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12251063 No.12251063 [Reply] [Original]

anyone else think that they are just mentally masturbating and compensating for lack of pro activeness in their life by reading stuff ? what are some books that encourage not holing up yourself in a corner reading and go out in to the world?

>> No.12251077

>anyone else think that they are just mentally masturbating and compensating for lack of pro activeness in their life by reading stuff
a lot of people here do this and that's why they're pseuds
they read as a way of feeling better than other people

>> No.12251097
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desu i can say for sure that i dont do that. but i do seem to thirst and long for a holy grail of books , by which all my problems would be solved

>> No.12251261


What a pitiful little faggot. This is the product of a materialistic capitalistic society when little faggots are given computers at age 9 and grow up addicted to porn with no female sexual contact and just become one giant faggot.

>> No.12251297

I can't help but sympathize with China when they ban shit like fortnite and religion.

>> No.12251301

Plato's Republic

>> No.12251308
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>what are some books that encourage not holing up yourself in a corner reading and go out in to the world?
pic related

>> No.12251320

Yeah but is he a faggot?

>> No.12251331

This might be difficult to understand, but people can have more than one interest.

>> No.12251353


Just get a hobby and meet people. Heck play some cheap MTG like the pauper format at your LGS. You'll meet people and get out of your shell.

And stop trying to get advice from other people to procrastinate one more day away from your authentic being-in-the-world.

>> No.12251370

They also have reeducation camps for little sissy beta boys that sit inside playing vidya. Based chinks.

>> No.12251419

thanks but suggest a book that directly/indirectly calls me a sissy beta faggot

>> No.12251560

Where do the faggots who never liked science until geek chic fashion exploded in popularity around 07-08?

>> No.12251630

my life is not that great. i am an isolate trapped in a shitty job with no clear way forward or out. i do read to feel smarter. i do read to feel good about myself and better than the miserable people i am surrounded by. what is wrong with this? how is this not the ideal? what is a "true" intelligence? some kind of autistic virginal devotion to academia?
i read because i want to be smart and it has in fact made me smarter. i have a better understanding of myself and others, i am a better communicator, and i carry with me a bigger picture in the form of history, tradition, and culture. i never walk alone now, i never lose a sense of my place in the world.

>> No.12251652

based, this guy gets it

americans are obsessed with cummies and imagine that if they can't think of anything higher then it must be true for everyone else

>> No.12251669

So you want some sort of self-help book that inspires you to get out of your shell?

>> No.12251690

i dont fuck with self help. if ive ever learnt anything worthwhile it was always through biographies , novels. but if your suggestion serves my purpose , ill give it a try anon

>> No.12252538
File: 5 KB, 135x152, 1497414246700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>teenager says reading is dumb and reading books he arbitrarily decides are extra dumb precludes you from being good at playing sports or getting laid or whatever
>all of this based on no reasoning whatsoever, just assumptions from intuition dressed up as wisdom
>someone STILL takes it seriously

You guys really gotta stop. Someone school child says reading the Illiad turns you into an incel because ??? and you all get defensive.

>> No.12252544

Where do they what?

>> No.12252575

Dumb. You can be a literary Chad. Look at Goethe.

>> No.12252584

Stupid zoomer. You don't have to make the choice between reading and going out in the world. You can do both. And if you find you're short on time, you shouldn't sacrifice books. You should sacrifice Fortnite and aimless web-browsing.

>> No.12252594

this board fucking sucks now

leddit is better

>> No.12252614

Perhaps because that "child" is older than 60% of anons?

>> No.12252617

Sun and Steel

>> No.12252636

no. I read so I can better understand people. Novels help me be more perceptive and understanding and actually improve my relationships.
Reading should be practice for life

