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/lit/ - Literature

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12246275 No.12246275 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books that /lit/ can unanimously agree are good and worth reading?

>> No.12246291

{ }

>> No.12246300

There are none because this place is filled with contrarian assholes.

>> No.12246302

define good and define worth

>> No.12246310

Has positive qualities
the time spent reading values the reader

>> No.12246311
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only this

>> No.12246315

Every popular book has positive qualities. Define worth.

>> No.12246316


>> No.12246359
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>> No.12246370
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nothing is good and everything is bad. you will never make it and she will never love you.

>> No.12246392

I don't think I've ever heard a bad word on this board about Homer, Tolstoy, or Shakespeare. Those are the only three. I prefer Virgil to Homer, but people call Virgil a fanfic wannabe. I also prefer Dostoevksy to Tolstoy but people speak against his melodramatic style here pretty often. I don't have a strong opinion on Shakespeare.

>> No.12246397

>the most contrarian place in the Internet
>unanimously agree
Every book you could suggest to this position, a good chunk of people will genuinely think it's garbage.

>> No.12246400

>the most contrarian place in the Internet

Oh not not even by a long shot. There are far worse places.

>> No.12246404

like what

>> No.12246406


>> No.12246407

Sophocles, Dante, Borges, Yeats

>> No.12246414

Your joke was shit.

>> No.12246416

It was a good joke, but you had to ruin it with "woosh xD" didn't you

>> No.12246419

Wasn't my joke senpai

>> No.12246420


>> No.12246421

Wait a second...

>> No.12246429

The Republic
Kashf ul Mahjoob
Summa Theologica
Art of War
Moby Dick
Lord of the Rings
Oxford Dictionary

>> No.12246430

I wasn't really setting up a joke at all either but I guess it was an accidental joke

>> No.12246435

There was a thread mocking Art of War last week.

>> No.12246437

Ok, so you were serious.
See what these two posters on /lit/ had to say about your joke, nine seconds apart:
>Your joke was shit
>It was a good joke

>> No.12246438
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>> No.12246439

Most of these are often in contention here.

>> No.12246443

It's good and worth reading. Those mockers were being ironic to catch pseuds joining in but as usual it becomes the New York City Communist Party

>> No.12246444

>See what these two posters on /lit/ had to say about your joke

I have eyes, I can see the comments for myself.

>> No.12246448

Ulysses is the best example of a novel written in the English language. It's better than good it's exquisite and absolutely worth reading.

>> No.12246454

I unironically can't read anything but but Germanics anymore. Anglos, Meds, Slavs, it's just poison for a grounded man's soul desu.

>> No.12246457

Read the Irish

>> No.12246466

All of these posts were written by me.

>> No.12246484
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Preference falsification, the post.
Ulysses is when it all started to go downhill.

>> No.12246490

Take the potatopill

>> No.12246503


>> No.12246510

>Ulysses is when it all started to go downhill
Ulysses is peak English language novel. And I know you're trolling whether you intend it or not solely based on the fact that if I ask you to name one better you cannot. We are at an impasse, anon.

>> No.12246519

I've seen people unironically comparing the divine comedy to ready player one

>> No.12246528

>summa theologica
You guys just post this but don't read it. It's how many thousand pages of stuff which is mostly useless if you haven't already read Aristotle and has a ton of flawed arguments even if they are clever enough most of the time

>> No.12246533

Fair enough, strike it out

>> No.12246857

I've heard people talk shit about all of these except for the Iliad and Macbeth.

My nominations:
>Ficciones, Borges
>The Book of Disquiet, Pessoa
>Complete Stories, Chekov
>To the Lighthouse, Woolf

>> No.12246883

People rib the catalogue of ships but I don't think it's a serious criticism.

>> No.12247572

I'd put Macbeth higher simply because it can be enjoyed as-is by pretty much everyone
it has near universal appeal and few drawbacks if any I can imagine.