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12243573 No.12243573 [Reply] [Original]

How old were you when you discovered sleeping is for losers?

>> No.12243903

Good book, much better than Fisher's Capitalist Realism and deals with the same issues much more clearly.

>> No.12244641

Same fag, pathetic. This exact same thread with this exact same post has already been had. Shill your book somewhere else

>> No.12244662

I was the OP of the last thread but I'm not the OP of this one, deal with it Fisherbot. And it wasn't the exact same post, I included the actual quote.

>> No.12245231

I actually saw a thread about this book and read it over the weekend, desu. It's a pretty good, fast-paced read on capitalism hijacking human lives and trying to train us to become 24/7.

>> No.12245238

>same issues
I too prefer 24/7 to Capitalist Realism, but this is not true.

>> No.12245266
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dude capitalism

>> No.12245277

do americans think this sounds deep?

>> No.12245279

Hmmm, new or retarded?

>> No.12245312

I haven't been able to go to sleep without the use of sleeping pills for at least 4 years.

Will this book tell me why?

>> No.12245381

Yeah, it means the inner loser is trying to resist capitalism by sleeping, which you try to artificially suppress appease by chemical aids. Stop being a loser and sleep less.

>> No.12245524

why should i submit to capitalism if i can't be away from it for a few hours?

>> No.12245861

What is it about this book that triggers Fisherites so much?

>> No.12245871

Is that a parody of Land's writing style or is that actually something he wrote

>> No.12246339

>in every instance of posting about a specific author a criticism of another specific author accompanies it
>people respond
"Ugg why is this author triggered"

Would actually be interested in this book if it's shills weren't so annoying

>> No.12246382

>resisting capitalism

>> No.12247160



>> No.12247191

This. Nobody is forcing you to not sleep, your choice to play the game. If you can't sleep with a job you work less than 60 hours a week you have bad time management and/or are retarded. However this book is not saying that it's forced. Only that it's encouraged and demanded culturally and economically if you wish to move through contemporary capitalism's hierarchy beyond the point of only comfortable sustainability

>> No.12247411

Does it get more involved than:
>in the past, productivity was primarily limited to the daytime, because of things like light, cattle sleeping, whatever
>now we have labor that can be done whenever
>and also the global economy moves 24/7
>if you don't forego sleep to work all night, someone else will, and that person will get the job / promotion
Seems inevitable outside of killing those who choose to work more than the masses deem personally desirable.

Personally, I'd always choose sleep. Nothing comes close to the pure joy that sleep brings me.

>> No.12247881

Crary argues that sleep is the one biological neccessity that continues to elude full capitalist control, despite their best efforts. So they’d rather just replace us with robots.

>> No.12247901

>owo what's this new thread
>oh it's another thinly veiled /leftypol/ thread
Listen carefully you absolute faggots: just because you start thread with book cover doesn't mean it belongs here. /pol/ still exists, go there. Stop being retarded assholes okay?

>> No.12247909

Anti-capitalist literature isn’t politics, brianlet, it’s fundamentally apolitical. Or did you mistakenly believe that capitalism is a political rather than an economic system?