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/lit/ - Literature

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12241904 No.12241904[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>create, maintain and contribute to the greatest intellectual resource of all time
>literally anything ending in .com
>gets mocked for being overweight, considered patrician af until the libtarded movements of the 20th century
why does lit not recognize the U.S.'s place as the current torchbearer of patrician civilization? what is more based than educating and protecting the entire world for free? unironically the successors to greek and roman civs t. indonesian shitholer who got through school on free american education, hoping to one day make him and his family honorary amerifats

>> No.12242021
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.com is short for commercial, it doesn't imply any US affiliation at all.

>> No.12242045
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pretty sure romans didn't have to swear an oath of allegiance to a foreign power

>> No.12242053

The USA maintain knowledge to fill their own cultural void just like the romans did.

>> No.12242073


Not saying the US dosent have an enormous share of contribution to the world (as well as some very dark transgressions of human rights all over the world, as in the support of military dictatorships), but you are underestimating the role that many foreigners plaid and play to this day in all of these technologies.

Some examples are: Hollywood and it’s industry (foreigners were the ones responsible for much of it, at least on its early days) and the making of the Atomic Bomb (several foreigner scientists were working on it).

Also, several scientists, artists and other talented people around the world today go to the US to work (usually invited by the government). With globalism you can hardly say that a single country achieves all by itself with its own people only.

>> No.12242077

I know it may not seem like it, but this is a literature board.

>> No.12242084

wtf I love Arkansas now

>> No.12242087

America is basically a brand or corporation masquerading as a country. Just like how an employee's contributions are totally erased and instead granted to the company, so to does the actual nationality of the contributors to America lose any ownership.

>> No.12242089

>don't know what books are
Rangeban when?

>> No.12242275

basically saying the reason why I want to immigrate to the us, people perceive a 'cultural void' in the U.S. as a consequence of its culture, the loose, totally unique and hard to grasp culture of freedom and excellence that binds 6th generation polacks, to 1st generation muslims together into being just as american as one another which allows for the maintenance of each individual's cultural (not national) pride a la the roman empire or hellenic league.

The U.S. is basically where, since 20th century, the world's most ambitious individuals go. Nobody in the U.S., save for the insignificantly small first nation populations can claim to be to be 'pure blooded' american, since the country's first non-native inhabitants are only 5 generations back. that's why the sopranos always call themselves italian (ik euros meme on this)

Modern america, to a thirdworlder like me, feels like a moveable feast's paris expanded into an entire country. Elon Musk one of the most exemplary living americans and he was born in south africa, Obama hardly grew up in the us, neither did the american's current first lady(lol.) my country's most famous musician, rich brian, moved to LA and became popular. NYC is the most linguistically diverse place on the planet, with 800+ spoken languages lol

its like the coolest thing ever to me lol

>> No.12242307 [DELETED] 

The USA killed itself with hispanic immigration and a shitty response to terrorism. The only reason it isn't completely dead is the Navy still patrols international trade.

>> No.12242316
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>>12241904 (OP)
The USA killed itself with low IQ hispanic immigration and a shitty response to terrorism. The only reason it isn't completely dead is the Navy still patrols international trade.

The future of America is dumb populist politics and giant multinational tech companies that don't even pretend to be American anymore.

>> No.12242326

>incoherent word salad
stop posting here

>> No.12242375

this analogy is not as smart as you think it is

>> No.12242380

Buddha Dharma is the sum

>> No.12242381

>support and potentially become a beneficiary of america's undiscriminating immigration policies
yeah sure buddy

>> No.12242388

Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.12242392

Don't know what's sadder, unironically considering Youtube a positive achievement to be celebrated, or Wikipedia.

>> No.12242410

The Pax Americana has been fun but it’s time for the barbarians to flood in and the balkanization of our empire.

>> No.12242463

what's going on here

>> No.12242497

Yes, those out of copyright and coming from Europe book archiving sites really make it seem like Rome because what Roma patrician would speak Latin or respect native cultural productions when their former masters did it better in Greek beforehand. Course, since the majority of Americans are monolingual American English speakers, it does make it look like they need to wait for their Plutarch to show up before we'll get more than Instagram poets and hilarious misunderstandings of the Franks from them. Imagine having to speak a hyperlatinized form of English as a Roman, you'd have to be not just pleb but probably half black African to be sent to do that.