>> No.12252644

In the south there was an eccentric named Huang Liao who asked why Heaven and earth do not collapse and crumble, or what makes the wind and rain, the thunder and lightning. Hui Shih, undaunted, undertook to answer him; without stopping to think, he began to reply, touching upon every one of the ten thousand things in his peroration, expounding on and on without stop in multitudes of words that never ended. But still it was not enough, and so he began to add on his astonishing assertions. Whatever contradicted other men's views he declared to be the truth, hoping to win a reputation for outwitting others. This was why he never got along with ordinary people. Weak in inner virtue, strong in his concern for external things, he walked a road that was crooked indeed! If we examine Hui Shih's accomplishments from the point of view of the Way of Heaven and earth, they seem like the exertions of a mosquito or a gnat - of what use are they to other things? True, he still deserves to be regarded as the founder of one school, though I say, if he had only shown greater respect for the Way, he would have come nearer being right. Hui Shih, however, could not seem to find any tranquillity for himself in such an approach. Instead he went on tirelessly separating and analyzing the ten thousand things, and in the end was known only for his skill in exposition. What a pity - that Hui Shih abused and dissipated his talents without ever really achieving anything! Chasing after the ten thousand things, never turning back, he was like one who tries to shout an echo into silence or to prove that form can outrun shadow. How sad!

>> No.12252645

Even then, you shouldn't take advice on living life from someone who is barely a legal adult seriously, especially if he is trying to sound experienced and smart, and to top it all off, posts a quote from an edgy death metal drummer in from own teenage years.

>> No.12252651

Then along comes the sage, huffing and puffing after benevolence, reaching on tiptoe for righteousness, and the world for the first time has doubts; mooning and mouthing over his music, snipping and stitching away at his rites, and the world for the first time is divided. Thus, if the plain unwrought substance had not been blighted, how would there be any sacrificial goblets? If the white jade had not been shattered, how would there be any scepters and batons? If the Way and its Virtue had not been cast aside, how would there be any call for benevolence and righteousness? If the true form of the inborn nature had not been abandoned, how would there be any use for rites and music? If the five colors had not confused men, who would fashion patterns and hues? If the five notes had not confused them, who would try to tune things by the six tones? That the unwrought substance was blighted in order to fashion implements - this was the crime of the artisan. That the Way and its Virtue were destroyed in order to create benevolence and righteousness - this was the fault of the sage.

When horses live on the plain, they eat grass and drink from the streams. Pleased, they twine their necks together and rub; angry, they turn back to back and kick. This is all horses know how to do. But if you pile poles and yokes on them and line them up in crossbars and shafts, then they will learn to snap the crossbars, break the yoke, rip the carriage top, champ the bit, and chew the reins. Thus horses learn how to commit the worst kinds of mischief. This is the crime of Po Lo.

In the days of Ho Hsu, people stayed home but didn't know what they were doing, walked around but didn't know where they were going. Their mouths crammed with food, they were merry; drumming on their bellies, they passed the time. This was as much as they were able to do. Then the sage came along with the crouchings and bendings of rites and music, which were intended to reform the bodies of the world; with the reaching-for-a-dangled-prize of benevolence and righteousness, which was intended to comfort the hearts of the world. Then for the first time people learned to stand on tiptoe and covet knowledge, to fight to the death over profit, and there was no stopping them. This in the end was the fault of the sage.

>> No.12252656

Confucius said to Lao Tan, "Here's a man who works to master the Way as though he were trying to talk down an opponent making the unacceptable acceptable, the not so, so. As the rhetoricians say, he can separate `hard' from `white' as clearly as though they were dangling from the eaves there. Can a man like this be called a sage?"

Lao Tan said, "A man like this is a drudging slave, a craftsman bound to his calling, wearing out his body, grieving his mind. Because the dog can catch rats, he ends up on a leash.' Because of his nimbleness, the monkey is dragged down from the mountain forest. Ch'iu, I'm going to tell you something - something you could never hear for yourself and something you would never know how to speak of. People who have heads and feet but no minds and no ears - there are mobs of them. To think that beings with bodies can all go on existing along with that which is bodiless and formless - it can never happen! A man's stops and starts, his life and death, his rises and falls - none of these can he do anything about. Yet he thinks that the mastery of them lies with man! Forget things, forget Heaven, and be called a forgetter of self. The man who has forgotten self may be said to have entered Heaven."

>> No.12252662

The men of old dwelt in the midst of crudity and chaos; side by side with the rest of the world, they attained simplicity and silence there. At that time the yin and yang were harmonious and still, ghosts and spirits worked no mischief, the four seasons kept to their proper order, the ten thousand things knew no injury, and living creatures were free from premature death. Although men had knowledge, they did not use it. This was called the Perfect Unity. At this time, no one made a move to do anything, and there was unvarying spontaneity.

