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/lit/ - Literature

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12241852 No.12241852[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

also, which one should him read first?

>> No.12241873

>that's the type of guy that calls you brainlet on /lit/

>> No.12241875


Probably the Pessoa for the sake of pure meme acceleration

I wonder how long till he's unironically repping houellebecq and junger to the normalischeschwulen

>> No.12241882

I was going to make this thread you chump

>> No.12241884
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Based meme man.

>> No.12241927

Tell him to fuck off

>> No.12241932

can someone fucking stop him
I preferred when 4chan hated this swedish freak...

>> No.12241933

Tell him yourself

>> No.12241951
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>> No.12241963

Ask him why he is reading a Danish philosopher in English. Surely the Swedish translation would be more faithful?

>> No.12241964
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is /lit/ the next lit thing?

>> No.12241970

Is his English comprehension high enough to really sink his teeth into those though

>> No.12241976

honestly he must browse here. never see them talk about actual literature on reddit, just harry potter and shit you'd study in high school.

i ended up reading don quixote because of /lit/ too

>> No.12241994

presumably so he can quote directly from the books in the video instead of buying two copies or doing a second-hand translation of his own
everyone know about DQ because of the windmillls

>> No.12242010

youtuber who makes ylyl videos reads kierkegaard and dostoyevsky
what the fuck

>> No.12242012

He is likely looking at this thread
Please take up the news about Sargon on pew news Felix <3
He is on worksafe gif in some of his videos.

>> No.12242015
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This one pewds, confirm with ; ) if you see this post.

>> No.12242018

fuck Sargon

>> No.12242027

Patreon kicked him and other YouTubers for being edgy - in his case reeeeeing over alt-right fucks and got angry enough that he called Nazis nigger - pewds can relate.

>> No.12242031

How does he expect to read Kierkegaard? Pretty sure he won't comprehend a thing because that's straight up philosophy.

>> No.12242035

Sargon is weak shit, bro. But you were probably a libertarian in August, weren't you, fella? We WN here, get on board or come back when you're ready.

>> No.12242038

sargon is a spastic

>> No.12242043

He probably made this thread himself

>> No.12242052
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So what you're saying is, if I meme hard enough on /lit/ I will be able to influence the most subscribed person on YouTube, and by proxy his entire audience?

>> No.12242057

You sound like a big fan of pewds

>> No.12242059

Yeah, tell him to read Ulysses and Infinite Jest so the shit taste spreads even further.

>> No.12242065

>it's real
Memes, Jack, the DNA of the soul!

>> No.12242088

He's a dumb, mild libertarian. The fact that people as innocuous as he is are being purged from social media is a legit cause for concern

>> No.12242090

I think it's very nice that he is using his influence to inspire young/ adolescents to read

>> No.12242091

He probably wrote this post himself

>> No.12242093

Terminate yourself my friend.

>> No.12242095

pewdiepie is based now because he said the mean word (nogger)

>> No.12242096
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In that case, lets make them cohesive and actionable by scapegoating ourselves and leaving traces and artifacts of our trajectory so as to lead them towards our ends by what they believe to be their agency. I don't actually care about the ends, but I'm always up for a good game campaign when I'm broke and bored. Maybe this time no one will get killed.

>> No.12242099

Yeah, he tried to read Nietzsche once too, at least he had the humility to admit that he didn't understand it.

>> No.12242101

>läsa skiten på engelska
så jävla cringe

besviken på dig felix

>> No.12242109

Then he really didn't understand Nietzsche.

>> No.12242111

I probably am him myself

>> No.12242112

I think it's comfy comedy

When talking about commies and PoMo he is Peterson level retard in the same regard, and I think his views on Islam could be rounded some, though the people fights against needs more than being rounded on the question of Islam.

Nope, social democrat. I'm for workers rights and all that shit through unions. Where I agree with Sargon is the anti SJW and anti EU shit. In my country the far left is actually against EU as well btw.

>> No.12242117

Send pic with OP number

>> No.12242126

>>12242112 here
And then also the (((trad-lib))). I agree with him on the good ol' (((traditional liberal values)))

>> No.12242134

Hey Pewds, read Linkola, Kim Il Sung and Evola next.

>> No.12242137
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>läser kierkegaard på engelska

>> No.12242140
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It was fucking obvious, he was in /gif/ for his videos and saw /lit/, now he lurks here, and reads all the memes like no longer human, stoner, now pessoa, etc...

>> No.12242141


>> No.12242143

Couldn't he just read the Danish version? Isn't Danish mutually intelligible with Swedish?

>> No.12242146
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>> No.12242147

Danish is closer to written Norwegian

>> No.12242157

I would not advise anyone to read Kierkegaard in Danish - he just uses every two pages constructing the same sentence in different ways, it's so fucking sisyphean to read.

>> No.12242158

>Couldn't he just read the Danish version? Isn't Danish mutually intelligible with Swedish?
In speech? Not quite; it's very much something you need to work towards, and it can depend on accents, but it's nowhere near as hard to understand danish as it is to learn an entirely new language. It's not a big issue in text though; the difficulty of understanding danish lies in the way their pronunciation shifted over the ages, whilst their written language remains perfectly understandable, with a lot of words being the same.

