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File: 31 KB, 620x413, these idiots that I have to straighten out were it not for me they'd persist with their bullshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12252744 No.12252744 [Reply] [Original]

When discussing literature and philosophy on this board, why do so many posters incorrectly dismiss materialism? What exactly is it that you've read which has caused you to fall into error? We're collections of atoms floating through space arranged in such-and-such a way. No, your "gotcha" about qualia or souls or whatever nonsense paradox you think is one but really isn't, doesn't count. Get over yourselves.

>> No.12252765

materialism can't account for the phenomena of intentionality, neither can it account for the reflexivity of its own statements, or the ideal reality of something like color

"we're made of stuff" is a complete and utter triviality

>> No.12252767

I guess we didn't have a choice, it's all pre-determined by science™ right!

>> No.12252870
File: 15 KB, 236x240, 885399fbcbeac6f3fec6474788b1d66a--january--north-africa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>“If, as must be done in this instance, the word atom be taken in its true sense of “ indivisible,” a sense which modern physicists no longer give to it, it may be said that an atom, since it cannot have parts, must also be without area ; now the sum of lements devoid of area can never form an area ; if atoms fulfil their own definition, it is then impossible for them to make up bodies. To this well-known and more-over decisive chain of reasoning, another may also be added, employed by Śaṅkarācārya in order to refute atomism 1 : two things can come into contact with one another either by a part of themselves or by the whole ; for atoms, devoid as they are of parts, the first hypothesis is inadmissible ; thus only the second hypothesis remains, which amounts to saying that the aggregation of two atoms can only be realized by their coincidence purely and simply, whence it clearly follows that two atoms when joined occupy no more space than a single atom and so forth indefinitely: so, as before, atoms, whatever their number, will never form a body. Thus atomism represents nothing but sheer impossibility, as we pointed out when explaining the sense in which heterodoxy is to be understood

>> No.12252887

>a sense which modern physicists no longer give to it
Why did he feel the need to say anything he said after this statement

>> No.12252900

i've found feuerbach crystallizes the topic well even though you're just shitposting.

>> No.12252954


I most certainly am not shitposting. The FPWP is a great example of this nonsense: "but the colooors, duuude. The intrinsic color-ness of color can't merely be physical, maan." Hogwash. Although, it would be useful if you could post exactly what you have in mind, so that it can be dispatched and so that your thought process can be corrected.

>> No.12252966
File: 38 KB, 485x443, 1534591931496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>claim to be scientist
>"I will now explore nature and classify it"
>go out exploring nature
>find a rock
>find a tree
>find some dirt
>"Everything is hard, and some of it is heavier. Maybe the nature of all things is hardness. I will call it matter. All I have found so far is matter."
>find some water
>find partible plants
>"I see. Some things are not hard, but flowing and yielding, or divisible. Is this still matter, or some new second thing? On closer observation, dirt, trees, and rocks are also partible and yielding. Perhaps all things are matter differently organized?"
>reflect on the medium of air
>"Matter can even be invisible to my eyes, because it is too small or too diffuse. So far all I have found is matter: matter can be hard, or yield, or be partible and even be recombined. But it is passive and inert. It is predictable and obeys laws."
>find animals
>finds other people also investigating the world
>"Is this more matter? It is partible and divisible, but it reacts to me, as if it is doing to me what I was previously doing to matter. And now that I reflect on myself, I find that I am something different from the matter too."
>Good scientist: "I wonder what this 'thing' is that 'I' am, and that other animals 'are', distinct from the matter that adheres to them or that is their vessel? Now that I think of it, what are the 'laws' obeyed by matter? Are they also made of matter, or of some other 'thing'? That doesn't seem to make sense.. This is difficult for me to think about, having mostly encountered matter. I will have to expand the domain of my inquiry and refrain from knee-jerk assumptions."

>> No.12252967

Just like you so expertly dispatched qualia?

>> No.12252982
File: 39 KB, 638x359, define-physical-problems-with-defining-the-physical-in-physicalism-msimang-2015-pssa-presentation-9-638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unironic materialists
You don't even know what you mean when you say the things you say

>> No.12252998


Atoms and chemicals and so on, all the way down. Urea was artificially synthesized. Did you know that before I told you?

>herp-te-terp-de-derp-de-dum vitalism and qualia aren't the same things don't do that

They are substantively the same thing: nonsense, eventually replaced by sense, via investigation (science).

