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/lit/ - Literature

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12259675 No.12259675 [Reply] [Original]

>Infinite Jest
>100 Years of Solitude
>Some Hindu scripture

that's like half of the threads on this board. is she, dare I say it, /ourgal/?

>> No.12259694

America: Where racially degenerate pigs are ruled by racially ambiguous dimwits and everybody is a celebrity

>> No.12259698

You just described the EU.

>> No.12259703

>having favourite books


>> No.12259706

Your diatribe needs to grow a little and it needs a little polish. So far - spot on.
t. burger

>> No.12259722

>calls him García Márquez instead of "Marquez" like a typical burger
I don't know who she is, but she seems knowledgeable so far.

>> No.12259724

Isn't consider the lobster a Peterson meme?

>> No.12259741
File: 61 KB, 720x900, 1545259954524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw a woman who was at least 75 reading what looked like a new copy of consider the lobster in a restaurant today and I did a double take, now I realize she was just another dumb NPC following the lead of celebrities.

>> No.12259748

but she is a pseud for writing "100 Years" instead of "One Hundred Years."

>> No.12259749

What man in her life influenced this?

>> No.12259755

>all men


>> No.12259761

No lobster hierarchy’s are an anti Peterson meme. It from talking about lobster hierarchies as a natural hierarchy to try and refute what he see as sjws claiming hierarchyies are a products of a white straight male run society. The issue is that lobster heirarchyies have no relevance to social justice causes and no one is vying for lobster hierarchy deconstruction, only unjust heiatchyies like patriarchy. The David foster Wallace novel has nothing to to do with this

>> No.12259764

>no one picks out books of there own volition

>> No.12259793

Just 1 day after I the big new exciting female house member arrived in DC? and I was literally at a place in a rich suburb right outside of DC? Too much of a cohencidence friendo. This city is full of retarded people who follow all the political bullshit like a real life soap opera.

>> No.12259801

FUCK I am not sober right now, just 1 day after she tweeted about it is what I meant, I just saw this earlier today in a rich area of DC

>> No.12259813

Goodwin, Lorde, and Solnit are women.
Regardless, she still has woke undergrad taste

>> No.12259817

At least Trump is honest about being a philistine who doesn't read. I much prefer that to Obama-style pumpkin spice latte NPR mom jeans Ted talk 2007 Honda Odyssey bisexual frisbee golf picks in literature like those of mizz Cortez

>> No.12259823

True, but there exist many of us who fantasize about flying a private aircraft into the Capitol building

>> No.12259825

Didn't Trump say he was a fan of Marcus Aurelius and Steinbeck?

>> No.12259833

If he did that's almost assuredly a joke. He has none of the Aurelian qualities and is basically a caricature of the bad guy from a Steinbeck novel

>> No.12259839
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>"a few classics"
>throws in some SJW book by MLK

>> No.12259851

For real. Everyone knows MLK was a CIA operative. Malcolm X was the real black intellectual.

>> No.12259855

No Tom Clancy or Star Wars expanded universe? BAKA!!

>> No.12259899

>Infinite Jest / Consider the Lobster
These aren't interchangeable

>> No.12259960

MLK was a Jew puppet who had Jews write his speeches because he was too dumb to do so himself. Coincidentally, the more he relied on his Jewish masters, the more socialistic he became in rhetoric

Malcolm X was not beholden to the Jews but nevertheless a former homosexual prostitute who literally sucked white cock for money and a borderline illiterate. He was smarter than most blacks, yet still dumb compared to normal people, because of the black IQ gap

>> No.12260033

By normal standards not even bad, sort of midwit. By the standards of Americans and American politicians, incredible. Most of them don't even have basic reading comprehension/analytical skills, and a significant amount of the population at large is functionally illiterate.

>> No.12260171

>recommending anything by misogynist pig David Foster Wallace
Yikes, not very progressive of her.

>> No.12260233
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>he hasn't taken the Slimpill yet

>> No.12260278

A Marxist who likes the Gita, can't possibly understand Marx or the Gita.

>> No.12260317

>he was joking
im pretty sure that ironically claiming to like marcus aurelius is not exactly trump's sense of humor

>> No.12260325

character limits

>> No.12260329

English doesn't have accents retard

>> No.12260334

Do English writing software have that a to type?

>> No.12260346

His surnames are not English and it's not about the accent as it is about using the correct surnnames not just the maternal one. And she DID use accents, you colossal fucking philistine.

>> No.12260348

On most iphones and android devices all you have to do is hold down the A on the digital keyboard and many possibe As appear including that one.

