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12237274 No.12237274 [Reply] [Original]

So now that neoconservative Weekly Standard is gone and buried, what is /lit/‘s favorite conservative magazines?

For me it’s The American Conservative. Definitely is the foreground of what conservative is becoming, nationalist and antiwar, but is still unafraid to criticize Trump.

>> No.12238782

What happened to the weekly standard?

>> No.12238801


>> No.12239314

They became too anti-Trump. The neoconservative wing of the Republican Party is dying.

>> No.12239316

They’ve had some articles. Very much want everyone to become Catholic.

>> No.12239320

>The neoconservative wing of the Republican Party is dying
That's a bad thing?

>> No.12239442

The New Criterion

They're the only conservative lit. mag I've ever come across that shows a little consideration to the arts. It's full of artistic classicism that even got recognition from my liberal friends. They have a footprint, but it's very small. I can never find them at a retailer.

>> No.12239448

Occidental Observer

>> No.12239453

Press S to spit on the Weekly Standard

>> No.12239455

They abandoned conservatism altogether because DRUMPF said mean things

>> No.12239497

This, honestly.

>> No.12239515

>how to live forever trapped in a single decade of existence

>> No.12239525

>The neoconservative wing of the Republican Party is dying.
Ummmm got any proof for that? Essentially every elected Republican official would fall under that label and the Trump administrations foreign policy is more John Bolton unilateralism than any break with recent history. I'm not American but looking from the outside it seems any influx of young conservatives into politics are just going to be embracing the Prager University, Turning Point USA type youtube propaganda.

>> No.12239588

American Affairs for sure. They even got Zizek in there

>> No.12239599

isn't Zizek a commie?

>> No.12239776

He's a revisionist, so not really

>> No.12240050

Well yeah when your alternatives are non-American globalism and fucking dugin

>> No.12240274

The right is in flux right now, if the last three years haven't clued you in. Ideas that were once banished are now getting a second, and first, hearing. It's an exciting time

>> No.12240288
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>the right is appropriating Zizek
best timeline

>> No.12240313

that's just not true.

>> No.12240324

well maybe not best to YOU. it's all subjective

>> No.12240351

Jacobite is trash, read Social Matter instead. Also, RIP Thermidor.

>> No.12240380


>> No.12240392

nazbols and jewgin shills get the bullet first.

>> No.12240407
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read for yourselves

>> No.12240408

Takimag calls itself libertarian but there are some definitely conservative columnists there like Dalrymple.

>> No.12240439

Thanks for the rec, the magazine looks quite inexpensive and I'll probably subscribe.

>> No.12240445

There are no young neocons except Ben Shapiro I guess, so it'd be more accurate to say that young Jews have all moved to the Democratic Party.

>> No.12240451

I don't understand Jacobite. So many of them seem more like leftists. I can remember reading an article from there claiming Islamic terrorism was caused by being in a dead end job.

Social Matter is good but their recent article on Trump and the Sacred was so cringey.

GB2 Twitter bro

>> No.12240453
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So basically pro business and individual freedoms and no government regulation.

Unless a business bans them from using there services then they want more government regulation.

>> No.12240468

Zizek is a communist jordan peterson really. There is very little intellectual substance to what he says, he is more like an entertainer.

Neoconservative is indeed dying in the Republican Party. It is awesome. We are making room for a right-wing party that is actually for the USA, not Israel.

IMO, the future of American right wing politics is pro-environment, anti-immigration.

>> No.12240491

First Things

>> No.12240512
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I don't think so, anon. The next generation will not be Jew worshipers.

>> No.12240521

>not loving zionism

>> No.12240553

No conservative party will be able to win an election in the US by 2030 or so. Get ready for Chavismo with American Characteristics because that's what we're getting.

>> No.12240556

They don't exist. To be honest, there isn't a political magazine or newspaper worth reading nowadays, both on the left and right.

>> No.12240577
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Decent choice, anon. Though their copy editors miss a few mistakes in each issue.

>> No.12240583

Jacobin is pretty good.
Also there are some good left podcasts: Red Scare, Chapo, etc.

Right wing is kind of lacking good content right now desu.

