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/lit/ - Literature

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12251818 No.12251818 [Reply] [Original]

Do you have any tips or considerations for someone who's wanting to write erotic literature?

More specifically, I'm wanting to write fantasy erotica, (raunchy stories about women being taken by ogres and dragons, and big barbarian men taking their prize after saving damsels.)

Also is there somewhere that I can share my stories after I finish them? Like a site for sharing erotic short stories or weekly chapters, kind of like a fanfiction site?

>> No.12252042

>stories about women being taken by ogres and dragons, and big barbarian men taking their prize after saving damsels

you could just please not do that. If you have the talent for writing erotica (which I doubt considering the above), you should use it to write about less autistic things like, idk, men and women having sex or engaging in erotic situations.

>> No.12252056

for erotica the most important thing to remember is that its not so much about the description of the sex itself but the psychological tension building up to the sex.

>> No.12252061
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>beginning tips for mental poison that'll hurt your ability to write later on

>> No.12252071


I wanna write the most raunchy, autistic, fanfiction-y, retarded D&D World buildy piece of erotica the world has ever known. It'll be Subspace Emmisaries Worlds Conquest levels of autistic.

>> No.12252079

Pls no. The world doesn't need anymore useless neckbeards who think that's what sex is supposed to be like. If I see your works anywhere I'll steal them and throw them in a fire.

>> No.12252080


>> No.12252091

>steal them and throw them in a fire.
Not gonna lie, this made me guffaw.

I don't have any intentions of getting a lot of notoriety, obviously. Just looking to write something to upload to a fictionpress equivalent.

I don't wanna be a great writer "later on" I wanna write big tiddy stories RIGHT NOW

>> No.12252094

Read the most you can.

I recommend you to read the story from robert mckee so you understands how to write a good story.

The rest of the part is to read the best clasics of your genre to get ideas you can steal.

I'm not sure if shades of gray is erotica, but you may study that book to understand why women like it.

Always don't think this is garbage, do it more scientifically asking yourself why this "X" erotica is popular.

Also, look up how to write sex scenes books on libgen.io.

I think you could write a good porn story, is not entirelly imposible to write one, but most of the time is about sex between characters that are engaged in the story.

Even with all the r9k memes, women don't read erotica that is violent or is about rape or is about being a slut, there's always a reason why the girl in the story fucked the guy (he was hot, interesting, perfect, etc).

Good luck, there's not reason why sex can't be art.

>> No.12252959

50 shades is erotica repurposed from twilight fanfic. But these posts make a lot of sense.

Woman read erotica with a reason to it. Like, "This businessman is hot. Why am I horny? I want to fuck him." Or, "This trans woman is odd. I want to learn about her."

As long as someone wants a glass of metaphor water in your book, you'll be on a right track. One quirk of digital books is that if something is illogical, you could resubmit the book and have it force update into everyone's reading application.

>> No.12253170

JUST MY MASTERPIECE - i called it "spermovel"

When I moaned, as usual for a second before ejaculation, I felt her tug at the circle sticking out of my ass. With one stroke she snatched the balls from me and I shot the sperm with her face and breast impetuously. Not even so much that it was a strong shot, but very long and capacious. Sperm spilled over her breasts and still dangled from the penis. Ex grabbed a dick right behind the acorn, massaged and thanks to that the remaining part of the sperm fell on her tits too.
"Yes, you have never failed me," she said with a smile, rubbing her ejaculate on her balcony and belly.

>> No.12253195

erotica is not diferent from all those trashy self insert light novels and anime weebs fap to.

erotica is literally porn, but for women they can't fap to visual stimully, so they better fap to their mental images of Chad fucking them.

Is self insert wish fulfilment porn.

Since OP is male, is better for him to read a bunch of erotica to understand the appeal.

>> No.12253212

First I would recommend having sex at least once or twice.

Come back in a few years when this step is done and we can proceed to step 2.

>> No.12253659

You literally do not have to have any talent. Find a niche fetish, right a story about it - you'll have an immediate audience

>> No.12253675

>If I see your works anywhere I'll steal them and throw them in a fire.

Then God will punish you for breaking his commandment.

>> No.12253685

I like how bukowski basically admitted in one of his interviews that writing erotica caused his writing to go downhill. He said he regretted it and later only editors would add sex scenes in. He wasn't prude. He wasn't even a good writer. The point is, he was a writer and he saw the the antagonistic influence of the sexual on the intellectual. Pick one.

>> No.12253687

>erotica is literally porn, but for women they can't fap to visual stimully, so they better fap to their mental images of Chad fucking them.

Men read erotica, too. And it can be great literature. Get yourself a copy of Fanny Hill and shut up for good.

>> No.12253689

Try having sex, how is this even a question?

>> No.12254219

I unironically keep a word document depicting all my sexual experiences.

No, it's not blank.

>> No.12254386

steampunk is so fucking gay