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1225986 No.1225986 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/

Can someone point me to some readings on anarchist philosophy or ideals? Thanks.

Also, pic unrelated but one of my favorites Van Goghs.

>> No.1226033
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The first book I ever read on Anarchism was the ABC of Anarchism by Alexander Berkman.
It is about Anarcho-Communism and explains the beliefs and ideals of that political ideology well.
Full text here: http://www.archive.org/details/AbcOfAnarchism

Other classic anarchism texts I recommend:
Anarchism and Other Essays (Emma Goldman): http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/2162

The Abolition of Work (Bob Black):

The above ones are classic ones, peering into the history of the movement.

If you are looking for a more contemporary piece, read The Coming Insurrection by The Invisible Committee:


Hope that is what you are looking for!

>> No.1226039

Me again.

Also, a great website for reading more into Anarchism is Anarchopedia.

On that website is "An Anarchist FAQ"
It is very well written and in-depth, covering just about everything you would want to know.

>> No.1226042


Thanks ^^

>> No.1226049

You are so very welcome, comrade. It brings joy to see someone interested in such a topic.

>> No.1226079
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Prominent Anarchist persons worth looking up and a selected title:

>Emma Goldman [Living My Life]
>Alexander Berkman [Prison Memoirs of an Anarchist]
>Pierre Joseph Proudhon [What is Property?]
>Mikhail Bakunin [God and the State]
>Peter Kropotkin [The Conquest of Bread]

Most of these can be found for free in [>>1226039] links I believe. If not a little searching will bring them to you.

For more modern thought on Anarchism there is always the CrimethInc. collective and Anarchist booksellers like the AKpress.