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12241375 No.12241375 [Reply] [Original]

Where should I start? I'm not completely fluent in Spanish so I need something that's not too complex. Is 100 Years of Solitude good for a beginner?

>> No.12241388
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>> No.12241393

cien años de soledad is breddy gud. the sentences can be kind of long and you may need a dictionary now and then, so may be difficult depending on your level

for a native speaker should be readable for everybody

>> No.12241402

you may get lost with all the names but at least they don't change names randomly like the russians

>> No.12241405

>Redpill me

What is there to be even 'redpilled' on?

>> No.12241417


>> No.12241418
File: 113 KB, 756x1146, Pedrio Paramo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gabriel Garcia Marquez isn't any better in Spanish than translation.

Borges is better in Spanish.

>no Pedro Paramo
shit list

>> No.12241428

Well 2666 was a pretty easy read language-wise
I just tried reading 100 years of solitude and yes I believe it's easy too but not as much as 2666, I guess.. Borges was much more difficult
(though all of this was read in english so I can't tell for sure if it's the same experience in spanish

>> No.12241926
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would you say that 2666 would be achievable for a duolingo tree completionist to read alongside an epub es definition function?

>> No.12241940

La Historia by Martin Caparros is Wallace tier.

There's no english translation which is a tragedy

>> No.12241955

>duolingo tree completionist


>> No.12242224
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Las Tumbas

>> No.12242269

As a native speaker (although i suffer from first lang attrition due to the influence of English during childhood), 100 Years is easy to understand syntactically and plotwise. However the book is filled with a lot references to materials, substances, and ingredients that aren’t commonly used. If you want to have a complete visualization you’re going to need a dictionary on hand but if you don’t care, you can easily get by with situational schemas. For example, when he is describing the materials and substances used in an alchemy lab, i go by my schemas of labs and alchemy instead of looking up each reference to materials and ingredients used. If he references something several times, then i look it up.

>> No.12243301

>no Pedro Paramo
>shit list
It's literally the second book, you colossal fucking retard.

>> No.12243329
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> If you want to have a complete visualization you’re going to need a dictionary on hand
Or just get pic related, published by Alfaguara. It's the best edition ever published of that book. It has a family tree, a glossary of uncommon words, a list of names, some essays both at the beginning and at the end, and a ribbon bookmark, and it's obviously hardcover. Comfiest book I've ever bought.

>> No.12243974


>> No.12244019

that one is real nice desu

>> No.12244110
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This is more a personal preference, but it’s really good and funny. If you end up liking it, the author has tons more and he isn’t too complex and is a good intro.

>> No.12244148

>at least they don't change names randomly like the russians
it must be hard being an anglo

>> No.12244249

Llosa is a god. Manages to be deep and dense without actually being impenetrable and po-mo or magical realism.

>> No.12244421

>jose donoso
dropped, this was the worst author I've read

>> No.12244533

Ufff dios mio no puedo creer que nunca escuché hablar de ese libro. Acabo de leer un poco de que se trata y es justo el tipo de lectura que estaba buscando. Tiene ese estilo vulgar a lo largo de toda la novela o es solo ese parrafo?

>> No.12245029

Vargas Llosa*

>> No.12245035

Have you read The Obscene Bird of Night, though?

>> No.12245053

that's the one I read, on a recommendation from a chilean qt
more than one lesson learned on that occasion ..

>> No.12245073

this book got me into vargas llosa. then i read ciudad y los perros and it got me hooked

most of his books perfectly encapsulate the idiosyncracies, arrogance, and inefficient attitudes of latin america. peronistas, peteistas, bolivarianos btfo

>> No.12245588

>the idiosyncracies, arrogance, and inefficient attitudes of latin america

>> No.12245605

El Tunel - Ernesto Sabato

I found great when I was at a intermediate level

>> No.12245644

>reading 2666 in english

>> No.12245710

Read El Socio by Jenaro Prieto, it’s easy and it’s fun

>> No.12245713


>> No.12246045

I have decided to learn spanish. ¡Wish me luck hermanos!

>> No.12247319

Buena suerte!

>> No.12248096


>> No.12248129

Cervantes my friend

>> No.12248141


Don’t forget the corruption, nepotism and submission-to-the-US of the military class.

>> No.12248458
File: 44 KB, 390x588, José Arcadio Buendía.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One Hundred Years of Solitude was my first. I haven't explored the continent beyond this book but I have to say it stands out as a true literary classic.

The 20th century had many amazing titles but assuming some future apocalypse and a selectivity of memory, this will be one of the books that will or should be preserved. It captures the human condition and gets super compelling once you understanding its many internal cycles.

Takes about 30-100 pages to warm up though.

>> No.12248470



One of those works that you cant help but say: "tis is a work of art".

There was a nice copy pasta about it on 4chan, but I didn't save it.

>> No.12249260