>> No.12240634

I mean, lots of lone wolf islamists in western countries are basically incels/neets. Since they already come from a certain background that preaches suicidal violence they do it in the name of Allah instead of the supreme gentlemen

>> No.12240639

Jacobite publishes both right-wing and left-wing writers, it's a "post political" magazine. The editors consider questioning the unspoken assumptions undergirding the liberal world order more important than giving any particular answer.

>> No.12240645

It seems like the editors definitely push for trad Catholicism, kind of the reason it was named Jacobite.

>> No.12240647

I thought Jacobite was a lolberg magazine?

>> No.12240652

I’ve heard about Red Scare.

It is true that since there women but call themselves socialist they get away with being politically incorrect more then Chapo?

>> No.12240654


>> No.12240661

>Also there are some good left podcasts: Red Scare, Chapo, etc.
can't believe i share a board with retards like this

>> No.12240666

American Affairs is definitely the leading intellectual magazine in this Post-Trump Conservatism. Even if they have kind of disavowed him, they at least still stick to many of the principles he did to win but expand on them.

>> No.12240667

/lit/ is a Communist board, mostly. I don't see why you're too surprised by this, the field itself is mostly filled with Communists.

>> No.12240677

Shit, meant to quote >>12239588

>> No.12240682

what an embarrassing post

>> No.12240684

They also published Angela Nagle, who wrote The Kill All Normies book.

She basically got kicked out of the left for it. “The Leftist Case Against Open Borders” were she basically argued you could either have open borders or a welfare state, not both. Every leftybro on twitter freaked out, forgetting that until like a decade ago open borders was opposed by the left.

>> No.12240685

Yeah, secularism is one of the cornerstones of liberal modernity, so publishing tradcath ideas fits their MO quite well. I thought the name was a tongue in cheek jab at Jacobin.

>> No.12240694

>Every leftybro on twitter freaked out, forgetting that until like a decade ago open borders was opposed by the left.
They reached the critical point with Hispanics in the US, at which point it became time for an abrupt change in ideology because courting Hispanics became the easiest path to power expansion. Progressives used to be the biggest eugenics proponents pre-WW2 until it was decided that Hitler was the most evil guy ever and was a eugenicist, thus making Americans firm anti-racists. This of course coincided with their policy of courting the Third World post-WW2 so as to prevent these countries from falling into the Soviet Union's sphere of influence.

>> No.12240702

>thus making American Progressives firmly anti-racist and anti-eugencist
Fixed. Anyway, the point is that Progressives can do a complete 180, ideologically, with no cognitive dissonance whatsoever. There is no underlying ideology. It's pure power trying to expand in accordance with the logic of the system it operates within.

>> No.12240705

National Review, the magazine that shaped the Post-WWII conservative movement, has gotten kind of boring. There’s still interesting articles being published, and it hasn’t gone fully anti-Trump like The Standard, but it’s kind of more libertarian these days.

IMO there best writer is Michael Dougherty, a trad Catholic.

>> No.12240714

their own dwindling demographic
this is why republicans are seizing power in state legislatures
and want to do the same thing nationally with a constitutional convention

>> No.12240718

Add Ross Douthat to the good Trad Catholic writers list. Definitely my fav NYT columnist (although I’m sure he can’t totally speak his mind due being with them).

>> No.12240725
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Unironically; FUCK conservatives.

>> No.12240726

>Red Scare
There is nothing communist about Brooklyn hipsters milking the politically clueless for paypig donations while repeatedly invoking the word 'neoliberalism'. Cumtown probably has a better claim to being a communist podcast.

>> No.12240730

The American Conservative has been nationalist and antiwar since it is was founded in 99. It’s was founded by Pat Buchanan.

Trump basically ran the same election Buchanan, but this time won because America saw what the neoconservatives wrought with Iraq.

>> No.12240740

Yeah, American Conservatives are finally waking up and realizing that laissez faire capitalism contradicts tradalionalist social conservativism.

>> No.12240749

it's too late, they already sold our government to big corporations 30 years ago with Reaganism.

>> No.12240756

American Conservatism is just outdated liberalism. I mean, Trump is just a Democrat from 1990, who on a 1990 spectrum might be considered to the left of Clinton, except on gun ownership.

