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/lit/ - Literature

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12251220 No.12251220 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a book that teaches your brain to work like this?
I don't care about his quality of arguments, I am only interested in the aspect of coming up with counter points and articulating them in milliseconds.

>> No.12251225

No, only superior Ashkenazi genes can bestow this gift

>> No.12251236

Schopenhauer's The Art of being right

>> No.12251237

This. I wish it weren't the case but most likely it's a genetic thing. When your entire peoples value education above all else, for dozens of generations, this is the result. Fucking burgers could take note instead of valuing stupid sports shit and consumerist bullshit above everything else. My family just spent 60k remodeling their kitchen. They've probably spent like less than 4k on my entire education. We're fucked. The jews have already won.

>> No.12251238

Aristotle - Topics and/or Aristotle - Rethoric

>> No.12251244
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>you will never be good at math
>you will never be good at physics
>you will never be good at logic
>you will never be good at debate
>all because you were not born ashkenazi jewish or an upper class anglo-saxon

>> No.12251250

So, Dante, when are we leaving this level?

>> No.12251255

The lower your intelligence, the easier it is to revert to dogmatic logical executions. That's why black people are surprisingly quick to retort, and are often extremely well spoken and can rhyme on a dime, so to speak. There's less to work with and the retrieval occurs quicker. Benjamin Shapiro just happens to be a slightly-above-average intelligence with this ability. This isn't a good thing. This is a bad thing.

>> No.12251264
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Wow, that's some blackpilled beta cuckery there.

If you were of sufficient age and social class, it would be transparent to you that the Ashkenazim are merey a pale imitation of the WASPs they both idolize and resent. There's a great book called The Ordeal of Civility that will catch you up on how the Jew adapted from the ghetto to the country club, and how it's only a facade.

Regarding OPs question, there's no one book that will teach you how to think and argue rigorously, it takes a well rounded education grounded in logic and ethics. Start with the Greeks.

>> No.12251268

>blaming your retardation on your ancestors
absolutely pathetic

>> No.12251271

t. doesnt know any modern day wasps

>> No.12251277

but anon, it is your ancestors after all that are responsible for you being a swarthy nigggerkin.

>> No.12251278

fpbp, as a side note notice how Ashkenazi genes give women big breasts, pure eugenics.

>> No.12251283

stop blaming other people for your lack of success.

>> No.12251285


Low IQ post

>> No.12251296


>> No.12251299

but anon, it is your ancestors after all that are responsible for your lack of success.

>> No.12251319

you can keep projecting but it won't work

>> No.12251321

Fuck off SJW

>> No.12251324

>if you aren't a self-loathing autistic racialist you're an SJW

>> No.12251332
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>anyone can be and do whatever they want as long as they put their mind to it!
Excuse me while I fart unicorns and shit rainbows.

>> No.12251342

Its all preparation, bud. Put yourself through an imaginary debate. Put forwards your argument, then imagine/research what an opponent would say. Then figure out your reply. Then figure out your opponents reply and continue until you've exhausted your opponents points.

Also research all the arguments your opponents have on a subject and find a counter point to them, then figure out what your opponents would say to your counter points, and find counter points to those as well.

>> No.12251349

>not acknowledging that a large portion of what makes you smart is genetic.
It's unfortunate, but it's the truth. Denying it won't change anything you debased bluepilled fuck.

>> No.12251351

Here is the thing. When researching a subject, and getting an opinion on a subject, you should have already done this already.

>> No.12251355

yeah yeah sure genetics but it's better to put effort in studying than not studying at all because muh shit genes

>> No.12251356

It’s called being a Jew

>> No.12251360

t. Benjamin

>> No.12251373
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>> No.12251382

Prep time. Just like batman.

>> No.12251383

He's controlled opposition anon.
He doesn't "come up with counter arguments istantly".
He knows What his """""""""opponents"""""""""" are going to say

>> No.12251387

Anons—he went to law school, learned informal logic, maybe studied Talmud and argued back and forth over every damn point.
you can all do it

>> No.12251404

Why are you trying to debate a lawyer—any decent lawyer can do that
He’s nothing special
He’s not on the Supreme Court
He’s beating up students on YouTube

>> No.12251408

i hope hiv will kill all phoneposters.