I'd still read it in a swedish translation first, and danish second. I don't think there's a point in straining yourself if you're not already used to danish; a translation would lose pretty much none of the original meaning, and make it more of a smooth ride for the swedish reader, letting them focus more on the points made in the text. Him reading it in english is fucking stupid though; if I wanted to quote Kierkegaard in english, I'd probably just grab an ebook version of it to keep on the desktop.

>> No.12242205

he hasn’t read them yet

>> No.12242210

If he is getting his brainless zoomers to read mishima, I assign him neutral status. Not gonna criticize a guy for how he makes good money.

>> No.12242211

He's read Crime and Punishment already. Not Kierkegaard though

>> No.12242214

I don't quite understand why he would read translations instead of reading English literature.

>> No.12242217

desu I dont know how you can be truly /pol/ tier alt-right and derive personal meaning from Kierkegaard at the same time.

>> No.12242220

He's probably reading the english version of Kierk because he's going to talk about it to his english-speaking viewers and might want to quote certain things from it or discuss its concepts so he'd be better off using the terminology that's translated to english.

>> No.12242225

Pewds is a chad, watching him publicly humiliate hack journos on twitter for defaming him cus of "muh dogwhistles" or w/e is a treat.

>> No.12242247

If you want to dogwhistle to /lit/ you should put a copy of Fanged Noumena somewhere in the background of your next book video.

>> No.12242257
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>cutting off the best part
>kierk, pessoa, and dost get 25k likes

truly this man is a force for good

>> No.12242261

He has already shouted it from the rooftops by only reading and "reviewing" the /lit/ starterpack

>> No.12242270
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>tfw ip banned from twitter for calling david frum a kike

>> No.12242272

He already reads Mishima and Evola.

Pewds finna tradpill the zoomers

>> No.12242285
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Pewdiepie is literally that 30 year old boomer who woke up one day and realised that his youth was spent on videogames and screaming on camera for children's money. At least he's got a 6/10 wife who cooks.

>> No.12242287

Daily reminder that he said the n-word, had a transphobic guy in his videos (Ben Shapiro), has promoted facist writers and is literally promoting nazism. He's SUPER problematic and /lit/ has to disavow him.

>> No.12242293

>starts with nietzsche, doesn't understand
>de botton-tier reading of baudrillard
>penguin abridged non-hong english translation of kierkegaard
not /lit/
and typical /lit/

>> No.12242294

I can't wait until some hack journalist tries to use everything outside of this board to smear him because he likes to review some books that people like here.

>> No.12242295

Pewdiepie please read Kaczynski. Introduce those 70 million zoomers to the tedpill.

>> No.12242298

I'd rather /lit/ just jammed its collective foot on the pedal and let Jesus take the wheel to be desu.

>> No.12242302
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>Book! *clap* review!

>> No.12242314

Why he'd read Kierkegaard and Dosto in english rather than swedish is beyond me. There are absolutely excellent translations of the latter in swedish as it is, so it's not a matter of quality.

>> No.12242317

hes reading with 70 million english speaking preteens

>> No.12242322

>Isn't Danish mutually intelligible with Swedish?
in written language Norwegian is
Swedish to Danish is a lot more difficult

>> No.12242328

His wife is uncanny valley cute. She doesn't look real

>> No.12242331

>marrying a robot
Truly our guy.

>> No.12242332

That's fair!

I'd argue swedish-danish is no worse than swedish-norwegian in written form. Though spoken norwegian and swedish are far, far more similar than spoken danish and swedish; some norwegian dialects could almost be mistaken for swedish ones.

The difference between spoken and written danish is becoming a serious issue in Denmark, interestingly enough. The difference between spelling and pronunciation is massive.

>> No.12242339

>some guy that milks normal video ideas for money has enough time to have actual normal hobbies

>> No.12242341

>normal video ideas
*normie video ideas, kek

>> No.12242345

I don’t think it matters which he reads first, he won’t understand any of them

>> No.12242348

>some norwegian dialects could almost be mistaken for swedish ones
nynorsk isn't a real language :)
and the only other dialect I know is Bergen one

>> No.12242349

actually based and redpilled

>> No.12242350

; )

>> No.12242356

Tell him the gateway opens up to Russel Brands flaccid dick. He'll understand, eventually.

>> No.12242360

As long as he pays his taxes right, bitch.

>> No.12242363

almost absurd, eh? fucker's gonna wind up shooting an arab for no fucking reason whatsoever

>> No.12242364

hi pewds
you forgot the most important lit meme
start with the greeks
else you'll get as much out of those books as you did out of neitzsche

>> No.12242366

If he directly mentions "/lit/" in any way, shape or form, this board is doomed

>> No.12242368

>nynorsk isn't a real language :)
I wasn't talking about nynorsk. I remember this episode of the series "Der ingen skulle tru at nokon kunne bu" about this old man who'd lived by a fjord in a very rural area, in the same house his family had lived in for generations. Some of the things he said sounded closer to swedish than a lot of norwegian I hear today; I thought it was very interesting.