>> No.12253009

“What do you think about materialism?”

“I fucking hate how consumer culture is now it’s so shallow and empty, now excuse me I have some Christmas shopping to do”

Every fucking time.

>> No.12253019

Holy shit are you implying because science is usually funded by corporate interests or that it’s comnected to mine in any sense that it’s invalid.

Holy kek Batman.

>> No.12253051
File: 60 KB, 960x720, slide_48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the way down
What did he mean by this?

>> No.12253646

Unfortunately, the Hard Problem has more to do with the question of how there is an order of appearances to be reduced to matter in the first place, and how to account for inexplicable emergence of the former from the latter, which I promise you you can't actually meaningfully articulate

>> No.12253777


Your latter performative is a happy one, but not for the reason that you thought it was when you wrote it.

>> No.12253851

Actually; we are more like space flowing through collections of atoms, cuckboy.

>> No.12253854


>> No.12253866

**Flowing IN 'collections' of 'atoms' that are also flowing**

>> No.12253874

There is no point in being a materialist

>> No.12253881

>ideal reality of color
Is this a retard I see before me?

>> No.12253887

Pseudomathematical nonsense.

>Since it cannot have parts it must be without an area


>> No.12253895

It triggers theists. Please only reply if you’re a non-theist as I actually want to hear your point of view. Others need not apply.

>> No.12253904

an alien species that has never seen redness asks you to show it what this "redness" thing is, what do you do?

>> No.12253986
File: 12 KB, 220x247, Whitehead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all there is substance
*chuckles in Whiteheadian*

>> No.12254000

Point at a few red objects and tell them it's the thing these objects have in common

>> No.12254008

All you made were unsubstantiated claims. You rest on faith as much as anyone else. Get over yourself.

>> No.12254010

Show it to the aliens

Fucking faggot

>> No.12254030

I bet an american wrote this.
Go worship the almighty dollar.

>> No.12254034

then there is something about redness that is only communicable through the experience/quale of red and not just a physical description of the wavelengths we phenomenally interpret as red

>> No.12254043

Heh. You might as well talk about the cupness of an empty cup, and the emptiness that precedes it.

>> No.12254053

No there isn't - this whole argument has been done to death but is simply a problem of language and nothing more

>> No.12254054

That line is from a book where he was talking about the atomism theory of the ancient Greeks and Indians being incorrect, I posted it as a joke because when OP said we are all just atoms in space it sounded like he was a biological materialist reductionist lazily arguing for atomism which is not even what most physicists believe.

>> No.12254063

given that you (or the other anons) admit I can't communicate x-ness without pointing to it, I might as well, right?

I posted an argument, you fell for it because you don't even understand your position well enough to not make my point for me. Now, you post an argument, or shut up.

>> No.12254077


>is spooked by fictive problems that aren't actually problems, but only confused masturbations

>> No.12254086

Yeah, the emptiness of the cup.
I think you'll find, the "emptiness" is right here.
>*taps your forehead*

>> No.12254090

It's a problem of language - our language is incapable of communicating colour in a meaningful distinguishing way, but that is to the fault of the way in which we construct language, and not proof of the 'quale' of red. I'd expand on this but I fear you'd fall at the first hurdle.

>> No.12254101

based and redpilled

>> No.12254104

Unironically what is matter?

>> No.12254137

Literal scientist of the gaps argument here, the fact that you think redness can be linguistically communicated at all says everything about you and your ilk

Why would it be a problem of language, anon? So is there some hypothetical future language that isn't also a language?

Either you communicate redness by pointing to it, or you communicate it by describing it: not in this, or in any other world, will description ever be equivalent to demonstration, while somehow remaining description. You have no idea what you're talking about.

inane redditisms

how do appearances emerge from substance?

>> No.12254169

Read C. L. Hardin's 'Color for Philosophers'. Basically you're wrong but it would be too long-winded and nauseating to explain why here. You have a fundamental misunderstanding of colour as it relates to the world and to the individual.

>> No.12254232

if you can't explain or condense his argument, you didn't understand it, I'm interested in what you have to say but no, I don't have the time or the patience to read an entire book on this topic when pretty much every anti-qualiafag I've ever read betrays a complete and fundamental misunderstanding of what's at stake

>> No.12254252

>if you can't explain or condense his argument, you didn't understand it
Tell that to a physics major