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12252270 No.12252270 [Reply] [Original]

Why the debate about God's existance never evolve towards something more usefull like if instead of trying to prove if God exist, we argue is God is an usefull concept to society.

I see over history, atheist people tend to have sub replacement levels, lack of morality, love for hedonism, lack of meaning in life and overall degeneracy.

In the end atheists countries always devolve and collapse.

God may be a social construct for all we care, but isn't most of human society also human constructs and they exist for a reason?

>> No.12252275

thanks Jordan B. Peterson I just cleaned my room because of this post xd

>> No.12252279

because if you believe the value of spirituality is synonymous with social utility, you've played right into the hands of the people you're arguing against

>> No.12252282

define who I am argueing against?

religious fundamentalist or atheists?

>> No.12252291


>> No.12252296


>> No.12252308

I've never listen to atheists argue about God's utility.

care to enlight me?

>> No.12252317

well the idea is God only exists insofar as that existence can be quantified, and social utility would be a part of that

>> No.12252326

Religion is trivially useful to society; that’s why religious societies have survived and reproduced and become so dominant (look at the global Pew figures, atheism is a blip that’s shrinking even in the West). The only interesting question of religion is its truth.

>> No.12252329

Who was it again that said God isn't "useful" or "necessary" so that man can enter into a more meaningful relationship with him - not one of dependency, but one of love?

Religion never countered lack of morality or lack of meaning in life. We all live in atheist countries: France is the best example of an explicitly secular country - it hasn't devolved or collapsed as far as I know. "God as a social construct", however, has been devolving and collapsing these days.

>> No.12252330

I don't follow why social utility comes from it's existance.

All human languages to me sound like random noises, this doesn't mean that they lack a social utility, even if for me arabic and other indigenous languages are noise.

I don think religious serves biological needs of humans, and it may come down to the spiritual realm organic being have.

>> No.12252334

France is at sub replacement levels, and at the brink of economic collapse and suffering from massive inmigration from the thirld world.

europe isn't a good example.

>> No.12252359

>Why the debate about God's existance never evolve towards something more usefull like if instead of trying to prove if God exist, we argue is God is an usefull concept to society.
Because recognizing God's existence reveals God's utility.

>> No.12252364

art and math are imaginary things, yet they do have social utility.

>> No.12252373

The existence of God is not in debate.

>> No.12252376

why should the God's existance be relevant to discuss if God as a concept is usefull?

>> No.12252450

>art and math are imaginary things
define imaginary. it sounds like you are banking on the ambiguity of that term

>> No.12252456

things that are not real outside a human interpretation that is not shared by all humans.

like modern art where a dot in a canvas is art.
or atonal music.

>> No.12252467

placebo effects can coexist with the subject's awareness of the placebo. God is the ultimate placebo--his existence, being unprovable and undisprovable, does not seriously affect the believer's faith or hope, as belief is always a leap in the face of reason

>> No.12252478

something being a placebo doesn't mean it doesn't have an effect on the consumer.

there's also placebos that happens to have a considerable positive effect on their believers, like nofap.

>> No.12252494

>something being a placebo doesn't mean it doesn't have an effect on the consumer
that's exactly what i said

>> No.12252502
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I don't believe in God and I'm not a hedonist. Most reject God because they view it as "mean sky man say no fun time!, that no fair so no guy in the sky"

>> No.12252504

yeah, I'm trying to say that we could discuss if God even if he wasn't real, is not a positive force (beyond shit like ISIS) to a society in the end.

Of course I am talking about christianity.

>> No.12252507

why do you say "math and art" but then limit your examples to "avant-garde art?" seems disingenuous. by the way, chimpanzees can count--doesn't that mean math exists outside a human interpretation?

>> No.12252519

look up the debates on /sci/ about wildburger, arithmetic is found on nature, but most of the most advanced math is clearly a social construct.

