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/lit/ - Literature

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12258072 No.12258072 [Reply] [Original]

>pop science
>pop history
>pop biography
>former snl cast member memoir
>self help

>> No.12258080


Psuedo-Renaissance man wannabe.

>> No.12258089

What is an example of this?

>> No.12258175

why are scientists slavishly obsessed with who found what and constantly name dropping shit? imagine someone talking about math behaving like that. absolutely pathetic and cringe

>> No.12258178

Pop-anything in my opinion.

>> No.12258179

>former snl cast member memoir
haha norm macdonald is such a fag

>> No.12258191

Yeah. Let’s kill him.

>> No.12258194


>> No.12258198
File: 32 KB, 267x406, B7A3F130-ABC5-4238-9769-DD1B5137BECC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Autobiographies written by public figures who aren’t even close to being old yet. For god’s sake Michelle couldn’t you have waited a little while to reflect on your time as First Lady before writing a book? It comes off as extremely egotistical.

>> No.12258205

This. Most pop-psychology, I've realised, is actually written by legitimate psychologists, but I still hate it

>> No.12258210

the games people play is kind of fun though. realize its an oldie though

>> No.12258294

all books are self help books

>> No.12258312

What the..

>> No.12258324
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I guess she was too down-to-earth to name her book "Being Michelle Obama" so she went with "Becoming" instead

>> No.12258340

LitRPG or whatever the fuck it's called

>> No.12258356

I guess it's a consequence of the culture of publication that has arisen in the nineteenth century and grown exponentially over the past 30 years. Nowadays you need to publish a lot, regularly (sometimes without much regard for quality), get lots of citations and possibly cite a lot of people to get science cred.

Sad thing is it's not only the pseud that do this anymore. I distinctly remember hearing one of my uni prof, who was tenured and had graduates degrees in both maths and philosphy, and who was generally as intellectually elitist as it gets, say to one of his PhD student: "In the near future you'll have to get used to submit even the easy stuff for publication".

>> No.12258371

Pop science because it presents itself as legitimate science and people eat it up

>> No.12258400

Its just mindless cash grab, taking advantage of the current political climate and "racial instability" in the US.
She knows that she will be forgotten in the future because she did so little of importance, so in order to sell she had to make it now that everyone still knows her.

>> No.12258421
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Media studies, verbal diarrhea for pseuds who think it's more intellectual to read about a film/song instead of actually watching/listening to it.

>> No.12258451

I really hate the specific brand of pop history/biography that seems to dominate NYT best-of lists. My grandfather bought me a David McCoullagh book and it was basically 600 pages of "Benjamin Franklin walked briskly down the Paris street; it was a languid evening and the scent of lilac was in the air"–type bs. So many of these so-called "historians" need to stop trying to write prose bc they all suck. There seems to be an entire industry based on facilitating the intellectual masturbation of neoliberal pseuds.

>> No.12258470

Jesus christ.

>> No.12258525
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pop-anything from the humanites/social sciences
post 80's anglophone "literature"

>*mouth-breathing intensifies*

>> No.12258530

that's common practice with books though

>> No.12258537

Media studies is a field entirely dedicated to it though.

>> No.12258551

navy seal biographies ghost written by san fransisco fart huffers

>> No.12259007

I would say any pop version of an actual academic subject (for lack of a better term) is trash. I hate the simplification of what are actually incredibly complex fields as it basically spreads false information by giving people the false notion they really understand things. I think pop fiction (which in my mind is synonymous with things like YA and genre fiction) are ultimately fine. They might not be as worthwhile to read as what /lit/ would call real literature but they’re not detrimental

>> No.12259444
File: 586 KB, 597x799, Tony.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think Kubrick would've punched the author of this in the face?

>> No.12259750

Literally any book you find at an airport book store.

>> No.12260058

Black American literature. You read one you've pretty much read them all. It's all the same self-pitying trash. Even African literature has gems that I enjoyed reading because it wasn't just "Wahhhh I'm black, it's so hard!"