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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/lit/ - Literature

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12253178 No.12253178 [Reply] [Original]

post-2016 /lit/ is garbage and full of pseuds and contrarians
>objective morality
>burgers and their contemporary "politics"
>extreme plebbery for french theory
>literature barely discussed
this place is shit it is time for me to leave. here is a jezebel for you incel christlarpers.

>> No.12253185
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come back...

>> No.12253188

I agree....but i endeavour to stay here and remind everyone how this place has deteriorated

>> No.12253198
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>objective morality
based and redpilled
based and redpilled
based and redpilled
>burgers and their contemporary "politics"
cringe yet redpilled
>extreme plebbery for french theory
based yet bluepilled
>literature barely discussed
It never was. Always been a philosophy and hot take shitposting board. Best thing about /lit/ is the recs

>> No.12253237

>extreme plebbery for french theory
and thank God for this

>> No.12253283

see you in 2 days

>> No.12253345

You and the rest of the subjectivists were entirely and thoroughly outwitted in the other thread regarding "objective morality being impossible", and instead of learning something for once, and growing in your understandings, you come here to make your own thread and vent your frustrations in the same substanceless greentexts you already said there.

Quite sad, OP.

>> No.12253346

good literature thread

>> No.12253353

OP you just got btfo’d. You got dabbed on nigga it’s over.

>> No.12253365

you forgot the Jordan Peterson threads, I think we've had between 5-20 of them posted every day for the past year or two

>> No.12253593


>> No.12253624

the thread that was deleted by jannies? about why does god allow bad things? or did i miss it?

>> No.12253650
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Reminder OP is the same faggot with smug JoeJack (reddit version of wojack) posts:
>here is a jezebel for you incel christlarpers
He's such a brainlet hedonist that the only possible explanation for being opposed to Jezebel posting is that you MUST be a Christian. It does not compute to him that it's possible to be an atheist and see how base sexual distractions detract from the discussions each and every time. OP and low quality pseud posts such as his are the one's the site is better off without.

Good fucking riddance, don't come back. Enjoy reddit.

>> No.12253669

i like this pepe. he looks loosey goosey. couple inches of bourbon in him, he's ready to talk some real philosophy.

>> No.12253723

The "objective morality" thread is still there, but nobody's flocking to it anymore because the subjectivists have either realized their positions are incoherent, or didn't realize it and fled to threads like this and sites like Reddit. A clear victory for the objectivists.

Based, and agreed. You don't have to follow any culture, to be an objectivist regarding morality or otherwise.

>> No.12253730

If so many users here have such retarded beliefs then it shouldn’t be difficult for you to run an argument or two to change some minds. Or you could just flee to a safe space like plebbit

>> No.12253751

you won't be missed, this be mike cernovich country now.

>> No.12253755
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>> No.12253765

It's probably my favorite pepe out of all of them.

>> No.12253811
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>> No.12253830

is it pee-pee? or peh-peh?

>> No.12253838
File: 290 KB, 1584x1462, pepedisgusted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pe - pe.

Short e, not long. No "eh" sound. Y'all anglos I swear.

>> No.12253861
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>pretending early /lit/ was some kind of online agora and not a fuck fest of teenagers whining about Twilight's popularity
Seriously, just use warosu and read those early threads; they are all shit.

>> No.12253864

Why do fags need to make a thread and announce that DUDE IM LIKE TOTALLY OVER THIS PLACE AND LEAVING. Just fucking go, if you meant it there would barely be any reason to make a thread. See you tomorrow cockboi

>> No.12253960

back in 2013 this board was absolutely overrun with teenage tripfags

>> No.12253994

Based pepe. Well dressed too.

>> No.12254002

sad and true

>> No.12254004

/lit/ has been shit for years. It's still orders of magnitude better than any other place on the internet.