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/lit/ - Literature

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12254306 No.12254306 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12254321

hemingway IS boring

>> No.12254327

It is "boring" but that doesn't mean it isn't good. It's value comes from the message and the way it is delivered. If you go into Hemingway expecting slightly more intellectual YA bullshit, like this dude almost certainly did, then yeah it's going to be boring to you

>> No.12254379

Hemingway represents a higher-mid-level coping strategy for the closeted homosexual: a dramatic paring-back, which, ironically, affects the same pathology as a dramatic display, or flamboyancy. Hemingway spent as much energy repressing himself as do drag-queens flaunting their queerness. He talked of fishermen, baseball, low-hanging bulls' nuts, all to both bask in and reject his own affliction, where the flamboyant both bask in and accept it. Perhaps, then, Hemingway's suicide was simply the final act of his dramatic, (and, flamboyant in its own ways), paring-back.

>> No.12254390

If you're going to phonepost at least do a decent crop job.

>> No.12254422
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>> No.12254558

this. the sun also rises is basically just a book about going to hostels and eating in restaurants.

>> No.12254568
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>> No.12254578

Everyone is a fag for you eh? That's projection, have you checked if you like it up the bummer?

>> No.12254597

Look at how meta he is! wow!

>> No.12254682
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>> No.12254751
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>> No.12254766

We get it Vox, you’re assblasted that Jordan Peterson is a millionaire and you’re stuck posting on a blog website that looks like it’s straight out of the 90s

>> No.12255092
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Hemingway once wrote "Write drunk, edit sober."

He must have taken his own advice seriously for "The Old Man and the Sea." This book has the cadence of a stumbling drunk, ejaculating short sentences in as part of an effort to hold back the inevitable vomit.

>> No.12255200

The phoneposting is the cringe part, right?

>> No.12255224

>seething this hard
repressed faggot detected

>> No.12256716

>foreword by Milo
never noticed that, jesus

>> No.12256729

He never actually wrote that.

>> No.12256730

Hemingway wrote like shit and he was an insecure faggot

>> No.12256736
File: 567 KB, 1536x2048, books we hated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12256743

That's better than most random shelves isn't it?

>> No.12257617


>> No.12257644

This whole repressed or ambiguous sexuality thing (doesn't have to be full-on closet hoosexuality) is a classic commentary on Hemingway (and a lot of other writers of his generation).

We're talking about a guy who got regularly dildoed by his wife and whose son practiced cross-dressing (when Heingway learned it, he said "We come from a strange tribe you and I").

You don't see anybody make the same kind of comments about, say, Dante or Petrarch, and for good reason.

>> No.12257663

What cold heartless monster brings himself to hat Confedracy of Dunces

>> No.12258497

>We're talking about a guy who got regularly dildoed by his wife and whose son practiced cross-dressing (when Heingway learned it, he said "We come from a strange tribe you and I").
mfw it's true. I know appearances deceive but what the hell. Your standard degenerate c u c k fetishist may be more manly than overcompensating Chad.

>> No.12258504
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>> No.12258658

I don’t understand how you could read all the way through a book like Ulysses or IJ and “hate” it. They take you hostage and you end up with Stockholm Syndrome

>> No.12258680

>google Vox Day to see if that's actually a person
>genuinely thought "SJWs Always Lie" was another fake book /lit/ cobbled together while I wasn't looking
>find his blog
>first post I see is him ranting for paragraphs about how many people think they're so much smarter than others for no real reason
>continues to explain that he actually IS smarter than others because he's special and his reasons are way more legitimate
>every comment is tearing him a new asshole

I am gradually more embarrassed by his existence the more I learn about him.

>> No.12258699

They read Jones' first line of dialogue, called it racist, and closed the book.

>> No.12258716

The apparences weren't that well kept I think. No hate for Hemingway tho, he seems to have been mostly a good lad on top of everything else.

Sexual ambiguity isn't so easy to deal with I guess. When you look at a life of a man like that all the chadposting starts looking even most childish and off point.

>> No.12258728

the sun also rises is a shit book; self-involved navelgazing about being rich and bored. it's the only time I've ever sympathized with the concept of toxic masculinity.

>> No.12258733

okay this is epic

>> No.12259844

This looks exactly like my hometown library. Anyone now where this was taken?

>> No.12260344

I think everyone who actually finished IJ or Ulysses liked them. It took me around a month to read all of Infinite Jest. There were so many different times to bail out especially around 400-600 pages when it really becomes clear how much longer it’s gonna take to complete. Anyone who doesn’t drop is a fan.

>> No.12260371
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>> No.12260376

I don't know where to post this, but /fit/ and /g/ are getting raided by a rogue janny acount that got hacked and now i fear for /lit/

>> No.12260393

based spic redditor

>> No.12260394

Hemingway *is* a hack, but not for the reasons our reddit friend is stating.

>> No.12260399

Oh so that’s how we ended up with the handful of lefties who post here.

>> No.12260425


>> No.12260430

then what? the sun also rises took me like 3 weeks to read, and that shit is short. seemed to culminate into nothing. Just a bunch of self insertion and stage setting and all for nothing really. the old man and the sea at least had some pessimistic under tones that I could pick up and even get behind.

>> No.12260447

>the sun also rises took me like 3 weeks to read

why? I read it in a weekend

>> No.12260467

Remember who you are

>> No.12260478

I'd read like 2 chapters and be bored out of my mind. come back to it like a day or 2 later and read as much as I could without getting bored again.

>> No.12260489

/lit/ is a Catholic Marxist board.

>> No.12260507

>/lit/ is a Catholic Fascist board.

>> No.12260716



>> No.12260720

/lit/ is a Catholic Nazbol Landian-Unabomber board.

>> No.12260729

It seems to me someone just put all of those books there for memes. The variety runs the whole gamut that it'll piss off anyone, no matter their politics and religious beliefs.

>> No.12260730

You milksops all write the same.

>> No.12260744

Never introduce women to literature.

>> No.12260753

>screenshot of another forum
>defending hemingway
>sincere use of cringe
>attention seeking and in need of validation becaude tiny-soul and impotent spirit
I wonder where you came from?

>> No.12260788

classic commentary by a bunch of talentless hacks who are eager to read their pathological activities and beliefs into anything and anyone they can.

>> No.12260847