>> No.12260375

Shit nigga I didn’t know that. Thanks

>> No.12260384

>Meme brainlet politician posts names of books to seem smart.

>> No.12260408

>hardliner on environmental issues
>also avid socialist
I've never seen a socialist country that has good land management. They just meme about carbon (important) but they love to maximize all available land output and damn up rivers.

>> No.12260462

Audre Lorde is a big marker of having dull taste.

>> No.12260631

>being this much of a consumer of fake news
Trump read so much philosophy in college he was nicknamed Titor

>> No.12260709

>all leftists are the same shill ideological mouth-pieces.
>wow how un-ideological she is!!
Do you want reasonable people or do you wanna pidgeon hole people into extremism

>> No.12260715

>arguing over the details of an already false statement
Mattis and Ivanka have quotes Aurelius
I doubt Donald even knows about the Romans

>> No.12260718
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>Socialists aren't onboard with environmentalism until the latter becomes a crisis of capitalism
Really made me think

>> No.12260741

>doesn’t post books when asked
>I bet she doesn’t know any!!
>posts books when asked

>> No.12260775

>cuba is in the green because it's socialist
>not because it doesn't export that much
Notice that most of the Central American nations are grouped together

>> No.12260808

Too much too handle, I don’t believe for a second this lefty npc blowhorn comprehends, if she has even read, any of what she recommended. She would be a walking contradiction

>> No.12260817

Countries that don't export that much are shit and they are low in HDI though. See Sierra Leone and other shitholes. Cuba is somehow managing to balance economy with environment.

And Central and South America had a trend of pink tide.

>> No.12260825

So what can she do that will satisfy you? Seems like you have already decided on conclusion and retroactively making statements to get to it.

>> No.12260829

Just because you understand something, doesn’t mean you agree with it.
I mean fuck, tons of people read Mein Kampf and then read MLK and aren’t torn asunder

>> No.12260838
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>> No.12260851

No! Not the bhagavad gita! You can't let this bitch take that from me

>> No.12260857

Sierra Leone and other African countries aren't self sustaining islands, they're war torn messes that are constantly fighting. Cuba is a nation unified (most dissenters left for Florida). They also received massive amounts of aid in the cold war to build up utilities. Pretending that Cuba is successful solely because it's socialist is silly.

>> No.12260873

>Pretending that Cuba is successful solely because it's socialist is silly.
But I never said that, only rebuffing the idea that the person I was replying to who said that socialists can't be good environmentalists and vice versa

>> No.12260881
File: 26 KB, 600x500, oc3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's my gal <3 first in my heart 5eva

>> No.12260884

>Capital, Piketty

What? Was she afraid to say "Capital, Marx" so she used the name of a translator instead? I'm confused.

>> No.12260899


>> No.12260912

People are going to shit on this but it's not bad for a SocDem.

>> No.12260923

>Paul Krugman hailed it as a landmark,[9] while former senior World Bank economist Branko Milanović considers it "one of the watershed books in economic thinking".[10]

These endorsements make me extremely suspect of the quality of the book's content.

>> No.12260933

>a luminary

>> No.12260947

No one fucking cares about your stupid fucking language. GO FUCK YOURSELF!!!!

>> No.12260971

Fucking pseudo-eclectic-intellectual whore, like she knows anything about what the Bhagavad Gita teaches.

>> No.12260972
File: 431 KB, 970x582, oc10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's the absolute cutest, isn't she?

>> No.12260979

>implying any of the whiteys here have read a lick of hindu scripture

>> No.12260985

Oh no a joke
How will the libs ever recover

>> No.12261011

That isn't even necessary in order to have a worldview that is fundamentally more aligned with what the Bhagavad Gita stands for. Her life on the other hand runs absolutely contrary to it.

>> No.12261048

Looks like a boring list compiled to make a politician more presentable, made sure to include appropriate numbers of womyns and minorities. Nobody's actual literary taste just happens to fall so squarely into acceptability.

>> No.12261295

fucking nazis lol

>> No.12261348

Go fuck yourself, too.

>> No.12261425

reading is an NPC activity anyways, shitpost about books you never read is the only way to go

>> No.12261559


>> No.12261560

You use the numpad.