>> No.12242370

alri, this slaps

>> No.12242382

Stop bait spamming this idiot. You've got enough tards as it is cohesive. It's time to find their opposite.

>> No.12242386

>Some of the things he said sounded closer to swedish than a lot of norwegian I hear today
I should elaborate on this and say that it was more similar to swedish than modern norwegian is, not that it sounded more swedish than norwegian.

>> No.12242389

pewdiepie literally /ourgoy/, turning zoomers into gen zyklon

my little zoomer brother watches him and its super fun to banter with him, we say racist jokes all the time, whereas my slightly younger sister swallowed the SJW blue pill and doesnt like pewds bc the wall street journal ran a hit piece on him way back. fuck her, pewds is my man, id suck his dick on command if he asked me to, no homo though.

>> No.12242390

I think him being a mature adult, he won't do it.. at least I hope so, this is one of the few boards on this website that matters

>> No.12242397

lol can you imagine 77 million people overrunning this board? it'd be pure chaos

>> No.12242398
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thanks for the pasta

>> No.12242401
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>> No.12242402

I don't want the bod to be a normie meme :(

>> No.12242405

this place is an ocean that is never changed by the pieces of shit that float in it, only by the moon's orbit, isn't that right oh dear grey one above us.

>> No.12242406

it was not pasta, my friend, it was pure reality :^)

>> No.12242409

Reminder that Pewgoodgoy supported youtube's decision to ban Alex Jones. He's literally controlled opposition.

>> No.12242414

>it's so fucking sisyphean to read
Ah, at least it is not kafkaesque.

>> No.12242415

No fucking way.

>> No.12242416

Alex Jones is even more of a children's entertainer that Pewdiepie though.

>> No.12242417
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>> No.12242430

how can people listen to alex jones unironically? its all an act and you can see it, its more similar to keeping up with the kardashians than to cnn and i watch AJ mostly to gawk at the insanity ( i did buy super male vitality for the memes but it didnt do shit, its all snake oil)

>> No.12242431
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>ab urbe condita 2770+1

>> No.12242432

what the children go through would not be considered entertainment in canada buddy. we have special places for that type.

>> No.12242440

>checks pewdiepie Twitter feed
>tweet doesn't exist
You son of a bitch.

>> No.12242446

He deleted it. Someone might have archived it though.

>> No.12242450
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lets get him to resd this next

>> No.12242452

felix i hope you awaken in the morrow with a hairy duo of gonads in your mouth

>> No.12242453

What you feel about Jones should be irrelevant to his right to express himself on a social platforms.

>> No.12242467

The insanely wealthy cannot understand literature.

>> No.12242469

fuck off commie

>> No.12242484

umm sweetie he had to work at a hotdog stand to support himself

>> No.12242496

Yes, that can be true. Dostoyevsky especially.

>> No.12242504


>> No.12242512

Stop projecting your nasty fantasies. I on the other hand hope to see him taking a big fat cock through those pink soft lips one day.

>> No.12242513

"alex jones" is a hyperstitional entity channeled by the same meatsack as comedian "bill hicks" and hyperdub producer "burial"

>> No.12242521

tbqh idk how it works for the internet wrt 1st amendmend. in principle, a private business (e.g. social platform, hosting site) has the right to refuse anybody who is not a protected class. the sticky part of the issue is that as far as i know it is not easy to set up your own hosting site and from there your website. so thats where i might agree with you, but idk if theres ways around that

>> No.12242523
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>> No.12242527

neo-luddite zoomer revolution when?

>> No.12242534

how are your fantasies any better than mine, anon?

>> No.12242537

Enough with the 'private business'. Social platforms are intergrated into society as much as public commute systems. You can't have a private business when your trade is public life of millions of citizens.

>> No.12242555

The concept of free speech should absolutely go further than just an adherence to the first amendment. Otherwise corporations have control over what's acceptable speech, which can be just as oppressive as government-controlled speech

>> No.12242558

Eh, either/or.

>> No.12242564

Felix this is your only redemption, make this tweet real. Alternatively say your penis length in inches while making a snorting noise in your next video

>> No.12242565

Either/Or is his most accessible, literary-type work though.

>> No.12242566

He's basically an alt right funnel, keep posting evola and you should be able to get him

>> No.12242574

For one, i tried to be a little romantic about it.

>> No.12242583
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I thought people on the alt right were joking when they talked about pewdiepie being redpilled and redpilling kids a year or two ago, but these jews are really coming after the guy now, so I guess he must be a real threat. Not that it should take much for a Swede under 40 to get it by now.

