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/lit/ - Literature

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12236065 No.12236065 [Reply] [Original]

What if Bible was conceived as just a fantasy novel, and things got out of hand?

>> No.12236144

>le bible is le greatest work of fantasy of all time *tips fedora*
No, that would be money.

>> No.12236157

It was a primitive way for people to explain the meaning of the Universe & Life. Unfortunately we have never been able to shake our primitive tribalism. Shame. Imagine all the progress in all facets of human endeavour we would have without religion.
I feel sadness when I think instead of fanatics like Dostoevsky, Dante and T.S. Eliot, considered some of literature's best achievements, what else we could have achieved.

>> No.12236191

>Imagine all the progress in all facets of human endeavour we would have without religion.
THIS. If it weren't for religion and art and in general humanity's collective attempt at apprehending the transcendent I could be watching Blacked in 16k instead of measly 4k right now.

>> No.12236198

Have you ever actually read the bible, frogposter?

>> No.12236208

Actually, yes, I did, but only Old Testament. I didn't bother with NT since I don't read fanfiction.

>> No.12236706
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>Silmarillion is real until you read it

>> No.12237358

this is EPIC

>> No.12237412

Wait it wasnt?

>> No.12237414

Butthurt atheists detected

>> No.12237475

Christ was the first LARPer