>30 years ago
The US was designed to operate in this fashion. Until "Conservatives" realize that the Constitution is in fact bad, there will be no fixing this.

>> No.12240769

Catholic Herald for Catholic news.

Modern Age is a journal that was founded by Russell Kirk in the 50’s that is still going.

Not available for decades, but there’s a great book that published a best of anthology. Triumph was a Catholic magazine that was started by the cofounder of National Review (the guy also married Bill Buckley’s sister). It was a conservative magazine that had the balls to argue against Vietnam and called America as evil as the Soviet Union for legalizing Abortion. They even said Franco’s Spain was there ideal form of government.


>> No.12240773

Jesus fucking christ /lit/ used to be good

>> No.12240775

>The US was designed to operate in this fashion
maybe, but it wasn't capable of doing this until after WWII.

>> No.12240788

Corporate buyout of government was commonplace throughout American history, it just got powerful enough after WW2 to spread the cancer to the rest of the world, when in fact America's form of government was wholly accidental to its success and was in fact harmful (we could've had Cuba and North Mexico if not for the Senate). The American government should best be understood as a system designed to serve the interests of woke capital while gaslighting the masses into thinking this is good and just, also preventing anyone from ever being truly in charge and stopping the insanity. Very insidious.

>> No.12240793


Now how long until Commentary magazine dies?

>> No.12240809

Reaganism type conservativism really only worked because of The Cold War. Social conservatives, libertarians, and capitalists had to form an alliance against communism.

But now that the Cold War’s over, we see what deregulation has wrought. Look at Nixon, conservatives disowned him when he decided to expand on the Great Society (and of course Watergate).

>> No.12240829

Conservatives should switch from capitalism to distributism.


>> No.12240840

What about fdr, and changes he brought with him? There was literally a corporate plot to assassinate the guy

>> No.12240843

Conservativism after WW2 was founded on the idea that the New Deal was terrible and should be revoked.

>> No.12240846

First Things and New Criterion are good

>> No.12240854

FDR was a Communist with American Characteristics, to adopt CPC-speak. The Business Plot was pure projection, FDR had plenty of corporate allies, Smedley Butler was making the rounds to various Communist parties in the US giving the speech in question.

>> No.12240859

It's not exactly a magazine, but American Affairs seems pretty legit. I've read quite a few good articles from there considering how small of an operation it seems to be. They make a solid, intelligent case for the nationalist-populist cause.

I'll also mention Dagger, which isn't exactly conservative or always political, but it's a fun read with cool art. imagine if Ted Kaczynski were an artfag who spent his adolescent years on 4chan. I feel like it should be better known.

>> No.12240866

Chronicles is a little paleocon mag that Russell Kirk use to be published a lot in.

Seriously though, everyone should read The Conservative Mind by Kirk, it lays the groundwork on how Conservatism should be. Kirk was a smart man who was anti war and anti free trade. He voted for the Socialist candidate in the 1944 election and Eugene McCarthy because he wanted the wars to end. He got called anti Semitic for opposing the Gulf War. He thought Conservativism was there to prevent something like Hiroshima from happening again.

>> No.12240988

Not him but Chapo is particularly by and for insecure uneducated white men who feel vaguely intellectually superior for being constant hecklers.
I don't know shit about Red Scare though, but I'll assume this >>12240726 anon is being honest, since that seems to be the trend here.

>> No.12241132
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>They also published Angela Nagle, who wrote The Kill All Normies book.
>She basically got kicked out of the left for it. “The Leftist Case Against Open Borders” were she basically argued you could either have open borders or a welfare state, not both. Every leftybro on twitter freaked out, forgetting that until like a decade ago open borders was opposed by the left.
Fucking called it lmao

>> No.12241223


>> No.12241325

It's not as absurd as you think. I'd say a majority of the "dissident" right is at least sympathetic to environmentalism. I'd say preserving things for their richness, beauty, and inherent value is a conservative impulse. The second environmentalism conflicts with the left's larger goal of mass importing the third world, they will drop it like a fly. Look at what happened with the Sierra Club:

It seems weird to me that the left has so much trouble distinguishing between the neocon/libertarian right and the new nationalist populist right. The contrast feels so stark from this side but people will quote Ben Shapiro to own me for being a hypocrite.