>> No.12242594

>pewds reads evola

>> No.12242598

he is high IQ

>> No.12242600

What is so special about this dude? Ive checked out his channel and it's mostly just someone I don't care about giving his opinion on something I could care less about

>> No.12242605


>> No.12242607

What u mean by this?
I haven’t read Neech yet

>> No.12242608
File: 539 KB, 612x2443, nickland-pewds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw noticed by uncle nick

>> No.12242609

I think a certain appeal of him at this moment is that he has a unique insight into things given his career success, and people enjoy his 'fuck you' money attitude/influence now

>> No.12242610

Unironically yes. By saying the meme mean word all his advertisers dropped him, which means he has nothing to lose, which means he reduces the amount of self-censorship,

>> No.12242612

this, its like listening to trump

>> No.12242613


/lit/ thoughts on this vid?

>> No.12242615

forcing telecoms to be objective and "let the man speak" is a ridiculous farce to be perpetuated by anyone with enough interest and money. It's honestly better to let all the media in the united states chip in a percentage to create another organization to troll them all into objectivity or clear propaganda. And I can reason this position from a libertarian perspective, though it seems to be in support of a governmental body. I however see this organization as merely the work of government agencies now acting in the open. I would find it a history in older organizations and then go from there as a grassroots chaos agent that can secure the ideological position of real anti-tar and feather boys. It might take five to ten years at tops, but it will make the rest of the changes go much more smoothly if youknowwho gets the remote control.

>> No.12242616

a unique insight isn't that uncommon. You can witness that over and over here, same with the money thing

>> No.12242621

You sound retarded thanks for playing

>> No.12242625

>on something I could care less about
i hope you are not baiting faggot

>> No.12242631

Sounds like you just can't explain why this guy is worth watching

>> No.12242634

Explain what your problem is with my comment please.

>> No.12242635

I just gave one reason and you replied missing the point with broad meaningless comments that's why you're a retard.

>> No.12242638

you sound insufferable, pewds is the man, bro. take a chill pill and watch meme review, maybe it'll even get you laid

>> No.12242640

>famous person name drops something we know about


>> No.12242642

I would if i wasn't so conflicted on whether you are indeed baiting or actually retarded, so please give a better hint

>> No.12242649

>Right to refuse anyone who is not protected class
They should have the right to refuse whoever they want.

>> No.12242650

>The Idiot
what now plen

>> No.12242656

It's encouraging that an arbiter of taste is experimenting with niche genres and interests instead of only appealing to the lowest common denominator. If he has to make low-effort meme videos in order to fund the more insightful ones, so be it.

It's true that you can get "unique insights" here on 4chan, but inevitably anonymous postings into the void are less compelling than ones endorsed by a famous influencer. It's human nature to be drawn to celebrities, and Pewdiepie covers more interesting topics than most mainstream/popular critics and pundits.

>> No.12242658

Go ahead and keep wondering. I don't care anymore

>> No.12242665

>Enough with the 'private business'.
Your feelings don't change the facts.

>> No.12242667

*whomever, idiot. And no they shouldn't, because we have a mess now where jewish-run companies or ones with the ADL looking over their backs censoring white people who express their interests and talk about jews.

>> No.12242669

Problem is that even intermediaries like financial services and hosting sites are starting to ban people, which gives them the power to silence dissenting views in effect. People on the right are starting to talk about opening their own banks because paypal won't work with them

>> No.12242672

>on something I could care less about
The person you are replying to is likely confused because one of the topics Pewdiepie discusses is literature. You're on a literature board. If you (couldn't) care less, why are you here?

>> No.12242684

Time to spam nick land double time. We need to see him review fanged noumena.

>> No.12242685

wonder if he posts in write whats on your mind

>> No.12242691

That's like saying we can discuss Hitler here because he wrote a book. Pewdiepie's channel is far from being a literature focused channel

>> No.12242696

>Social platforms are intergrated into society as much as public commute systems
Fuck no. Everyone can host things on the web. Alex Jones is welcome to put his shit on a self-hosted ftp server. You have the right to speech, not the right to getting your garbage disseminated by a private company.

>> No.12242697

>you are posting in a thread pewdiepie is viewing

this feeling guys..

>> No.12242698

These aren't feelings, these are facts. Business ceases being 'private' when it effectively becomes the governing authority of many people's lives.

>> No.12242701

Why couldn't we discuss Hitler here?

>> No.12242705

Pewds is red pilled as fuck. He definitely browses /pol/, look up how he arranged the background objects that /pol/ asked him too. It was a nod to us. He is probably going to drop some real red pills so all 7 million subs will get woke

>> No.12242706

Well, that's true, but people do discuss Mein Kampf on here. Ostensibly the OP topic of discussion is the three books above. You're the one who brought up Pewdiepie himself with
>What is so special about this dude?

>> No.12242709

Yeah, I just want to know why he is treated as such a big deal here. I might be able to understand how the average person will like his meme viewers but what does the average /lit/ gain from watching him?

>> No.12242714

Exactly. Protected classes doesn’t work and only protects minorities. It’s shouldnt be a thing.

>> No.12242715

The problem is that business should not control the space used for public discourse. Right now they are able to, but it’s not a good thing.