>> No.12251409

Ted Cruz is much better

>> No.12251417

OP, can you tell me what an argument is, in basic terms?
If you can’t, just learn informal logic and you can argue Talmud all damn day

>> No.12251421
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t. brainlet
keep staying in your pit dumb subhuman

>> No.12251443

This is a real book. Lol

>> No.12251448

A formal logic textbook can make you quicker at thinking of arguments if you spend time doing the practice problems. Obviously half of being good at arguing is knowing a lot of facts which support or appear to support your point, but no book will give you that kind of encyclopedic knowledge except for maybe an encyclopedia. However, formal logic is practice in the most basic argument forms, and doing some formal logic practice does sharpen your brain for what you're talking about.
The textbook I had for my logic class was Understanding Symbolic Logic by Virginia Klenk, and it was pretty easy to digest on its own. After I walked out of my first logic class, I would often look at my phone and see things on twitter or 4chan that I disagreed with. And for some reason I'd make up arguments against them in my head at a faster speed than before the class. I would even sometimes imagine themselves in Ben Shapiro's voice to make myself giggle. So that's what you're looking for.

>> No.12251452

Lit has really been turning into a pol 2 aka a shithole for the last few years.
Years ago there were serious discussions about literature, poetry and philosophy here. Nowadays we have poltards shilling Ben Shapiro, Peterson, Molyneux and whatever shitty political commentator supports their views...
As a matter of fact Tao Lin is a bigger intellectual than Ben Shapiro...

>> No.12251460

Imagine this post being read out aloud by a tranny with french accent.

>> No.12251473

>the easier it is to revert to dogmatic logical executions
>There's less to work with

This might be true for simple topics, but if you can pull off the same thing on complex subjects, not resorting to emotional points along the way, you aren't doing 'less work'. It's gigantic work.

>> No.12251474

Imagine getting in a literature board and seeing threads about one of the worst writers of all time. His book "true allegiance" is literally "fifty shades of gray" level in terms of writing.

>> No.12251499

is it from the dad's side or mom's side?

>> No.12251509

good post

>> No.12251510

/lit/'s not fared well from the influx of /r/T_d refugees a couple of years back. Half these cunts don't even read

people should unironically go back to leleddit

I blame the mods

>> No.12251512


>> No.12251521

I know, I remember my oldfags time in 1999 when we were all a jolly bunch of proto-leninist lipstick lesbians discussing susan sontag and hannah arendt but then all these old white men from reddit came in. and then when they came for me, there was noone left to speak up for me :(

>> No.12251531


Any other books other the one you mentioned?

>> No.12251533
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if we had a /self-help/ and /youtuber/board the quality of posting on /lit/ would increase exponentially although it would become a slower board.

maybe we could have /lit2/ board or a literature perma-thread (like sffg) for discussion of actual literature

>> No.12251538

which period was peak /lit/?

>> No.12251541

Unironically 2018

>> No.12251551

I remember two or three years ago when the board was slightly on-topic and the quality of contributions was significantly higher.

This place has got so bad that the tripfags have left.

>> No.12251554

"peak" is a strong word.
It got worse a couple of years back

>> No.12251567


seriously I often see people here circle jerking 'golden /lit/ years', but I went warosu and browsed a lot of posts of 2014, 15, 16, but didn't notice that big of a difference in discussion content or quality of recommendation. Am I not putting in the right search keywords or you guys are just 'muh old times'

>> No.12251580
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The only people who do that are newfags themselves that try to pass as oldfags. "Passing" as something they're really not is often a very central topic to these people's lives anyway.

