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12254382 No.12254382[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is there this culture of deconstruction in the West? It seems like everyone is hell bent on negating the beliefs others, even to the point of compromising their own values.

What are some lit that explain this?

>> No.12254391

Everything had been done. So to make things interesting they had to invent new ways of telling the same old stories.

But now we are at a point were even deconstruction is becoming a cliche.

>> No.12254396

That dude has a really punchable face and personality.

>> No.12254405

postmodernism :^)
don't reply

>> No.12254406

Because academics also write books.

>> No.12254410

that's the point. You're not meant to like him because the truth is ugly.

>> No.12254412

People have in general misunderstood Derrida. He intended deconstruction be used to create new concepts, not to destroy old ones.

>> No.12254418

read DFW on irony

>> No.12254419

It’s like a game of whack-a-mole - if anyone shows even a hint of holding some fixed beliefs they get hammered back into the hole

>> No.12254424

Adam ruins everything is not deconstruction or postmodernism. Adam is in fact an ugly example of the idea that journalist or entertainer retards in 5 minute infotainment clips can give you THE RUNDOWN, can DEBUNK things and give you THE REAL DEAL. Thought-termination

>> No.12254425

Stop being a pussy about it. Heraclitus proved the postmodernists right damn near 3 millennia ago.

>> No.12254433

He just seems insufferable. He's probably one of those people who is constantly correcting other people on various minutiae that no one actually cares about.

>> No.12254434

It's easy, and it's easier to do than being original

>> No.12254488

Have you considered that not caring is why your life sucks so fucking much?

>> No.12254517

You see, around two and a half thousand years ago an Athenian NEET went around annoying other citizens by picking apart thier beliefs. Befitting such an attitude, a bunch of the kids in Athens started following him around. Everyone eventually had enough of him and sentenced him to death. Unfortunately, one of these kids was a talented writer, and scribbled down a bunch of fanfiction which portrayed this guy as a wise sage. Since then everyone thought that was pretty cool so they would do it too. For a long time the church and the crown could prevent such a toxic culture from spreading too widely by burning people and executing them in horrible ways. But the Greek NEET poz was too potent, and the critical critics were aimed at these institutions, destroying them. With nothing to stop it, the Spirit of the NEET became enshrined in the new governments and societies, bring some fortune and some failure. Now we can fly around in the sky, but can't create a consensus on anything because that mad gadfly lives on through us. The end

>> No.12254577

I bet Hitler cared you fucking clown

>> No.12254587

>as a matter of fact...
>well, actually...
>for the record...

>> No.12254600

My life doesn't really suck though. I have a girlfriend, a good job, I'm in a good grad program at a top school, and I have friends I hang out with regularly. He just seems like an asshole and probably the kind of asshole who actively contributes to the decline of Western society and its values.

>> No.12254614

I can not fathom how anyone in their right mind would achieve these conclusions after reading all there is to be read about the life and doings of Socrates.

>> No.12254661

This might sounds cringy but it's unironically weakness.
To criticise and to make mockery is far far easier than actually finding something you believe in and really holding to it and giving yourself a real set of beliefs or commitments or even an identity. That's actually a very hard thing to do.
Instead nowadays people want to try new identities on and ever commit, discard them just as quickly as if they were just changing their clothes, or constantly raise themselves up by criticising others while doing nothing themselves, or even just plain old idolising mediocrity.
It gets rewarded by the majority of people because the reality is most people find it far easier to justify their passivity through criticism and bringing down others like crabs in a bucket than to realise and admit that being passive, and never actually standing for something themselves, and putting in real work towards something, cannot bring them satisfaction.
Start with Kierkegaard.

>> No.12254662


>> No.12254675

Because everyone knows something is very wrong, but we can't agree on exactly what

>> No.12254703
File: 92 KB, 1024x684, 06DEE4E8-BF56-4F11-8650-B6F5005A2745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Abort the normals

>> No.12254713

Yeah, that's totally why everyone's deconstructing, because they misunderstood Derrida. Kill yourself you pseud fuck.