>> No.12242728 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.12242733

having laws that prevent black people from getting served in a restaurant != allowing literal retards to spout opinions on your company's site

>> No.12242741

he's a massive influence on the lives of millions of zoomers and he's redpilled
he browses this site and potentially this board
so this board, via him, potentially has influence on millions of zoomers

>> No.12242749
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I have never watched any of his vids, I just know that he seems to piss off the right people... Some people here seem pissed off at him because he is successful...

>> No.12242781

I guess that is a good thing. I hope his book reviews aren't just being ignored by most people. Also a bunch of his books are /lit/tier but that doesn't mean it's impossible he found them somewhere else. Most literature communities end up talking about the same authors

>> No.12242791

Is that you pewds? Wanna give me some of your money?

>> No.12242799

Subscribe to Pewds guys. Fuck T-Series

>> No.12242812
File: 44 KB, 780x178, Screenshot 2018-12-17 at 17.31.08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as if youtube viewers have the attention span to read anything

>> No.12242827

As if /lit/ is any better

>> No.12242831

I fucking hate this place.

>> No.12242840


>> No.12242843

Butthurt T-Series fan detected

>> No.12242848

>run out of content
>just start ripping everything from 4chan

>> No.12242858

>4chan is the only site that uses memes

>> No.12242861


>> No.12242863

>4chan is the only website that knows about authors

>> No.12242864

Obviously not, but you could tell a while back he was just straight ripping stuff from here (from /pol/) which is why he got in trouble with youtube ect

>> No.12242870

>/pol/ are the only people who know about the n-word

>> No.12242874

/pol/ is the only place to say nigger

>> No.12242879

>Der ingen skulle tru at nokon kunne bu
Based show desu

>> No.12242883

>it's so fucking sisyphean to read.
Oh ok, at least it's not lovecraftian

>> No.12242890

I recommend starting with The House of the Dead. It's the most accessible of the three, and Leo Tolstoy said it was good art in his "What is Art?" book.

>> No.12242893

some of his ylyl videos are sourced entirely from a single /gif/ thread (you can check the correlation, and he even shows posts and open tabs in some)
this isn't the only site he uses to source his content (reddit, twitter, insta), but it's one of them

>> No.12242899

>his right to express himself on a platform provided by a public company
What obligation does Youtube have to provide a platform to AJ?

>> No.12242902

>Reviewing the internet as an internet persona
>Don't use any websites that's cheating

>> No.12242907

Cringe and based

>> No.12242908

All download links in the wiki were dead guys. Now I had to buy all that shit.

>> No.12242910

He should review the Harry Potter series next.

>> No.12242911

>reading comprehension

>> No.12242916

Inb4 he becomes a Christ follower and suddenly the biggest channel on YouTube is dedicated to spreading the good news

>> No.12242917


>> No.12242918

People are laughing at him being kicked off because he laughed at Ethan Ralph being kicked off youtube and is an asshole.

>> No.12242923

Internet bill of rights when?

>> No.12242934

>What obligation does Youtube have to provide a platform to white people?
>What obligation does Youtube have to provide a platform to black people?
>What obligation does Youtube have to provide a platform to old people?
>What obligation does Youtube have to provide a platform to people with large noses?
The answer to all of these is: none. It's a private business lmao
You can enjoy unrestrained plutocracy, until it chooses your butt to bite.

>> No.12242938

somebody please recommend him Pascal

>> No.12242939

>all these corporate cuckolds on /lit/

>> No.12242947

are you a commie

>> No.12242958

If that swedish memer ever reads this thread, please introduce your audience to classical music, theater, poetry and not-capeshit cinema as well
>tfw a fucking youtuber could become the vanguard of a cultural renaissance
please do it, pewds

>> No.12242963

>businesses should have the right to refuse who they want!
*blacks get refused at a restaurant
>not like that!!!!1!

>> No.12242970


>> No.12242975

We anarcho capitalists now

>> No.12242979

That is why you have to lie to people only in america. Everywhere else has an open record of government doing what is best for them, telling them they need to learn more, to stop being stupid. We elect good opposition members when the amecians aren't fully fucking with our system up here. It's not a conspiracy that a governing authority exists and that you are indeed citizens with duties. That conservative nihilists run your show is your founders fucking fault and please don't change the system cause your people can't handle the truth. fucking stupid americans

>> No.12242986

No. I just dont want corporations to control who can and cant speak.

>> No.12242989

Pewds is definitely a fascist. He broweses /pol/ but is afraid of showing his power level

>> No.12242991

America is about God and Guns faggot.

>> No.12242994

This is wishing for a lot but that would be quite nice if I do say so myself

>> No.12242999


>> No.12243004

He's just reading what Jordan Peterson recommended at some point. No way he is browsing /lit/.

>> No.12243009

Hes alt lite at best.

>> No.12243013

why does hitler look so distraught holy shit. he looks like a bottle of jack a day man.

>> No.12243019

>He's just reading what Jordan Peterson recommended at some point. No way he is browsing /lit/.
/lit/ is constantly talking about JBP. He probably got influence through proxy

>> No.12243022

Don't Peterson fans hate Pessoa though?