>> No.12251581

>I am only interested in the aspect of coming up with counter points and articulating them in milliseconds.
What you describe is how half-educated people argue. They are educated enough to have answers ready for any question, but not enough to experience a core value crisis, fall into relativism, have their ego shaken, and become a servant of truth.
As for books, maybe economics? Economists usually have that half-educated smugness that they supposedly understand how the world works

>> No.12251583
File: 49 KB, 500x410, 29DEDE08-2B7F-49C3-9347-ADB556504246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get one of the college debate books by a good professor—college debate, informal argumentation are the keywords, or informal logic
I didn’t mention any books except Talmud—reading it the way they do (they argue) is good prep for law school

>> No.12251607

You'd just be a regurgitator, bringing nothing new to the table. A small domino knocking down other small dominoes.

>> No.12251609

That's some determinist bullshit defeatism right there. It sounds like you're looking for justifications for your own shortcomings in life.

>> No.12251612

4channel is less mean. I don't like it

>> No.12251622

>have your parents read to you and get you reading yourself from ages 2 - 5
>have your parents organize a reading curriculum in increasing difficulty from age 5 - 18
>from age 15 - 18 participate in competitive high school debate
>go to a t10 undergraduate program in economics or polisci
>score 97%th percentile on lsat
>go to hys law school
>graduate top quartile
>call to bar

you'll be a pretty good debater by then. factor in work experience afterward and you'll be a superstar

>> No.12251628
File: 267 KB, 637x360, 1505419189204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't sexy.
This isn't even cute.
It's like the girl has motor ticks. Sort of 'special' daughter they take her to an event like a baseball game to cheer her up. That's why she is so inexplicably happy. The girl in the in the back right seems exhausted and perhaps partly embarrassed but overjoyed enough to smile knowing her sister, or daughter is having a blast and enjoying being in camera, so none of that decorum matters. It's somewhat sad. So close to being a complete person yet so far.

>> No.12251636

>This isn't sexy.
>This isn't even cute.
4channel waifuism in a nutshell

>> No.12251673

I cannot think on my feet. At all. It's tragic. I am cognitively unable to verbally improvise beyond basic cliches. It has negatively impacted my ability to do so much. Dating is a struggle, teaching is a struggle, networking is a struggle, directing (what I want to do) is a struggle. Even talking with my friends and family is a struggle. Anxiety seems to play little to no part in the source of the problem though it does exacerbate it. It feels like the way I'm wired. My mom has the same issue. She forgets words in the middle of sentences and ends up replacing them with nonsense.

>> No.12251712

He usually debates idiots on topics he's well-informed about, plus he's an American lawyer.

>> No.12251779

some sophist shit I would imagine

>> No.12251831

God the answers here a dumb as fuck. It's purely down to genetics, some people process faster, some process slower. You can still perform well in anything else if you are intelligent and diligent, but you won't be able to use your intelligence or knowledge this quickly unless you are born this way.

Most often it's just ADHD + high intelligence. Most people find it annoying though.

(I have an iq between 126/131 depending on what you look at, and ADHD, life is not so great. On the contrary I think everyone has it better than me, mentally and intellectually that is...)

>> No.12251857

You want a book that teaches you how to be glib? Why?

>> No.12252006

Talk fast and have prepared schemas for auto-interpreting various categories of argument.

>> No.12252015

>all because you were not born ashkenazi jewish or an upper class anglo-saxon
literally the scum of the earth hahaha what the fuck is wrong with you? respect yourself

>> No.12252049

This, just hand-write a casefile about whatever argument you want to win OP. It's how trial lawyers / competitive debators / politicians do it, and they're the guys who earn money based on literal autistic point scoring

>> No.12252082
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>> No.12252099

hard kek

>> No.12252109

to be fair, he hates those kind of reposts because hurting somebody's feeling is more like a side effect than his aim.

>> No.12252112

Ben is a pornstar.

>> No.12252133

>Anxiety seems to play little to no part in the source of the problem
Holy fucking cow how can you be so clueless. It's the corner stone of every symptom you describe. Solve the anxiety and you solve your life (easier said than done).
I have had a one or two glimpses of anxiety free life in the past and it felt like I had hit +50 iq points.

>> No.12252141

But I have no anxiety. Stop projecting your mental illness on others.

