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/lit/ - Literature

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12254951 No.12254951 [Reply] [Original]

Life is only lovable in its contrast with the Void: the only way meditation, for example, can re-sensitize yourself to the miracle of being-here is by making you dwell in the nothingness of no-thought. That's the tragedy, and what Heidegger understood so well: even miracle has a half-life. Being a "child in the Kingdom of God" just means having the power to dissolve an adult's desensitization - habituation - to the Real. The dialectic is like a 24-hour news channel: it isn't on because there's a story, there's a story because it's on. Understand that and you understand Hegel. So let's put the two together: the beginning and the Golden Age didn't just happen to coincide together, it was the Golden Age /because/ it was the beginning. Photons aren't massless because they're light, they're /light because they're massless/. Population III stars burned the purest of fuels, as contractions of the hydrogen ocean that comprised the primeval universe immediately following the Big Bang, these stars were the equivalent of the first angels, the sons of the morning that sang for joy at the dawn of Creation, as God tells us in Job. As the universe wears on, stars burn progressively denser and denser fuel, both in their individual lifetimes and in the cosmic lifetime. AI is impossible because it means trying to construct life out of materials even denser than carbon: if we succeed, we would be dooming machine life to the progressive articulation/complexification of ontological law that Gurdjieff clearly glimpsed in the descending octave of God: as life descends into the density of liquid and solid from the incandescence of plasma, its dharma contracts like a noose. AI would be the next step in involution, not evolution: carbon becoming silicon, plastic, its nerves externalized as copper wire, so vulnerable to the cut. Teleology is an illusion: there have been eras of peace and prosperity no one would have hesitated to stop the clocks forever for: Nietzsche was right that the joy of a moment could affirm the whole of eternity: the progressivist, the anti-luddite, his entire argument depends on the efficacy of time, that if Nature or the Polis or the Nation-State was so great, why did we move on from these things? Because time - as change - forced us to. In other words, the progressivist recruits the empty form of time to validate his own historicist trajectory, but forgets that, if we admit man is just a slave to his own noumenal (self-)propulsion, then he didn't domesticate nature because he should have but because the passage of time said that he /must/: it was Land who understood every telos is immanently determined: production for the sake of production can only result in the apotheosis of /auto/-production: time is a wind-up toy turned behind our backs.

>> No.12254958
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To tie all these themes together: the modern is fundamentally mistaken about what constitutes the good life. Boredom is the /ultimate/ refutation of the neoliberal paradigm: by minimizing randomness, contingency, by chasing death out like an uninvited guest, the modern's great mistake is assuming that life is /disinhibited/ by its aversion to death and not the other way around: life rescued from its juxtaposition with its own void, and left to its own devices in the existential vacuum of Now, must fall under the cloud of Sartrean/Heideggerian anxiety. Anxiety is the absence of the Origin: every beginning is a Golden Age just because it is a beginning: /the Golden Age is the joy of the New, death is always the promise of the light of novelty/: your life now is the afterlife of your previous one. The harsh truth is that the only thing that makes life worth living is everything that threatens it, and the Good Life has always been a razor's edge and never some democratized telos. War is transcendence because war simulates the Beginning: the warrior who survives the battle sees the stars with unborn eyes. Christ signified the /refusal/ of this state of affairs: this is what Nietzsche understood: the beauty and triumph of one solar king is worth the misery and affliction of a thousand of small-souled gnats. Souls, too, have their horseflies. As the rabble - Aristotle's natural slaves, the peasants, the downtrodden, the ugly and alone - emerge into self-consciousness, in one voice they proclaim their rejection of the Great Game, of a thermodynamic universe that is designed from the bottom-up to select against them: a universe whose victors and conquerors are /excremental/, that is, only bought with the suffering of thousands, or the privation of millions: Brad Pitt is Brad Pitt because the rest of us aren't and never will be. /No one wants to accept Being is the ultimate - metaphysical - lottery/. We're living during a soft cull. A quiet cull, one whose algorithmic machine hum blends with all the others, but a cull nevertheless, its silence is only a testament to its efficiency. The entire neoliberal paradigm today is fueled by the ressentiment of those inferiors who are getting increasingly anxious about not having received an invitation to the posthuman capitalist after-party yet. Playing Scrabble at the cliff edge, because some don't have the legs to make the leap. The elites shout from the other side, that we can make it, too, and only the most naive of us do not know that even demons - no, only demons - coo in our ears.

>> No.12254964

[citation needed]

>> No.12254965

oh he's back with it already

>> No.12254968

Clean up the rest of the board if you're going to delete these threads. Someone tell me what the objective morality thread has to do with literature if these don't cut it.

>> No.12254974

I will always support you.

>> No.12255133

i fucking hate this poster, so much

>> No.12255145

These threads are so so bad, please leave this board op. Reported

>> No.12255278

I really don't get why philosophy threads get deleted. /lit/ has never been exclusively literature, it's always been about books and ideas in general.

>> No.12255576


7/10. Prose is a little too readable this time; is it the same guy?

Good. When is the compilation coming out

>> No.12255586

Why the 7/10 specifically? Genuinely curious

>> No.12255614

Enjoyable read.

Unsure if profound or merely well written but vacuous.

>> No.12255625
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Baudrillard's Hyperreality

>> No.12256137

Why, are you op?

Sentences aren’t as tight and as punctual as they used to be. Italics are wasted

Some sentences don’t need to be there at all eg star sentence describing

>> No.12256211

omg philosophy is so so so boring .....

>> No.12256280

what's your opinion on icycalm

>> No.12257043


Yeah it sounds like a copycat. Possibly the girardfriend.

>> No.12257094


>> No.12257986

yeah I'm starting to not be able to tell if its the same guy due to the frequency as well. I guess thats the nature of a place like this tho

>> No.12257991

it's the same guy, just a choppier effort. the jannie deleting the threads completely screwed up the rhythm

>> No.12258058

is that whats happening?

>> No.12258083

2 threads were deleted twice each, there were a few knock-off meme threads, and a few anons in the original threads themselves were posting scrambled versions of the OP and just filling the screen with text. Not an excuse, this one could have used a few more minutes of editing, but if it wasn't for the jannie fiasco it would have never been posted.

They're usually posted quietly and they die quietly, it doesn't have to be a show, its only jannies and post reporters who make it one

>> No.12258182

I have a love-hate relationship with this poster.
Stay insane, philosophy bro

>> No.12258369
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Is this the same guy as usual? Parts of this are actually semi-coherent.

>> No.12259072

fuck yea, it's based postmodern poster. Will you add me on discord or something?
I've been studying and contemplating this type of thought since an awakening I had a couple years ago.

>> No.12259160

What did you realize?

>> No.12259768

So what's your point?