>> No.12241341

>drop it like a fly
oops. please mentally replace this with your own idiom that makes sense.

>> No.12241392

>I have an IQ of 110

>> No.12241398

The jewish neocohen-led controlled opposition right has died, and the fall of the Weekly Standard is symbolic of that.

>> No.12241400

>Right wing is kind of lacking good content right now desu.
Maybe if these faggots stopped banning us from posting our opinions online there would be some good right wing content. I can think of at least 3 contenders that have been snuffed out of internet existence by the megacorps.

>> No.12241404

Alright, I will

>> No.12241470

>favorite magazines

Sure if I'm allowed to use a broad definition for "conservative":


>> No.12241485
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American Renaissance

>> No.12241501
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National Review.

Reihan Salam
Charles CW Cooke
Michael Brendan Dougherty
Yuval Levin
Armond White

Are all good. Still plenty of boomer-cons that you have to sift through though.

>> No.12241623

careful he might take that as a compliment

>> No.12241636

Back to the r-word site

>> No.12241652

Social Matter is a good option, but you have to have started with the greeks before to get it.

>> No.12241659

>It's not as absurd as you think. I'd say a majority of the "dissident" right is at least sympathetic to environmentalism
Good thing that 2/3 of Trump supporters deny climate change, or really anything that'd force corporations to move their ass and not be pieces of shit

>> No.12241731

pls name

>> No.12241938

>confusing the alt-right and Trump supporters
besides which historically there's been no reason to associate environmentalism with the left or the right exclusively.
The Nazis being one obvious example, and it used to be the US right wing was the environmentalist party. And anecdotally tons of rednecks I've spoken to believe in exactly what >>12241325 says. Tons of them believe we should be cleaning up pollution to make a cleaner world for future generations, even the ones that have their doubts about climate change's reality.

>> No.12242004

You're right about environmentalism initially coming from the right, and I agree with the rest. Environmentalism is something only white people care about. But you shouldn't use this word anymore because it's a made up jewish propaganda term:

>> No.12242541

It was terrible and got millions of people killed.

>> No.12242546

>Zizek is gonna make you guys a bunch of titoists just because you want to hear him say "use the word fag"
I agree, best timeline.

>> No.12242568

>Zizek shits on ideology in general
>people call him an ideologue

>> No.12242584

zizek is whatever you transfer onto him, he uses psychotherapy as a model for dialectics so that means one must be confronted with ideologically anathema systems (hence his embrace of christian theology as a means of critiquing secular leftist critiques, but not as a theologian)

>> No.12242585

See man, I just can't stand this level of retarded >>12242004

>> No.12242586

>Zizek is a communist jordan peterson really.
i hate this meme. they only look the same to you because they're both people you only know from 4chan memes.

>> No.12242596

The Occidental Quarterly is their printed publication, I highly recommend it too.

>> No.12242603

Are you people actually this fragile? Trump’s actual actions aren’t too irregular, he’s just buffoonish enough to be embarrassing. Pitiful superficiality.

>> No.12243155

cum town is a soc dem pod desu

>> No.12243499

No idea what that means, but Jacob*IN* is the left-wing mag and Jacob*ITE* is the right-wing one.

>> No.12243571

>Neoconservative is indeed dying in the Republican Party. It is awesome. We are making room for a right-wing party that is actually for the USA, not Israel.
You can insist on this all you want but it's not true. The general consensus of the grand majority of elected Republicans today can essentially be labelled "neoconservative" and no one is entering the party who thinks actively trying to promote regime change in places like Venezuela is a bad idea. Also 10 years ago Israel had essiently full bipartisan support but the Israeli state under Likud has been brazenly actively intervening in American politics to help the Republican party... unconditional support for Israel is one of the key issues that's not going to change.

>> No.12243707

Well yeah, the coup and purge of their influence literally just started.

>> No.12244366

Yes because the neoconservatives are the ones stopping the anti-Semites.

>> No.12244391

unconditionally supporting Israel does nothing but help anti-Semites.

