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/lit/ - Literature

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12235098 No.12235098 [Reply] [Original]

Why do the Spanish have so little good literature?

To my recollection, all they have is a story about an autistic knight and his drunk page (with homosexual subtext).

>> No.12235111

Did you read Don Quixote?

>> No.12235115

>All I know about Spanish literature is the most famous work, therefore, that's all they have.
The absolute state of Anglofags.

>> No.12235123

>All I know is nothing about Spanish lit.
>Why is Spanish lit so terrible?

Truly perplexing.

>> No.12235127


>Unable to suggest other good Spanish literature
Okay, Buon Jorges, sit down and have another sip of that sweet grape-wine with your tapas.

>> No.12235171

Pío Baroja, Javier Marías, Enrique Vila-Matas. Quevedo is untranslatable but good notheless.

>> No.12235188

They gave us Baroque literature (Cervantes, Quevedo, Calderon de la Barca) which has found a new audience with the postmodern, since in both the line between reality and fiction is blurred. There are other good authors from the 20th century like Camilo Jose Cela but Latin America has really taken the torch.

>> No.12235227

Why did you post this with a petroleum rig?

>> No.12235233

the spanish are busy producing artsy movies about incest.

>> No.12236332

They gave us southern american literature.

>> No.12236511
File: 13 KB, 226x250, 6591A80B-C5D7-41D8-A755-2EE22DB5A713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they only gave us arguably the greatest single piece of literature of all time

>> No.12236517

oil rig aesthetic is fucking cool
i wish i was a chemical engeneer

>> No.12236522

brainlet here
can anybody explain why don quixote is so good?
Haven't read it yet

>> No.12236548

Then read Don Quixote you fucking pleb.

>> No.12236555

care to give any example?

>> No.12236652

They got fucked so hard by the Moors that they spent most of the Middle Ages translating Moorish texts into Latin instead of creating a literary culture like France, England and Germany’s. When they finally sat down to write, they had nothing to write about, and no culture from which to draw from. The very few Spanish masterpieces that exist are miracles in themselves.

>> No.12237693

Don Quijote lives in a simulated world of the sign where everything he sees is read through the code of chivalry novels. It's the first book to present a third order simulation where the representation of reality has its base in nothing. Among other reasons, that's why Don Quijote is good and continues to appear modern.

>> No.12237739

>When they finally sat down to write, they had nothing to write about, and no culture from which to draw from.
This completely false. Tons of stuff was written about those hard times.

>> No.12237775

>they spent most of the Middle Ages translating Moorish texts into Latin
the real spanish literature is in Andalusian Arabic

>> No.12237813
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Let me guess, another Yellow toothed anglo.
You want good Spanish lit? Go read Gracian, surely he will boost your super ego. Or go read Dario Fernandez Morera. Pic related is another good sugestion. Now shoo, you're blocking my sunlight you pasty twink.

>> No.12237873

Why are anglos such cunts?

>> No.12237874



it's exactly why i love FLCL

>> No.12237953

FLCL takes place in a small Japanese city

>> No.12237972

it went to shit with franco. though it is true that its apex, the baroque period, ended a really long time ago.

>> No.12239091

It really has been a while since something decent came around.

>> No.12239565

in addition to the high level stuff this guy said (
>>12237693) which is debatable, don quixote is also just a hilarious and poignant book with very clever and clear characterization and prose.

>> No.12240039

I doubt there is any good translation of him, but try Federico Garcia Lorca. After Cervantes, spanish theather and poetry are way more interesting than novels.

>> No.12240087
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>Why do the Irish have so little good literature?

>> No.12240121

Read it and find out