>> No.12243024

>700 pages

you mean Fear and Trembling anon

>> No.12243029

i Dont read books, i just read threads about books

>> No.12243031

the space used for public discourse is not being controlled though. americans keep using the internet. keep using media willingly with the knowledge that the space is not in their control because it is a service from a company. the olgiarch are just people with open hands that you all stupid people keep filling because you don't read books. and that's it, really. if you spent more time reading, you wouldn't have this need to force companies to see themselves as a sub body of the government. the tech billionaire meme is not our aristocracy, nor should they be given orders by their supposed subjects, their "people".

>> No.12243034

Why would they hate Pessoa? They probably don't know about him anyway

>> No.12243036

Peterson fans can't hate anything they're so spineless a soda fountain would require a search engine.

>> No.12243037

Is there any philosopher that exercised brevity? Why are they so in love with themselves that feel the need to write thousand of pages?

>> No.12243045

Zoomers are going to meme Nick Land and Deleuze soon


>> No.12243056

>speculating in the meme market
Think I found the title for the next Anonymous book, boys.

>> No.12243069 [DELETED] 


>> No.12243087

can this faggot fucking die already? fuck pewdiepie and fuck zoomers

>> No.12243088
File: 556 KB, 603x675, 4623786423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

already here bro

>Palm Angels x Nick Land

>“Perhaps there will always be a fashionable anti-capitalism, but each will become unfashionable, while capitalism—becoming ever more tightly identified with its own self-surpassing—will always, inevitably, be the latest thing.” - Nick Land

>Nick Land, influential British author and philosopher, is best known for introducing accelerationism into the mainstream. A divisive political philosophy, accelerationism essentially states that the prevailing institutional critiques of capitalism create a negative feedback circuit that is ultimately stabilizing, and that in order to upset the prevailing power structure, a positive feedback circuit should instead be formed between commercialization and industrialization, thereby accelerating capitalism’s growth to the point of destruction. As Land states in a 2017 essay for Jacobite Mag, “There is no distinction to be made between the destruction of capitalism and its intensification. The auto-destruction of capitalism is what capitalism is.” Palm Angels celebrates this radical train of logic with a new line of house shoes inspired by the father of accelerationism. Before it was a fashion brand, Palm Angels was a coffee table book. Today, it just might be the most radical brand in the world. If genuine punk rock (as a countercultural movement) is in fact less effective than its commercialized, luxury-bound counterpart, then the brand’s latest take on LA skate/punk culture may be our fastest route towards revolution.


>> No.12243091

Anyone have an archive link or is this just bullshit?

>> No.12243097

I don't know about the anglo world but in hispanic countries everybody knows about Don Quixote so it's not some hidden gem.

>> No.12243100

what the fuck

>> No.12243114
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>> No.12243123

Jesus fucking christ
>a radical brand
Fuck this gay earth

>> No.12243124

>throwing pearls before swine on an unprecedented scale

>> No.12243134

I read classics as well, where's my special thread
If he starts shitposting about Proust I'm gonna a neck btw

>> No.12243135

>Please note: The products in this article are fake and are not available for purchase.

>> No.12243146

Hi Felix.

>> No.12243151

His name is Felix? That's a cat's name!
Alright I'm not on board anymore.

>> No.12243154


Shit. I can imagine him doing a video on Bloch. Time to find a new hobby then.

>> No.12243156

Take your jewish "classics" to reddit, little man.

>> No.12243161

But then how would others know they have important shit to say?

>> No.12243164

Somebody edit the “if only you knew how bad it really is” post on here

>> No.12243168

I feel the same way but about the corporations AND the government.
Free men aren’t equal and equal men aren’t free.

>> No.12243182

You do realize an alien band of jews controls nearly all of your media and disallows all negative talk of them and their behavior, don't you? Reality is very different than your abstract interpretation of it.

>> No.12243184
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>> No.12243192

fuck this faggot, the last thing /lit/ needs is more underage users

>> No.12243206

Unironically what did you mean by this

>> No.12243213

Try reading something other than Mein Kampf, brainlet

>> No.12243219
File: 3.88 MB, 4500x4602, I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's the lie?

>> No.12243220

I doubt he’ll name drop /lit/ for several reasons.

1) He’s already been labeled a Nazi after the nigger and patreon incidents by leftists. So if he openly associates with 4chan his reputation is ruined.

2) If he enjoys the books he’s reading I doubt he would shit up /lit/ even more. This is becuase with new underage users he would never get another good book rec.

3) I doubt he even lurks here

>> No.12243222

Peterson was probably influenced by /lit/ anyway :^)

>> No.12243243

what do you think is the main reason why you fail at life ?

>> No.12243248

Houllebecq isn't that obscure I think

>> No.12243250

the fact that you havent disproved him and just resorted to insults doesnt help your cause, you """"""""""chosen people""""""""""". your end is nigh

>> No.12243257

Why do you people always espouse this strawman?

