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12249862 No.12249862 [Reply] [Original]

When did you realize that this is all you need and to go any further is autism?

>> No.12250037

His philosophy neglects to address sin and redemption in a meaningful way. I still enjoy him though, he is like a cozy hippy grandfather.

>> No.12250066

Bro fuck sin and redemption. Who's to say what sins are?

>> No.12250077

>he is like a cozy hippy grandfather.
a cozy hippy grandfather that would probably fuck his own grandchildren's wives

>> No.12250082

When I started drinking

>> No.12250094

excreamely bossed

>> No.12250104

Literally any holy book you edge degenerate heathen

>> No.12250138

what makes a book holy?

>> No.12250148

You feel them on your conscious, if you are any sort of human at all. You know what they are.

>> No.12250153


>> No.12250154

Alan Watts is worthless.

>> No.12250174

Don't be so polemical, anon. He's not worthless, he is like pantheistic Xanax.

>> No.12250205

What if I was raised in the middle east and thought that burning bitches alive was A-OK? I'm serious, whatever culture you grew up in determines what you think is right/wrong. So that sin/redemption shit is USELESS

>> No.12250240

based and transcendentpilled

>> No.12250942
File: 233 KB, 1200x767, 1200px-John_Martin_-_Sodom_and_Gomorrah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He talks a lot about free will and how we always do whatever it is that we want but how these choices have consequences.
You do your duty because it is but the choice of the lesser evil, and you don't have to face the consequences of making a bad decision.
You go to hell for sin and whether you want to believe that you like it or not, you are still slaves to the desires and bad choices you make.
Taking responsibility for your life is not abolished just because you translate eastern philosophy to the western world.
The Bible also teaches that you are free to do what you want but that not all is good for you. Unless you're a jew.

>> No.12252354

>alan watts


>> No.12252412
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>anything written 20xx

>> No.12252435

>mocking a comfy dude who literally didn't give a fuck
cringe. worshipping the dude is one thing but he's fine.

>> No.12253722

I think that's because he simply doesn't appear to believe in either sin or redemption.
Which I've heard some people express as redemption being in some sense a betrayal of who you are, and sin being an obviously redundant concept if you are as Alan Watts believes the universe itself.
I think he probably considers sin (in a subjective sense of the concept of sin) more of a failure to be in touch with yourself. That's the impression I got.

>> No.12253735

I haven't read it to call you a stupid piece of shit but be sure i will return after and call you a stupid piece of shit

>> No.12253740

>life in america


>> No.12253753

Sins are actions that punish themself, gd teach them because retarded peasants only understand by threatening them.

>> No.12253957

Sins also punish others.