>> No.12262292

>The issue is that lobster heirarchyies have no relevance to social justice causes and no one is vying for lobster hierarchy deconstruction, only unjust heiatchyies like patriarchy
kek nice bait, very subtle

>> No.12262313

Very patrician, she's a cutie to boost

>> No.12262699

This. I'd love to find out why she put it in her list

>> No.12262728
File: 504 KB, 723x701, 69C75CFB-E9BE-4368-B0C6-3C3175235E2E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw getting audience pucci from brown demsoc mommy could have saved dave

>> No.12262743


>> No.12262766






>> No.12262779
File: 23 KB, 328x499, 41V5t7RQI0L._SX326_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Piketty's capital is a pretty bad book that uses oriented and biased statistics to put socialist politics to the fore.

It was such a terrible book that four French professors wrote against it: Emmanuel Martin, Nicolas Lecaussin, Jean-Philippe Delsol, and Jeffrey Miron.

The rebuke is called "Anti-Piketty: Capital for the 21st century."

>> No.12262790

you realize that a book being critiqued in another book is no marker of it's value right, that this is the norm?

>> No.12262807


Take note of the "French" part of my sentence. Usually Piketty is a revered economist in France. Specifically by the academia as it is very open and in favor for his views.

That the French academia published against Piketty is out of the norm and worth mentioning.

>> No.12262808
File: 614 KB, 700x700, 1543836166781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy fucks.

>> No.12262882

Sounds to rehearsed and trying to appeal to le progressives and psueds. Should of just said like three normal books and be done with it

>> No.12262926


>> No.12262935

>damn up rivers
that's a good thing

>> No.12263146

Like putting the bible as #1?

>> No.12263157

You guys realize that Infinite Jest and 100 Years of Solitude are extremely well known right?

>> No.12263169

Fuck off /r9k/

>> No.12263183

>Consider the Lobster
Which essay justifies CTL being placed on a list of "classics"? It was like 4 tennis essays and the one about the lobster festival, nothing special.

>> No.12263194

a pretty girl loving infinite jest these days is pretty rare since the new hip thing is to hate it

>> No.12263200

A redditor appears

>> No.12263213


>> No.12263217

She looks like Virginia Woolf crossed with a monkey.

>> No.12263245

You’re a rising politician, and somebody on twitter asks you to rattle off a list of your favourite books. Knowing fully that this list will be scrutinized by hundreds if not thousands of people, and that every title will give a thousand subtle implications, what list do you give anon?

>> No.12263263

Gravity’s Rainbow
Infinite Jest
The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra
The Bible (but the Jewish one)

>> No.12263279

Melancholy of Resistance
Sublime Object of Ideology
Threepenny Novel
Can Life Prevail?
What is to be Done?
The Republic
Interpretation of Dreams
Critique of the Gotha Program
Combat Liberalism

>> No.12263283


That she likes the Bhagavad Gita literally blows my mind. It's a book about killing loved ones in a cold detached way. wtf

>> No.12263330
File: 161 KB, 1200x864, 1533764263787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So she reads more than Trump, what isn't hard. But still only slight above normie tier


>> No.12263373

Jesus christ.
>those teeth
>that nose
Looks like a fucking monster.

>> No.12263764

hardly relevant

>> No.12263835

>dont say mean things about mommy!
Who gives a fuck? Who cares if shes ugly?

>> No.12263841

Precisely.It's besides the point.

>> No.12263858

Hes just gawking at her. What would be relevant in a shitty /ourgirl/ thread? If anything its pertinent because /ourgirl/ would be well read and not have a fucked up face

>> No.12264092

based and redpilled

>> No.12264690


>> No.12264731

horse teeth
eyes too far apart
jew-tier schnozz
no space between nose and upper lip
meemaw titties
cankles inbound
we all know she's gonna end up looking like that sad hispanic guidance counselor who's oddly too serious about her job teaching barely-literate inner-city kids
she's still cute, though

>> No.12264737

Her tits looks fine. Otherwise I agree with you.

>> No.12264957

Name one EU celeb, i'll wait. Brits don't count cause they are America 2.0 at this point.

>> No.12265105

Clicked on the profile. I don't think it was a joke.

>> No.12265481
File: 61 KB, 530x767, cortez jewish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The nose knows

>> No.12265490

>racially degenerate pigs
You're really just throwing words together at this point

>> No.12265518

15log&20&2018) (soon 19) (: it is an /r9k/ world, you/&6re just living in it

>> No.12265551

Unless these 4 professors were originally his fellow travelers, they could just be doing for the maximum (You)s

>> No.12265584

Flimsy pickings. Betting that's over half she's read during and since her time in university.

>> No.12265632

not how liking stuff works

>> No.12265639

Guy's mad 'cause someone spelled Gabo's name right. Calm down.