haven't read her (I've read almost nothing published this century -- books take a while to read and you have to actually buy them unless you find a lucky epub/pdf/mob, and I never know if what I get will be a PoS because idk any of the artists from past work). Are her two books good?
Also, CUTIE!

>> No.12263487
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>> No.12263519
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That whole trilogy is trash desu.

>> No.12263795

Murdoch isn't big here. I think there's a lot of good books from her, but maybe not a consensus great work. I mean... did she ever really better Under the Net?

>> No.12264209

Is this Donna Tartt?

>> No.12264216

Sally Rooney

>> No.12264243

didn't know Agata Christie had a Hungarian knockoff

>> No.12264349


>> No.12264356
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>> No.12264370

I was forced to read a bunch of non males back in school. The only one I ever liked was Evelyn Waugh. All the rest of them were pure cancer.

>> No.12265178

What is /lit/'s opinion on Sylvia Plath?

>> No.12265233

All female authors are shit

>> No.12265320


>> No.12265339

What language do they speak in Brazil anon?

>> No.12265344

Some kind of goobledeegook. I speak Portuguese and I can't for the life of me understand what they're saying.