>> No.12243276

No one gives a shit about the hispanic world buddy

>> No.12243289
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>> No.12243313

I hope not

>> No.12243358

Yes, and I’d like to be able to expose them without it being a hate crime.

>> No.12243379

Yikes dude..

>> No.12243388

Bro, /pol/ is always right. Never doubt them

>> No.12243391
File: 141 KB, 973x1064, 1509294397050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12243398

>da joos rule the world!

I can't even tell who is trolling and he actually believes it anymore

>> No.12243402

Maybe one should make two books with each subject - the axiom book and the importance book

>> No.12243403

Holy fuck, based Pewds

>> No.12243419

>resorting to posting infographs

>> No.12243421

>da joos rule the world!
That's a line used exclusively by jews running cover for other jews.

>> No.12243429

he didn't say you were lying.

>> No.12243430

they rule NATO. to a lot of dumb people that is the world.

>> No.12243448

>being unable to respond to infographs

>> No.12243486

also check these quads

>> No.12243511

Prove it without using infographs or calling someone who is 1/14th Ashkenazi Jewish

>> No.12243515

Not even Hitler could prove Jews had plans to rule the world and he had millions under captivity. Heck he could have even faked a "confession" but still he didn't because not even Hitler was retarded enough to actually believe it.

>> No.12243521

>/lit/ Youtuber discussions and anti-semitism

>> No.12243525
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>> No.12243536

look at the likes over 10 001, that was not made this hour

>> No.12243546

This can’t be fucking true, are we going to have kids finally read Dostoevsky now?

>> No.12243569

Everyone has heard of Dostoevsky but that doesn't mean they are going to start reading him now.

>> No.12243583

say goodbye to /lit/ fellers

>> No.12243587

He's already reviewed Crime And Punishment

>> No.12243589

>that person who mentioned /lit/ in the comments

Hello Zoomers! Please treat our board with respect!

>> No.12243596

I fucking hate this dog.
>memes amirite
>ben shapiro amirite
>let's ruin literature too for no good reason

>> No.12243602

No because it isn't accessible as much as "muh maymays" which turns off his retarded zoomer audience. Most zoomers watching his stupid book reviews either come from lit and already read or they like watching his reviews thinking it makes them wiser

>> No.12243607

>oh noo muh sekrit patrician literature club!!

>> No.12243609

Literally who?
I'm not hip with the kids these days.

>> No.12243610

he's fucking butchering the medium by exposing to epic sjw btfo kids
t. elitist

>> No.12243620

>Why must a famous person have to like the same books as me!! Oh woe! Literature is ruined!

>> No.12243625

Aww is the snowflake not going to be as special when people actually know what authors he namedrops to seem smart?

>> No.12243627

You see this is why I left wing, you guys became too right-wing and began sucking /pol/‘s dick

>> No.12243628



>> No.12243630

You're a fucking dirty fucking zoomer, leave this fucking place and never return or i'll personally perform fucking voodoo on you you nigger dog.

he's basically r/greentext

>> No.12243634

Just ignore /pol/

>> No.12243635

Fruedian slip, I mean left /lit/

>> No.12243641

>tfw a fucking youtuber could become the vanguard of a cultural renaissance
are you a fucking retard
most kids watch him for memes
if you think this SNOWNIGGER has ANY INFLUENCE then you need to read more fucking books you DUMB NIGGER

>> No.12243642

Not every /lit/ poster is right-wing. And those who are are not /pol/ tier for the most part.

>> No.12243644


dosty for example has always been a meme for edgy young pseuds, this however doesn't lower the quality of his works

>> No.12243646

Based Pewds is our last chance to save Western Civilization from the left. You can hate him for being cringey some of the times but make no mistake he is a power ally.

>> No.12243650

>hide post!
oh no im a jew too now ugh

>> No.12243653
File: 7 KB, 358x192, report.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't use the n word. Read the site rules.

>> No.12243655


>> No.12243658

Yeah, but there was a massive shift recently. Up until a certain point /lit/ was considered quite left, now it switched to right-wing all of a sudden. It was a comfy left, left without being SJW tumblr shit.

>> No.12243660


>> No.12243667


>> No.12243669


>> No.12243677

there's nothing wrong with racism. there is something wrong with crackpot conspiracy theories that completely undo any constructive discord on political philosophy.

>> No.12243682
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>> No.12243684

this but because kiddies will never read the stuff they'll just buy the books en masse or generally ruin the name of literature by lying about reading them and before you know it your pretty hobby is filled with fucking assjerks

it's not that it's just that he's a fucking tool and i dont want to be associated with him in any sense
>reading a book in library
>kid skates up to me with supreme clothes and pewdiepie merch

>yes let's bastardise all medium ever because subculture should be spat on and ridiculed
can't wait for epic rap battles of literature my friend

>> No.12243693
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>> No.12243703


fucking this

>thinking that a zoomer idol who makes meme videos can do anything to literature other than dumb it down

>> No.12243705

You're a faggot I don't want you I'm my club now please stop reading thanks

>> No.12243711

So just because it became popular you don't like it? That is a pretty poor reason.