>> No.12252524

you're straw manning. i'd argue that most westerner non-believers reject god because they simply have no need for belief, as all its benefits (hope, meaning, community) can be found elsewhere

>> No.12252528

>life meaning can be found in capitalism materialism and hedonism
>hundred of thousands of westerners commit suicide every year

>> No.12252541

now you're being reductionist

>> No.12252542

>hope, meaning, community

>> No.12252574

did you know that if you leave your basement there's an entire, heterogenous world outside?

>> No.12252682

Because theology is the actual substance? You can't understand the "usefulness" of something without clearly defining what "it" is. If you can't say what God is and are relying on what people claim about their feelings and everyone's sidestepping giving any clear exposition maybe it isn't the cause but just an effect, just some sort of epiphenomenon, maybe people are all just misunderstanding each other. There's probably more modern neuropharmacological methods to induce what you want everyone to do which the state could just directly administer in water.

>> No.12252812

>entire, heterogenous world outside

I would like to believe this but I just see a rat race directed toward the pursuit of meaningless goods. Culture is also dead, the community has been dismounted. Is there any meaning remaining in modern west that was precisely built on the progressive destruction of the big narratives? The result is a bare earth, a mere rock that exists to be devoured until it dissapear. I would like to receive an answer because I can't honestly see myself living on an aparment, working on a cubicle and talking about some nigger rapper until death.

>> No.12252840

I actually agree with OP. Religion/spirituality is apodictic. That is to say, without it we take philosophy to its most logical conclusion; the complete denial of all absolute values and commendation of stark opportunism. It’s not that “we need to preserve it because bad things will happen if we don’t.” It’s that it is going to preserve itself, and has, because a world without it is incredibly terrifying. This is what Socrates did. He forced us to take a step back.

>> No.12253389

>people actually believe Europe is at the brink of collapse

Immigration stemming from wars caused in great part by religion, really makes you think huh

>> No.12253405

>let's ignore ISIS is backed by the CIA and the clinton fundation

>> No.12253423

dumb frogposter

>> No.12253428

Sponsoring something is not the same as starting it. The Middle East has been wrecked by religious conflicts since before the birth of Muhammad (PBUH), and though I don't doubt that you have conspiracy theories explaining this as well, it's a fact that religion has never helped stop conflict, rather engendering it.

>> No.12253449

and yet such societies have stronger social cohesion, better morality values, bigger sense of comunity.

the west doesn't have a purpose in life right now and therefore are comiting cultural suicide.

What can u expect from countries where a baby life has not value?

>> No.12253478

>The body is the collective will of the cell!!!!

>> No.12253548

>In the end atheists countries always devolve and collapse.
Wrong. Atheist China is about to take over the world.

>> No.12253653

Go outside and talk to people instead of copying your hot takes on society from "intellectual" demagogues with political intentions

>> No.12253666

>Atheist China
They're not really atheist in the sense you mean.
And they are not the most moral country

>> No.12253667

>dude lower birthrates, cultural decline, morality collapse, inmorality, depression epidemic (thing that doesn't exist outside the west), empty materialism, collapse of the family unit, economic decline, demographics, are just memes
>just leave the internet bro.
>huh huh, the west is superior

>> No.12253674

Not really, they normally devolve into hedonism and degeneration.

>> No.12253697

>man in the sky dosen't let me have buttfuck with my friends,therefore no man in the sky.

>> No.12253719

I'm saying that OP has a rather narrow conception of atheism. I'm not trying to set up China as some sort of role model. I'm merely providing a counterexample to OP's rectally derived claim.

>> No.12253739

>materialism is good
>spirituality is bad
why most atheist think that consumerism is the end goal of life?

>> No.12253780

That’s easy for you to say when you don’t believe in God

>> No.12253787

Maybe because you've mostly talked to kids? Atheism doesn't exclude spirituality. If your problem is with materialism, then address it directly.

>> No.12253793

how can u have spirituality without a belief in after dead and soul?

>> No.12253939

start with the greeks™

>> No.12253962

>Most reject God because they view it as "mean sky man say no fun time!, that no fair so no guy in the sky"
so most people, yourself included, are retarded?

>> No.12253970
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>Go outside and talk to people