>> No.12252166

I was under the impression that the smart-assedness of lawyers is only for show and directed at their clients to convince them they are in good hands.
When it comes to actual decisions you have the letter of the law and another similar trained person (judge) that isn't an impressionable outsider.
You can't score points with autism in a court room

>> No.12252186

I think you have anon. It is the very insidious and pure kind that doesn't manifest in real world neuroses and panic attacks but acts like an undercurrent of your whole experience.
You are afraid of something, the same thing your mom is afraid of.

>> No.12252193

>all because you were not born ashkenazi jewish or an upper class anglo-saxon
same thing

>> No.12252223

ADHD + high IQ certainly does not guarantee quick-witted responses. has more to do with my mood and my preparation than anything else. when I feel more present, its easy. when I'm feeling tired, foggy, or generally uninspired, then it's difficult.

>> No.12252229

This post is the kind of CBT invoked retardation that has cracked the modern world.

>> No.12252234

>I think you have anon. It is the very insidious and pure kind that doesn't manifest in real world neuroses and panic attacks but acts like an undercurrent of your whole experience.
>You are afraid of something, the same thing your mom is afraid of.
This. Anxiety doesn't mean you have physical symptoms of fear all the time. You probably have had low-grade but chronic anxiety from second-guessing yourself your whole life. It's very easy to think you're a slow thinker when you have such a burden interrupting every thought pattern you make.

>> No.12252240

>t. lonely freudian left behind by humanity

>> No.12252264

I despise CBT you retard. You can't even comprehend a simple 4chan post

>> No.12252286

The post is actually Freudian. CBT can't understand anxiety without a very obvious present trigger. They need those triggers to apply their methods on to. A behaviorist would never admit there is subtle all pervading anxiety that goes all the way back to the first years of someone's life.

>> No.12252299

What the fuck are you going on about you dribbling retard? Your thinking is infected with shallow psychiatric myths.

>> No.12252309

Its neither CBT or Freudian, its just plain stupid.

>> No.12252316

Who are you quoting

>> No.12252333

>I have a problem verbally articulating myself
>u gut angziitee anon
>I don't. I almost never feel anxious
>n-no u-u do b-but u dont realize it!!
Christ, why do I bother with you pseuds.

>> No.12252374

>it's all in your head bro
>just think happy thoughts
>maybe you like being depressed/anxious/hearing voices
>I was depressed once for 2 weeks and I am better now therefore you are weak and seek attention

Digits checked but you are willfully ignorant and that's because you want the to evade the anxiety source. (Denial)

>> No.12252382

You must be mentally ill for all the sense you're making.

>> No.12252384

How does one overcome this kind of anxiety?

I don't think drugs are a solution as even alcohol or cocaine hardly help me

>> No.12252387

>y-you're just in denial!!
The perfect retard get-out clause.

>> No.12252390

You can't, it doesn't exist.

>> No.12252414

You idiot.

>> No.12252443

1. Sublimate it into art or some other honest connection to the world. You bypass the faulty attachment and create one you like

2. Find someone to act like a mommy to you so you can repair the primordial damage. Psychologist, a waifu, or an older man like those in ancient Greece are good candidates.

>> No.12252447

someone post his sister

>> No.12252484
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>good at physics
>jewish physics is all theoretical tricks

>> No.12252498


>> No.12252569

You have to keep in mind that he's mostly arguing with people who fail at basic common sense logic.
He's still good, though.

>> No.12253190

Practice coming up with counterpoints. Arguements largely follow similar structures and there are only so many objections regardless of the counterpoint. I did high school debate and got a feel for this stuff. You end up not caring at all about what's being said and just using argument framework jargon. Real life arguments are messier but they work the same way. Get a humanities education and write a lot. It's not hard.

>> No.12253208

>fetishizing loneliness

you're a faggot

>> No.12253294

The hitch here is that fags like you aren't able to put their minds to things. So while it can be true, it requires the will part.

