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File: 147 KB, 626x710, GustaveDoreParadiseLostSatanProfile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1225399 No.1225399 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think Satan is a hero in Paradise Lost? I would argue that he isn't, but rather shows the dangers of following someone so easily.

You almost want him to win.

>> No.1225406

It's easy to sympathize with Satan but I don't think Milton meant him to be a hero. Pride was a sin in Milton's worldview.

>> No.1225825

the fuck!? Satan is the only guy worth reading in PL. Reading about God or Christ is boring as hell.
Chrasmatic, unyielding, grief-stricken, guilt-ridden Satan. Amazing depth and layers added to Milton's Prince of the Damned.

>> No.1225835

He reminds me of Iago from Othello.

>> No.1225838

Idiots who only heard about it say that PL is so cool because Satan is a hero but he really isn't

He just appears likable at the beginning because God being perfect, it doesn'rt make for an interesting character

But Milton's point really is about demonstrating the value of faith and all that religious shit

>> No.1225842

1. Milton very obviously did not intend for Satan to be a hero. Reading the text through 17th century eyes, Satan is not a hero. Outside of Satan, though, there's almost no humanity in Paradise Lost. It's a shockingly barren story, there's no real complexity or interest or conflict outside of Satan. So, Satan is easily the most attractive feature of PL.

Further, since Milton's time, mores have changed in many ways. One of the most significant things is our view of authority, obedience, and the individual. For Milton, Satan was wrong because obedience to a truly divine, duly constituted authority was essential. To later readings (most importantly the Romantics), Satan was the individual, a figure of genius and tragedy, who rebelled against what he perceived as unjust authority.

Milton's Satan ranks with Dante's Ulysses and Shakespeare's Shylock in terms of characters who have been dramatically reinterpreted by posterity. The view of Satan as a hero (even if a tragic one) has an extremely long history, largely for the reasons above.

>> No.1225865

I wouldn't call Satan a hero, but he is definitely tragic.
I would say he is the most tragic figure ever.

Nothing so great has fallen so far except satan, by his own hand.

>> No.1225965

In Persian myth, the Satan tale is the greatest love story of all time.

Satan loved God and vowed never to love another. When God made man, he forced the angels to love his new creation. Satan loved God too much to share his love, and refused. God cast him out of Heaven.

>> No.1226160

I don't get the Satan as hero thing myself. I guess it may be Satan as Promethus (ie bringing Knowledge to Man, even if that knowledge damns him)

>> No.1226185

He was the first guy to stick it to the Man. That's a pretty big moment in history.

>> No.1226196


I find your reading problematic. Milton supported Cromwell. Cromwell challenged the crown and eventually failed. Milton then wrote Paradise Lost. Cromwell is Satan.

>> No.1226367


I don't feel as though Milton would equate God with an earthly king whom he despised.

>> No.1226374


He didn't - Satan is the main character.

>> No.1226599


>> No.1226674


Ah yes, Ulysses is extremely interesting. The most interesting difference in readings is between the Greeks and the Romans when it comes to the Odyssey I think. For the Greeks, Ulysses' intelligence and slyness, but for the Romans (mostly because of their retarded creation myth, but also because of their sense of honor) he was a total douchebag.

>> No.1226883

Since I consider biblical mythology fiction, I think Milton improved on the story. In fact, I fucking love Paradise Lost.
And Satan is a badass in it. Even though I know how the story goes, I can't help rooting for him.
"Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven."
One of my favorite quotes.