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12244906 No.12244906[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

when did you realize that acting stupid and baiting were better ways to get people to answer your questions than just directly stating them, i.e. you need to get the posters on lit emotionally invested in your question for a quality response.

>> No.12244936

this is true for all 4chan

>> No.12244941

no shit newfag

btw, Eyes Wide Shut is a great movie

>> No.12244949

yeah im just getting that

>> No.12244956

>btw, Eyes Wide Shut is a great movie

>> No.12244958

it's kubrick's masterpiece

>> No.12244959

Playing stupid is useful in real life, as well. Or any communication with other people, really. It's amazing the extraneous things people will tell you that end up enlightening you on things you hadn't thought about before.

>> No.12244975

*tips fedora*

>> No.12244976

any half way intelligent person will see through your act and just avoid you as a result.

>> No.12244988

He doesn't mean act like a retard, retard. Playing dumb with stupid people is usually a better strategy though, and you can easily earn their trust by letting them think that they are helping you and etc. With an actual smart person you just need to ask them questions when you need something clarified.

>> No.12244992

Yeah, acting stupid is pretty useful when need be, idk, I consider myself retarded but everyone calls me smart as hell, I still will intentionally act stupider than I actually am (knowledgewise) to gain a more interesting or appealing result though, usually nothing too important, usually just social cues to let off that the person I'm talking o has been a big help or something or other. Basically, act stupid, be humble.

>> No.12245000

Plus, why would you want to be an asshole who thinks he's the smartest guy around all the time, fucking lame and gay.

>> No.12245005

>Playing dumb with stupid people is usually a better strategy though, and you can easily earn their trust by letting them think that they are helping you and etc. With an actual smart person you just need to ask them questions when you need something clarified.
If you weren't a shut in autist, you'd know that people see through this shit very easily, even the stupid ones. It's intuition.

>> No.12245014

i have perfected my stupid person act. i developed it in highschool because my friends were genuine retards and i wanted to fit in with them

>> No.12245017

from day one

>> No.12245023

You are what you show.

>> No.12245027

i guess that makes you a faggot

>> No.12245044

you don't need to sign your posts, anon

>> No.12245050

this comeback only works if the post is something like 'youre retarded, faggot"
you have made a fool of yourself and shamed your ancestors

>> No.12245052

Whew, you sure told me :^)

>> No.12245055

My ancestors are smiling at me, imperial.
Can you say the same?

>> No.12245061

You made a passive aggressive troll face so yeah, he did

>> No.12245067

This. It’s actually incredibly difficult to act dumb and be convincing.

>> No.12245112
File: 15 KB, 371x413, shitposter.my.old.friend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12245120

It's partly phenotypical. You can accurately estimate someone's intelligence from their appearance.

>> No.12245131

This is now the shitposter containment thread.

>> No.12245176


>> No.12245180
File: 3 KB, 332x99, oldfags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12245252

Some dude has said "The best way to get the right answer on the Internet is not to ask a question, it's to post the wrong answer." before

>> No.12245263

All you have to do is respond to a post but address a point that was made by a different poster without even reading the post to which you are responding. USING CAPS IS SUPER EFFECTIVE ON A LOT OF POSTERS.

>> No.12245292

OP is confirmed faggot for launching a bait thread and forgetting to apply bait to it.

>> No.12245704

whoa Im smart

>> No.12245734

What's the emotional complex 4channel replies most to? Is it better to put them on the defense or to give them space to trample on your bait and feel superior?

>> No.12245740
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>> No.12245783

Why not just be their friend and improve both of your situations?

>> No.12245819

I think everyone does this naturally.

>> No.12245890

>Why not just be their friend and improve both of your situations?
Because Kek is a real thing. Pacifism and friendliness does not fuel the Chaos Generator.