>> No.12254715

that's literally the show afaik

>> No.12254719

We live in an ironic age. The hallmark of irony is self-detachment or self-negation. The ironic hipster working at Starbucks thinks, no, this isn't me, I'm this creative artist, not a barista. The US starts wars and thinks, no, I'm a peacekeeper. Now, viewed from a Hegelian perspective, the dialectical progression of Spirit moves forward by means of negation and sublation. Geocentrism meets heliocentrism, and is sublated into heliocentrism-as-opposed-to-geocentrism. The problem with irony is that the ironic contains its own negation. For example, the negation of "this but unironically" is "this but ironically," but the mere fact of specifying "unironically" demonstrates that the ironic significance was present from the beginning. Remember Zizek's favorite story of Niels Bohr, a rational atheist who hung a horseshoe over his door for good luck, and when pressed on the matter replied, "Of course I don't believe in it, but I hear it works even if you don't believe in it." He believes in it but ironically, meaning that the negation of belief (disbelief) is already present in the term initially, and sublates itself into the original term harmlessly. To simplify in terms of thesis—antithesis—synthesis, we have ironic statement—subset of ironic statement—ironic statement. Since the original term already contains its own negation, the dialectical process always terminates in the selfsame term. We conclude that irony is a dialectical annihilator, analogous to multiplication of a real number by zero in a mathematical context. The ironic can neither be overcome, nor countermanded, nor escaped via dialectical means. It swallows everything while being invincible itself. It's a black hole, and the West is trapped in its orbit. The Hegelian thesis is that History proceeds dialectically. If true, we'll never escape this. If History proceeds by means other than rational, we may yet have a chance. Thus, any attempt to supersede modernity must occur on nonrational, or I may say, superrational grounds. Follow Kierkegaard here, as >>12254661 correctly concludes.

>> No.12254733

yeah right now you have the good job, the good life, the friends the girlfriend, one day you will get a wife have kids, the kids go school, you look a job your wife hates supporting you, your kids notic you not work, your wife acting smiles become often you start doing more chores to make up, she comes home later, kids start make fun of you, you gain weight, eventually divorce, call center job, turn 45 no savings, sell plasma for money after work two nights a week car breaks down so you walk home. hugry nights. Hello friend welcome me!

>> No.12254801

Pick one

>> No.12254811

One thing that adds to this destruction of identity is the lack of a feeling of having a place in history nowadays.
Nowadays you probably know personally or can observe the lack of identity and connection people feel to the place and time, the here and now, the feeling that they have rather been tossed into the world like a pebble into stormy waters and there is no sense of belonging.
This is largely due to a disconnect between the modern person and all history leading up to them. They know history, but they think, so what? What purpose does that actually give me? What connection do I need to feel to the past and what should I do about that?
The result (among many others) is people become equally apathetic and confused about their own futures and their presents. This is not just idle philosophy; this is a well known contributor to youth suicide such as in New Zealand, which has a large problem with cultural disconnect and psychologists have stated this contributes to its revoltingly high level of youth suicide.
It also leads to this kind of endless critique of culture. Why not? If I don't feel that I belong in that culture why shouldn't I be free to criticise but not contribute? How would I even begin to contribute to a real culture if I don't even feel a sense of belonging in history?

>> No.12254818

it's a character lmfao

>> No.12254830

That's not what I said retard. I am making the point that people adopt the ideas of deconstruction without truly understanding its purpose.

>> No.12254833

An excerpt from Either/Or which exemplifies what I mean by my edgeposting:
>I think I have the courage to doubt everything; I think I have the courage to fight everything. But I do not have the courage to know anything, nor to possess, to own anything.
>Most people complain that the world is so prosaic, that life isn't like a romantic novel where opportunities are always so favourable.
>What I complain of is that life is not like a novel where there are hard hearted fathers, and goblins and trolls to fight with, enchanted princesses to free.
>What are all such enemies taken together compared to the pallid, bloodless, glutinous nocturnal shapes with which I fight and to which I myself give life and being.

>> No.12254835

Only people who haven't gone out into the world enough believe this. A majority of the people out there are still fervent believers of the most stupidest things.

>> No.12254881

Where do i start with him?

>> No.12254889

>Truth is ugly
All he does is spout lies and slanted biased propaganda to sell whatever point he's pretending to make

>> No.12254897

>thinking Adam the character is the one who created the show

that's like saying brad pitt made fight club

>> No.12254905

Only thing he ruins is his credibility.

>> No.12254910

Based DFW

Fuck you I do what I want

Also based but you can also just watch the Youtube video like I did

Shit take

>> No.12254915

I think deconstruction and criticism, in the way Socrates might have done it, has been a tremendous boon to the Western World and likely contributed to our great advancements. Scientific progress relies on it.

It loses its value when the person doing it has absolutely no interest in building something better. It's easy to be critical, but far harder to be constructive.

>> No.12254916

Wherever. Fear and Trembling has some bearing on overcoming rationalism, although A Concluding Unscientific Postscript is probably the best work on the subject.

>> No.12254928

Either/Or or Fear and Trembling are both good starts but just go for whatever interests you the most

>> No.12254939