>> No.12244507

as in, I was under the impression that Jacobite was of the Libertarian Right-Catholic persuasion.

>> No.12244821

The Quadrant, Dorchester Review, Angelus, New Atlantis.

>> No.12244850

pretty much. don't expect to learn much from it, or laugh much for that matter. it's a light, vapid pod anti-neoliberal pro-socialist perspective with decent guests now and then

>> No.12244984


Jacobin: written by idiots for idiots

>> No.12244997

>implying lone wolfs are the main type of Islamic terrorism

Please provide some proof of this. From what I’ve seen most are middle class.

>> No.12245004

Chapo and red scare are for idiots.

>> No.12245006

I have it, its great

>> No.12245130

What does class have to do with whether they're lone wolves? School shooters could be described as lone wolf attackers and they're mainly associated with middle-class (white) individuals.

>> No.12245159

Nah, I think they have had some libertarian writers but there mostly paleocon Catholics who want universal healthcare, environmentalism, and a welfare state/distributism. Kind of like a more intellectual American Conservative.

>> No.12245177

That’s what I mean, many Islamists in the West get sucked into by being a lonely middle class person, basically an incel/neet/robot so went they get angry they might have contact with an Isis agent or go lone wolf, but since they already come from an Islamic background they die for Allah instead of the Supreme Gentleman like white guys do.

>> No.12245205

Okay, basically from what I’ve heard is somewhat interesting cause one of the hosts is a bit more socially conservative then other socialists.

>> No.12245616

The normie pill: *literally anything political*
The woke pill: "It does not matter who is in charge. It simply matters that someone is in charge."

>> No.12245841

What the fuck happened to Thermidor? I saw nothing from them for a month and then, all of a sudden, I read on Social Matter that they were defunct.

>> No.12245877

I just read The Daily Stormer

>> No.12245888

Taki is worth reading for Steve Sailer, Christopher DeGroot, Joe Bob Briggs, and Jim Goad. Most everything else is pretty standard.
Based. I'm checking these guys out.

>> No.12245900
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>> No.12246194

Is New Criterion any good? I subscribe to left wing publications like N+1 and the Nation so I need a good conservative magazine to counterbalance

>> No.12246284

>Red Scare
Holy shit have you actually listened to it? They can be entertaining but it's clear the hosts are morons. Also Dasha's pronunciation of "women" sets my teeth on edge.

>> No.12246499


>> No.12247615

Ugh to Dougherty.

But you know who I hate? Jonah Goldberg and Rich Lowry and David French.

I like JJ McCullough though, he’s excellent.

>> No.12247623

>were she basically argued you could either have open borders or a welfare state, not both
Kicked out of the left for saying the most obvious thing ever? The state of modern political discourse, I swear.

>> No.12247882

Welcome to the new left buddy. My favorite was some dude since she basically wrote “The Leftist Case Againt Abolition.”

>> No.12247912

Fuck off, gramps.

>> No.12248369
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nb the conspicuous absence of "WORLD" in this thread

>> No.12248396

Is there an actual counter argument or is it just ugh I cqnt even territory. Or is it some muh socialism is like literally perfect and we can totally hold millions in every urban center ever

>> No.12248746

>Having closed borders is like how racial segregation was in the South.

That’s basically the counterargument.

>> No.12248862


New Criterion editorial note is very National Review, and tends to take culture warish swipes at campus controversies and art displays. Low hanging grapes.

When they arent attacking the left overtly is when they shine much brighter. Even their shredding of post-modern art displays gives credit where credit is due, and they will never put ideology ahead of poor prose or lack of talent. Their non-fiction reviews are my favorite, and are genuinely well written.

>> No.12249446

Quill eye is more classic liberal/centrist type magazine but still has some good articles:


>> No.12249457

The WSJ op-eds are woke af, desu. The editorials are leftist kikery, though.

>> No.12250127
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>> No.12250137

The Standard wasn't "conservative," it was literally Jewish propaganda established by a bunch of Trotskyites. The closest thing to a conservative magazine left is the National Review, and it's shit.

For Right Wing stuff you're unironically better off reading Anime Right and the Daily Stormer than any mainstream publication, because at least they're honest.