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12240993 No.12240993 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that if you use e-readers you are guaranteed to be either a middle-aged suburban mom or a disgusting virgin. Go support local independent book stores and quit being cheap like a kike.

>> No.12241004

But the best local independent book store in my city is ran by feminist-types: https://www.page1book.com/reading-the-resistance.html :(

>> No.12241018

Nothing compares to feeling of a weekend afternoon spent in a sprawling used book store. The smell, the sounds, the comfort.

>> No.12241021

>go support independent commies
Fuck off I live in the people’s republic of boulder. I’d rather die than give them a penny

>> No.12241022

convert them with your long schlong

>> No.12241069

Read Virginia Woolf with them. A Room of One's Own is excellent and feminists like it. If they ask to peg you say no.

>> No.12241086

>quit being cheap like a kike

no thanks!

>> No.12241103

>hurr durr ive never lived in poverty, why can't you just pay shit loads of money for things you get for free to support people who are better off than you

>> No.12241107
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>> No.12241150

You missed a > there

>> No.12241186

go to a library you dork.

>> No.12241210

well you see, that would take me a lot of time, it would give me a more limited choice of books and language and would overall just be 20x more of a hassle than downloading a file that you can find in under 5 minutes.

>> No.12241313

Disgusting virginal suburban mom here, me and my husband's daughter love e-readers.

>> No.12241496

I've read from PC+phone+Kobo for nearly a decade. fuck your books

>> No.12241523

Tits or gtfo

>> No.12241557

Physical books are just decorative objects these days. They are the non-musical equivelent of vinyl records.

>> No.12241571


>> No.12241585

I don't read either in books or in e-readers, I read in the screen of my computer, it's not just cheap it's free! :D

>> No.12241599

Not my responsibility to fund other people's dream jobs. Maybe if I was incentivized to go to my local bookstore I would, but right now my local bookstore is trying to sell Franklin Library books for $100+ each to retarded tourists.
I hate living in a tourist trap.

>> No.12241624
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OP is so vain he treats books as an accessory, rather than a means to knowledge and entertainment, and shuns others on an anonymous website for not sharing his vice, all in order to preserve his precious, misplaced ego,

>> No.12241633

>being cheap like a kike
Opinion dismissed.

>> No.12241640

>my husband's daughter
Come on man

>> No.12241678

If you cared about the quality of writing you wouldn't care about what medium it is absorbed from. Personally I've read mostly from physical books and at university I started doing a lot more e-reading since my library didn't have everything I needed. These days I'm looking into a dedicated E-reader on the grounds that I don't have the storage space for all the books I have or want.

>> No.12241739

Nah thanks. I'd stick to my buying shit from amazon and ebay.

>> No.12241752


>> No.12241775

but my schlong isn't long

>> No.12242162

My local bookstores are already being subsidized by the state and George Soros.

>> No.12242188

My local bookstores sell only the Italian equivalent of John Green

>> No.12242194

I spend the money I save ripping off large publishers to support LGBT zinesters.

>> No.12243588

I'm broke and my kindle is convenient.

Piracy 4 days

>> No.12244056

Hi Anons, newfag crossposter, first time poster, What are your opinions of audiobooks?
I rarely read but devour audiobooks constantly.
>no meanie

>> No.12244174

Dont act like you wouldn't judge someone preferring to read books on their smart phone.

>> No.12244177

Not reading

>> No.12244185

>He doesn't appreciate physical books themselves as art objects and a key part of the reading experience

>> No.12244220


>> No.12244416

wasted time, not reading.

>> No.12244483

Libraries in Mexican towns don't offer too many books, and when compared to all the books I can get for free on the internet... well yeah fuck you.

>> No.12244496

>Mass produced shitty books are "art objects".
They have as much artistic value as my little sister's gay anime posters.

>> No.12244538

Because not all of us are like you OP, a larping philistine reading for no reason but the act itself and whatever emotional or mental deficiencies it replaces, and have a need to read certain works that pertains to our research, works that are usually out of print and on sale physically for hundreds of dollars. What would have cost me thousands and months of waiting cost me nothing and 10 min of downloading

>> No.12244553

>he reads mass-produced kikenberg print books instead of listening to ancestrally-transmitted oral recitations

>> No.12245353

why not both? you ever bring a pile of books on an airplane? it fucking sucks

>> No.12245583

Nothing wrong with audio-books. Very good use of your time when doing monotonous tasks.

>> No.12245631

Dude. I'm in Lakewood. Wanna coffee and Tattered Cover? The good one, even.

>> No.12245885

For adding books to a kindle; how do you email large book files to the kindle email when all these email services have a limit to the files you can send?

>> No.12245955

Use Calibre.