The time came, however, when Virtue began to dwindle and decline, and then Sui Jen and Fu Hsi stepped forward to take charge of the world. As a result there was compliance, but no longer any unity. Virtue continued to dwindle and decline, and then Shen Nung and the Yellow Emperor stepped forward to take charge of the world. As a result, there was security, but no longer any compliance. Virtue continued to dwindle and decline, and then Yao and Shun stepped forward to take charge of the world.3 They set about in various fashions to order and transform the world, and in doing so defiled purity and shattered simplicity. The Way was pulled apart for the sake of goodness; Virtue was imperiled for the sake of conduct. After this, inborn nature was abandoned and minds were set free to roam, mind joining with mind in understanding; there was knowledge, but it could not bring stability to the world. After this, "culture" was added on, and "breadth" was piled on top. "Culture" destroyed the substantial, "breadth" drowned the mind, and after this the people began to be confused and disordered. They had no way to revert to the true form of their inborn nature or to return once more to the Beginning.

>> No.12252663

learn to write properly before making threads here, brainlet

>> No.12252672

Notes from Underground

Unabomber Manifesto

Fanged Noumena (I think, haven't read this one)

>> No.12252674

Yao's teacher was Hsu Yu, Hsu! Yu's teacher was Nieh Ch'ueh, Nieh Ch'ueh's teacher was Wang Ni, and Wang Ni's teacher was P'i-i. Yao asked Hsu Yu, "Would Nieh Ch'ueh do as the counterpart of Heaven? I could get Wang Ni to ask him to take over the throne from me."

Hsu Yu said, "Watch out! You'll put the world in danger! Nieh Ch'ueh is a man of keen intelligence and superb understanding, nimble-wined and sharp. His inborn nature surpasses that of other men, and he knows how to exploit what Heaven has given him through human devices. He would do his best to prevent error, but he doesn't understand the source from which error arises. Make him the counterpart of Heaven? Watch - he will start leaning on men and forget about Heaven. He will put himself first and relegate others to a class apart. He will worship knowledge and chase after it with the speed of fire. He will become the servant of causes, the victim of things, looking in all four directions to see how things are faring, trying to attend to all wants, changing along with things and possessing no trace of any constancy of his own. How could he possibly do as counterpart of Heaven? However, there are clans and there are clan heads. He might do as the father of one branch, though he would never do as the father of the father of the branch. His kind are the forerunners of disorder, a disaster to the ministers facing north, a peril to the sovereign facing south!"

>> No.12252676

>gauging a man's worth by how much pleasure he receives from women
Are you sure you're not the product of a materialistic capitalistic society?

>> No.12252677

Long ago, in the time of Yung Ch'eng, Ta T'ing, Po Huang, Chung Yang, Li Lu, Li Hsu, Hsien Yuan, Ho Hsu, Tsun Lu, Chu Jung, Fu Hsi, and Shen Nung, the people knotted cords and used them." They relished their food, admired their clothing, enjoyed their customs, and were content with their houses. Though neighboring states were within sight of each other, and could hear the cries of each other's dogs and chickens, the people grew old and died without ever traveling beyond their own borders. At a time such as this, there was nothing but the most perfect order.

But now something has happened to make people crane their necks and stand on tiptoe. "There's a worthy man in such and such a place!" they cry and, bundling up their provisions, they dash off. At home, they abandon their parents; abroad, they shirk the service of their ruler. Their footprints form an unending trail to the borders of the other feudal lords, their carriage tracks weave back and forth a thousand li and more. This is the fault of men in high places who covet knowledge.

As long as men in high places covet knowledge and are without the Way, the world will be in great confusion. How do I know this is so? Knowledge enables men to fashion bows, crossbows, nets, stringed arrows, and like contraptions, but when this happens the birds flee in confusion to the sky. Knowledge enables men to fashion fishhooks, lures, seines, dragnets, trawls, and weirs, but when this happens the fish flee in confusion to the depths of the water. Knowledge enables men to fashion pitfalls, snares, cages, traps, and gins, but when this happens the beasts flee in confusion to the swamps. And the flood of rhetoric that enables men to invent wily schemes and poisonous slanders, the glib gabble of "hard" and "white," the foul fustian of "same" and "different" bewilder the understanding of common men. So the world is dulled and darkened by great confusion. The blame lies in this coveting of knowledge.

