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/lit/ - Literature

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12247803 No.12247803 [Reply] [Original]

Do you make /lit/ themed christmas presents for anyone ?
I am tempted to buy my mother or father book for christmas, but I dont want them to go unread

>> No.12247811

>but I dont want them to go unread
that could happen anon, it is a possibility.

>> No.12247904

Forcing your hobbies on other people is a douche bag move.

>> No.12248029

gift giving and gift receiving are both uncomfortable and psychologically overwhelming experiences for me. do i have autism?

>> No.12248919
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My brother tried to give me this book for Christmas, by Bill Browder, probably because he had heard me defending Russia and Syria when my parents repeated the usual tv talking points when we were all home for the holidays.

Without hesitation I right there told him thanks but that I probably wasn't going to read it because I had a lot on my list and I told him that Browder was part of the group of wall street parasites who tried to come in and take over services and resources and jack the prices up and screw people during the 90's privatization and that he was no victim but a bad person and a crook. Less than a year later I would be proven right when a pro-western reporter who initially set out to make a documentary defending him and attacking Russia ended up discovering irregularities in his story that made him think Brown was actually part of a massive corruption scheme and had his partner killed in prison.

It was kind of a dick move to give him a dressing down to face to face immediately after he gave me the book but he kinda deserved it for trying to give me such a trash book desu.

>> No.12248987

books used to be my go to for presents, i also used to write very elaborate cards that id make drawings on. i dont give people presents anymore though