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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 302 KB, 1024x768, fairytale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1224540 No.1224540 [Reply] [Original]

A fantasy story that is original and non cliché.

Does such book exist?

>> No.1224544


>> No.1224548

care to share?

>> No.1224554


>> No.1224559

Why single out fantasy?

Why is cliche necessarily wrong when it's what resonates with people?

Have you read Aristotle's Poetics?

Aren't you just trolling?

>> No.1224560

There are tons of original fantasy novels.
Tim Powers - The Anubis Gates
Tim Powers - On Stranger Tides
Mervyn Peake - Gormenghast
Michael Cisco - the San Veneficio Canon
Alfred Kubin - The Other Side
just to name a few.

>> No.1224572

thank you
no i'm not trolling, i just have that particular taste, and sure, i'll give it a try.

>> No.1224588

I'd like some recommendations for Fantasy books to read. I find it really hard to get into because when you pick up one of the books they just look awful, with the generic covers and insipid synopses. But I know there's some really good ones surrouned by lots of crap.

I've got that tier list /lit/ made of fantasy books, but I'm wondering if it's been updated at all.

Fantasy I've read:
Harry Potter eries (of course)
Golden Compass
Earthsea (Wizard of Earthsea, Tombs of Atuan)
LOTR and The Hobbit
Jonathan Strange and Mr Norell
Icewind Dale Trilogy
The Dark Elf Trilogy
A couple of Dragonlance books

>> No.1224594


Also some Lovecraft.

>> No.1224598

GRRM, anyone?
A Song of Ice and Fire is fantasy that could as well have been real. With only a few hints at magic, it's the intrigue and the non-unidimensional characters that matter.

>> No.1224624

>not fantasy
No. Terry Goodkind is the only author who has managed to craft a meaningful world that could be real with no compromise to science. Tolkien used less magic than GRRM.

>> No.1224626

I see what you did there, you clever fiend.

>> No.1224636


>> No.1224642

try Erikson "Malazan Book of the Fallen" Series, Starting with 'Gardens of the Moon'

or RS Bakkers, Prince of nothing, starting with 'The darkness that comes before'

or Matt Stover's Heroes Die/Blade Tyshalle books. Warning, those ones are super violent

>> No.1224653

>try Erikson "Malazan Book of the Fallen" Series, Starting with 'Gardens of the Moon'

I love that series, to fucking DEATH.
It's my favourite series to date, it's so fantastic. Amazing original, so epic in scope.
I love that I've found someone else who knows the series.

>> No.1224663

Do have a collectors edition of 'Gardens of the Moon', signed by the man himself with 6 detailed scenes painted from the book...?

U jelly?

>> No.1224665

Midnight Tides was still my favourite.

>> No.1224693

Robin Hobb does a pretty good job withe the farseer and tawny man trilogies.

At first its a turn off because of some of the names, but the series itself is unique and something special/unexpected.

>> No.1224714

>Read those when I was 16

>> No.1224716

Wow, this Malazan Book of the Fallen sounds pretty fucking good, thanks guys.

If only I didnt just order 10 books....How many are out at the moment? Is it a finished series?

>> No.1224723

Gormenghast gets my vote

>> No.1224737

>trying to be elitist
>reading lowbrow genre bullshit

>> No.1224776


As of about February next year it will be complete.
There'll be 10 books in total then as well. 9 are obviously out so far.

But yeah, Malazan is God-tier for fantasy

>> No.1224800

Perdido Street Station by China Mieville. Next to Gaiman, he is in my opinion the most original voice in fantasy writing today.

>> No.1224802

More Malazan fans, excellent.
Have you gone to a barbeque with the man, asked him detailed questions about the series and then gotten really drunk and nearly thrown up on him? U jelly?

Also http://www.stevenerikson.com/index.php/the-world-of-the-malazan-empire-and-role-playing-games/

>> No.1224811

A Song of Ice and Fire
Romantic realism in a fantasy setting.

>> No.1224814


is that you Brood? Morgoth? Couger? Tiste Simeon? Illuyankas? Macros? Thelomon Toblerone?
it's one of you fuckers...

>> No.1224820



>> No.1224827

Can't be brood or you'd be bragging about the other signed books you have.

I'm guessing Thelomon

>> No.1224833
File: 34 KB, 500x403, I say.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not quite, only one of those you've listed actually goes to 4chan. I also post a shitton of posts in all caps.

Pic currently related.

>> No.1224844

Your the Chicken!

>graftery concur

>> No.1224849

Gene Wolfe is origonal enough for me.

>> No.1224856

Gene Wolfe is not Fantasy!

His books should really be catagorised amongst literature