In the world everyone knows enough to pursue what he does not know, but no one knows enough to pursue what he already knows. Everyone knows enough to condemn what he takes to be no good, but no one knows enough to condemn what he has already taken to be good.This is how the great confusion comes about, blotting out the brightness of sun and moon above, searing the vigor of hills and streams below, overturning the round of the four seasons in between. There is no insect that creeps and crawls, no creature that flutters and flies that has not lost its inborn nature. So great is the confusion of the world that comes from coveting knowledge!

From the Three Dynasties on down, it has been this and nothing else-shoving aside the pure and artless people and delighting in busy, bustling flatterers; abandoning the limpidity and calm of inaction and delighting in jumbled and jangling ideas. And this jumble and jangle has for long confused the world.

>> No.12252684
File: 49 KB, 398x600, dannunzio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life, if lived well and aristocratically, is the process of creating yourself. At some point, you have to sit down and conceive of yourself not as you are, but as you could be, and then make a constant effort and sustained self sacrifice towards achieving that goal.

The pic in OP has done this, in his own special way. He wants to be some tv character, have lots of sex with lots of different women, probably make a lot of money, etc. To him, this is the absolute maximum of human achievement.

But if you really can't conceive of anything higher than that, it's because you lack imagination, not because it's impossible.

Pic related for example, was a short, balding man with bad teeth and a small dick. He fathered more children than he knew what to do with, was known as the greatest Italian poet since Dante in his lifetime, was a celebrated war hero, was the first man to fly over the alps, founded a city-state through the sheer force of his personality, had beautiful and famous woman throwing themselves at him everywhere he went, and lived his life with all the intensity and force of will of a god. Nobody will ever compare to him.

>> No.12252695

"Breadth of learning does not necessarily mean knowledge; eloquence does not necessarily mean wisdom - therefore the sage rids himself of these things. That which can be increased without showing any sign of increase; that which can be diminished without suffering any diminution - that is what the sage holds fast to. Deep, unfathomable, it is like the sea; tall and craggy, it ends only, to begin again, transporting and weighing the ten thousand things without ever failing them. The `Way of the gentleman' [which you preach] is mere superficiality, is it not? But what the ten thousand things all look to for sustenance, what never fails them - is this not the real Way?

>> No.12252707

>pro activeness
you mean anglo agitation?

>> No.12252722
File: 24 KB, 500x333, kanye-west-quotes-books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has long been know that literature is something beta males use as a coping mechanism.

>> No.12252756

reading for me feels like meditation but yeah i'd do a lot less of it if i wasn't incel

>> No.12252823
File: 164 KB, 1280x960, soyboy-smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw have hundreds of books' autographs

>> No.12252911
File: 93 KB, 564x251, Evola_poverty of manliness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He wants to be some tv character, have lots of sex with lots of different women, probably make a lot of money, etc. To him, this is the absolute maximum of human achievement.
Julius Evola pointed out this sort of modern masculine ideal is a poverty of masculinity.

>> No.12252918
File: 74 KB, 610x395, 1431522352644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If everything is a matter of selfish, unconscious drives wherein every activity is implicitly supposed to advance you up a social hierarchy, claiming you're somehow "above" this and of a different breed to the lemmings around you is equally full of hubris.

It's either that or you are advocating for not reading at all. So then why are we here?

>> No.12252941

Evola was also a beta LARPer so his thoughts on masculinity are entirely irrelevant.

>> No.12252963

(although he actually did change his opinion on books, but he still doesnt read them)

>> No.12253081

>(although he actually did change his opinion on books, but he still doesnt read them)
he actually reads the classics, yeezus was inspired by dante

>> No.12253112

why are teenagers on this site obsessed with the alpha vs beta dichotomy?
earnestly using these words like that is some of the cringiest shit out of here in the last couple years, besides /pol/ trash.

>> No.12253129

this website is truly fucking dead if kids like you come here.
you honestly have that image saved on your computer?
and I thought OP was already embarrassing for enough taking life advice from a high school student.