>> No.12243717

This. Also all me

>> No.12243723
File: 242 KB, 760x412, michel_houellebecq_pense_que_donald_trump_est____un_des_meilleurs_pr__sidents_am__ricains____9446.jpeg_north_760x_white.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok now I want to destroy literature


>> No.12243725

>"No, no, he's a cultural Noah and will magically turn all those rebellious teens into redpilled conservative hitler jugend and sail away on a cultural ark where kids from the age of 3 will have read War and Peace and stuff."

>> No.12243728


Did you look at the middle picture in the second row?

>> No.12243730

>Caring about some shitty youtuber
good to know that /lit/ is still full of sub 80 IQ freaks who think that reading the Greeks makes them smart

>> No.12243732

Imagine being able to read literature but not a simple step-by-step.
Literature will become associated with zoomer fags and stacies and before you know it people will go into hiding about their passions.

>> No.12243734

How is literature being casualized?

>> No.12243736

The same thing could be said about this board and a number of different interest it contains outside of literature. Yet here you are.

>> No.12243737

it's being read by chads and stacies

>> No.12243741

every time normalfags get their dirty grubby hands on something they ruin it. every single time.

>> No.12243740

I have no problem with that. It's not like the actual books can be changed.

>> No.12243742


I think part of the problem is people using literature as a fashion accessory to appear to make themselves more look more cultured than they appear to be.

>> No.12243746

>x activity objectively belongs to the people who were into it first and we get to decide who else is allowed to enjoy it!!


>> No.12243747

the books won't be changed but discussion will be dumbed down
imagine if all of felix' fans descended upon this board at once

>> No.12243752

we're already here you bitch ass nigga

>> No.12243753

how do i greentext pls
also where is ylyl

>> No.12243754

Surly PewDiePie must be stopped, not only for his casualization of literature in which he plays a major role but also his use of the n-word we can also stop racism and I can remain interesting in my interest

>> No.12243757

but the production of good ones can be severely dropped in favor of easy-to-make cheap bad ones. this is what happened to videogames.

>> No.12243759

Wow, just like /lit/

>> No.12243760

yeah and you're already unbearable. I couldn't stand any more.

>> No.12243761


we already see this with figures like Jordan Peterson, people who make youtube videos about literature and their followers who have never even opened the actual books about the subject but act like they're experts. It's pseudification and casualization on a mass scale

>> No.12243762

yeah but when we do it it's fine
fuck zoomers

>> No.12243771

but /lit/ at least actually gives a shit about the humanities.

>> No.12243772

kill yourself

>> No.12243777


/a/ had ironic weebs
/co/ had fake geek hipsters

Will our hobby be destroyed next? There's always been pseuds who like to use literature as a fashion accessory but I reckon Pewdiepie will create a new breed of super-psued.

>> No.12243783
File: 105 KB, 1200x630, Rvgz5xw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It happened with anime.
It happened with vidya.
Is it time for literature to fall under the chopping block?
Study guides for low IQ brainlets?
Simplifications ?
PC versions of edgy books ?
We already saw Overlysarcasticproductions, prepare your collective asses for the zoomer menace.

Penguin Junior, soon available in your stores

>> No.12243787

literature has always been casualized you dumb fucking boomer

>> No.12243788

I'd prefer some kid namedropping T-series while willingly wanting to read Kierkegaard to a secret club 4chan purist like you. Every argument you've made about PewDiePie can be applied to this fucking website. Then you speak in good damn memes as insults you're no better than the people you're talking down to.

>> No.12243789

/v/ is the most right-wing board on 4chan. even more than /pol/. and they still worship garbage like Nintendo, Overwatch, and League of Legends like little cucks. stop trying to turn normalfags into a political issue, it's not.

>> No.12243799

Prepare for TURBO-MEGA casualisation
Prepare for dostoyevsky memes
Prepare for suicidefuel

>> No.12243807

Imagine being this fearful of PewDiePie. I'm joining the bro army this is power

>> No.12243808

ah you're an incel as well

>> No.12243811

you're being contrarian
enjoy your fucking self hatred when you realise NOBODY reads the original piece and they all read geronimo stilton tier knock offs

Go fuck yourself with a broken bottle when you are associated with fucking kids, for fucks sake

>> No.12243813

Lol get mad

>> No.12243814

>he's into literature
>he also has sex
nice bait my friend

>> No.12243817

loving the salt

>> No.12243825
File: 55 KB, 500x356, elisabetta-dami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I am become death, the destroyer of literature"

>> No.12243826

The only thread on lit to reach post limit in a month and it involves pewdiepie. Nice.

>> No.12243829
File: 99 KB, 1200x1448, Derrida.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was this apart of his plan in destroying Western Civilisation?

>> No.12243831
File: 259 KB, 1315x2048, 14pewdiedie-superJumbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did this man become the greatest literary icon of the century?

>> No.12243836

trigger me harder

>> No.12243838

Well he's a kike ain't he

>> No.12243839

Nabokov is shit

>> No.12243907

Surprised these titles are what gave me away.