>> No.12253499

the first thing you should do is realize that substantial and meaningful insights can't be articulated in brief vocal conversation anymore.
also most grown ups in this world aren't aware these debates about transvestites and moslems in which he 'pwns' even take place or exist.

>> No.12253512

The following quote was attributed to Abraham Lincoln, though I know not if this is factual:
>It used to be that I knew a little but could spin a lot. Now, it seems that I know too much and I can't make out any patterns.
I believe this fits your premise.

>> No.12253559
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>> No.12253568

Eat some alphabet noodles and shit them out. Smear that shit on anyone you claim is a "sjw" or "liberal." You are now Shapiro-tier.

Fucking Americans.

>> No.12253589

Honest and abepilled

>> No.12253664

Virgil is the guide, not Dante.

>> No.12253668

what does cock and ball torture have to do with quips?

>> No.12253763

Literally the Talmud.

>> No.12253945

ecksdee ecksdee hehehe lel.

>> No.12254317

He doesn't, he just gets prepped with fact lists and tries to prod his opponents.

>> No.12254322

What I'm saying is: hire a prep team.

>> No.12254334

Find a given issue you care about and immerse yourself in the canon surrounding it

It is actually really easy to make yourself appear smarter than others by finding a niche area to be expert in and engineer conflicts that allow you to use it

>> No.12254502

This. But also a lot of practice for speaking fast.
I doubt he preps much even, he just memorized a bunch of factoids and myths once and the respective base questions which these counter.
His main method is to strike with a lengty but quick succesion of these factoids so that his opponents become confused and unable to actually remember his words clearly enough to formulate a counter argument to any particular point.

>> No.12254949

I have not actually seen his work. Is he the "baffle them with bullshit" type.

>> No.12254987

>The Art of being right
The ultimate book of trolling.

The Extension (Dana's Law)
The Homonymy
Generalize Your Opponent's Specific Statements
Conceal Your Game
False Propositions
Postulate What Has to Be Proved
Yield Admissions Through Questions
Make Your Opponent Angry
Questions in Detouring Order
Take Advantage of the Nay-Sayer
Generalize Admissions of Specific Cases
Choose Metaphors Favourable to Your Proposition
Agree to Reject the Counter-Proposition
Claim Victory Despite Defeat
Use Seemingly Absurd Propositions
Arguments Ad Hominem
Defense Through Subtle Distinction
Interrupt, Break, Divert the Dispute
Generalize the Matter, Then Argue Against it
Draw Conclusions Yourself
Meet Him With a Counter-Argument as Bad as His
Petitio principii
Make Him Exaggerate His Statement
State a False Syllogism
Find One Instance to the Contrary
Turn the Tables
Anger Indicates a Weak Point
Persuade the Audience, Not the Opponent
Appeal to Authority Rather Than Reason
This Is Beyond Me
Put His Thesis into Some Odious Category
It Applies in Theory, but Not in Practice
Don't Let Him Off the Hook
Will Is More Effective Than Insight
Bewilder Your opponent by Mere Bombast
A Faulty Proof Refutes His Whole Position
Become Personal, Insulting, Rude (argumentum ad personam)

>> No.12255091

Do Americans go to law school after an undergraduate degree? Here in the UK, law is an undergraduate degree.

>> No.12255126

This. How can you faggots don't realize this is called being a decent LAWYER? ffs. They teach debate in Law School, or at least they arreange multiple debates.

>> No.12255134

What's an "undergraduate" degree? Here in Latin America you either study to become a lawyer or you don't. There aren't minor leagues.

>> No.12255154

Same here in Europe it's a standard 4 year degree
Respectable schools don't teach cheap parlor tricks

>> No.12255171

Undergraduate as in a bachelor's degree. I ask because I've seen people on /lit/ boast that philosophy majors have the highest acceptance rates for law schools. Over here, most people would go straight to law school.

>> No.12255218

>They teach debate in Law School
An amateur shitposter that loves his trade will eat most lawyers alive. If you want to see a master deconstruct a witness then take a look at some of the youtube footage available of cases where Marc J. Victor defended righteous causes. He is a master. Most fall short.