>> No.12253313

I've met a lot of chinese people at uni (and I went to china on an exchange trip in high school) and they are extremely autistic. They are completely socially inept, have no real hobbies, have no real understanding of uni life. I would say chinese women are even more autistic than chinese men. I can atleast talk to some chinese men and they have some sense of personality, but the women are just... ugh.

>> No.12253351


>> No.12253396

too complex

>> No.12253444

it wasn't
because they are somewhat valid categories?

>> No.12253452

I'm extremely autistic when it comes to Kanye, and I doubt it. He hasn't read since college basically.

>> No.12253919


That's not it at all you little faggot. Sexual interaction is part of the human condition. If you can't partake in it there is something drastically wrong with you.

>> No.12254116

Literally any existentialist work ever.

>> No.12254203

Darkthrone is a black metal band, not a death metal band.

>> No.12254250

I have never seen this cover
Is his head a baguette?

>> No.12254275

Doesn't refute my point, you fucking pedant.

>> No.12255508

Any good biographies of his? And which translations to look for mein nigga

>> No.12255754

Why do losers act like reading a book is an exclusive life choice lol. Just replace your guaranteed time wasting vice with books, WOW now you can do both.
Also, how pathetic are your life goals if reading is not a mandatory routine in your day. If you aren't trying to be an athlete, you're a lesser man

>> No.12256029
File: 47 KB, 1024x724, Hayek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea what people mean when they say "intellectual" nowadays. I always went with Hayek's definition: an intellectual is basically nothing but a second-hand peddler of ideas. It's not a honorary title for smart people.

An engineer is not an intellectual, as his end product is not an idea. If he builds a bridge and it collapses, it doesn't matter if the idea was good - he will be judged on the results.

An intellectual on the other hand is never judged on the result of their ideas, which is why most of them flock to areas of academic life where they can spew out their idiotic ideas without ever having to face reality - you know, that pesky little thing that stands in the way of success for their ideas.

>> No.12257248

>what are some books that encourage not holing up yourself in a corner reading and go out in to the world?
Goethe; Nietzsche.

>> No.12257501

try reading Piers Plowman, or at least passus 5-7 of it. it's a Christian poem, but you can easily divorce many of its lessons from that context. it's a poem about living in the world, trying to do well.

>> No.12257528

Sasha Grey is an intellectual. That's all you need to know.

>> No.12257547
File: 179 KB, 958x596, bolano-travel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The truth is, it depends on you, not on the activity you engage in. What you do on your free time has nothing to do on whether you will be socially successful. Having friends and a gf depends solely on your will to engage with other people and on your capability to overcome the fear and anxiety that comes with rejection. Yes, you can watch anime and play magic the gathering and read books and have a lot of friends and a gf. Yes, you can exercise all day and look like a god on earth and be totally alone. The "alpha" male is a myth: it all comes down to how you pose yourself in respect to others, and your mental attitude. Funnily enough, if there is a thing that can help you get a grip on your mental habits, that thing is reading.
You are close enough, though. The most childish thing to do is blaming others for not being socially successful. The second most childish thing to do is blaming the activities you engage in. The first step toward adulthood and social success is start blaming yourself and becoming aware of your flaws, insecurity and fears - and overcome them.

>> No.12257554

>define ones well being by how agreeable are his biological functions
Your ilk is going to have a hard thinking up anything once neural implants are common place. We can transmute biology, anon. The human condition is awareness of the absurdity of everything, including biology, which, unlike what you think, doesn’t prescribe any values.

>> No.12257587

>The human condition is awareness of the absurdity of everything, including biology, which, unlike what you think, doesn’t prescribe any values.

it doesnt even prescribe the value to survive?

>> No.12257592

i mean the value: survive!

>> No.12258374


>> No.12258638


Fuck off Camus

>> No.12258649

>Sexual interaction is part of the human condition. If you can't partake in it there is something drastically wrong with you.

like achilles after the death of patroclus

>> No.12258767
File: 42 KB, 396x480, CRRLIOTVWE6M24VIFYS6TCDXIOY24SEN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yeezus was inspired by dante
New God Tier meme