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12234936 No.12234936 [Reply] [Original]

Christopher Hitchens died 7 years ago today.

>> No.12234937


>> No.12234946

was struck down by God 7 years ago today*

>> No.12234959

This trotskyite faggot is a meme and will never stand the test of time. Thank God.

>> No.12234965


>> No.12234984

A journalist of some note. Wrote excellent prose, had spotty ideas on politics, firm and sensible views on faith.
Towers over his brother, a television talking head for the Tories.
To be read for the prose and the debating skills.

>> No.12234988

i like peter better.

>> No.12235008

Pseud philosemitic faggot

>> No.12235015


>sensible views on faith

o i am laffin

>> No.12235027

peter is a braindead pseud who parrots conservative talking points and brings nothing new to the table
>hey did you see peter hitchenson btfo that feminist
>yea I did it was on one of the feminist cringe compilation videos on youtube
>haha based and redpilled, praise kek!

>> No.12235049

who told you that? he doesn't seem to like tories at all, he's always mocking them as well.

>> No.12235060


>that one chapo poster

nigga get off the web

>> No.12235065

Wish it was sooner.

>> No.12235067

yea, he was too good for this world.

>> No.12235362

Good riddance, Godless zionist liberal

>> No.12235392

7 years in hell

>> No.12235472

Is it true that this dead man was the coiner of the term meme?

>> No.12235475

No. Richard Dawkins did.

>> No.12235477

>Towers over his brother, a television talking head for the Tories.
But Peter Hitchens hates the Tory party and openly calls for their dissolution

>> No.12235479

No it was Samuel Johnson.

>> No.12235494

This guy is only relevant because he was blessed with a nice voice.
I can't listen to him because I always feel like I'm listening to Alan Watts' reincarnated voice rambling on about a bunch of shit he's not even bothered to try to really understand.

>> No.12235511

Is Dick Dawkins dead yet?

>> No.12235514

>excellent prose

>> No.12235515

>I always feel like I'm listening to Alan Watts' reincarnated voice
Holy shit

>> No.12235613

Not too familiar with it, but I like him and feel very sad for his suffering. At least he got to see in the end that the Divine is indeed real, and I think God would have been happy to see someone dissolving dogma spread in His name. Nothing makes me more delighted than the concept of people like Hitchens gaining a glimpse of the Divine and learning that they were serving it all along, though they didn't know it. God bless Hitchens. The internet fanboys that make up new-athiesm may be insufferable, but the actual figureheads like Hitchens are not so bad at all, and have done well to help deflate religious dogmas otherwise unimpeded.

>> No.12235621

From a Nietzschean perspective, Hitchens was one of the most pious people to ever walk this planet.

>> No.12236069

all faggots, especially >>12235613 and >>12235621

>> No.12236091

He was just a contrarian, through and through. People were against the Iraq War, so he supported it. People are religious, so he was irreligious. People breathe, so he stopped breathing.

>> No.12236160

The idol of basedaboys everywhere

>> No.12236170

December 15 2011: the day that logic and reason died.

>> No.12236210

>Towers over his brother, a television talking head for the Tories.
Imagine being so wrong

>> No.12236668

>for the Tories.

That's wrong, sweetie. He calls them out for being conservative in name only.

>> No.12236743

>lol imagine wanting to what """"god"""" says lol what a maroon
>box in corner of room says brown mustache-man is bad we should invade his country

>> No.12237803

Peter is one of those "tories are bad because they're not conservative enough" critics of the tories.

>> No.12237806


>> No.12237816

Which debates did Hitch get 100% BTFO in minus the Craig debate?

>> No.12237821

>television talking head for the Tories.
Peter Hitchens wants the tory party to be destroyed completely. This must be bait.

>> No.12237947

Go upboat somewhere else you faggot!

>> No.12237967

pce nigga

>> No.12237978

david berlinski? idk

>> No.12237989

imagine supporting the iraq war. what a moron.

>> No.12238574

>people are religious
>citation needed

Peter is more conservative than the tories? Is he UKIP?
Hardly matters

>> No.12239003

Peter is too pretentious to support a party. He was for Brexit, but hedged a bunch.

>> No.12239010
File: 100 KB, 531x359, 1544041665780.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>when the first post is also the best post

>> No.12239151

God likes him more.

>> No.12239186
File: 78 KB, 560x424, tumblr_pajp87Ivxw1x04sjxo1_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh well, I guess he has all of eternity to get used to it.

>> No.12239211

Mixed feelings on the Hitchster.

BASED: “Hmm, how can I figure out where I stand on waterboarding? Oh I know, I’ll go get fucking waterboarded.”

But on the other hand, the New Atheists were more entertainers than intellectuals. I’m not a religious man, but they were really pseud desu

“Religion causes war!!!!!!!!!!! No religion no war!!!!!!!!!!!!! Imagine all the peepooo

>> No.12239220
File: 56 KB, 633x874, 070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12240399

Most people who did assumed it wouldn't be handled so moronically.

>> No.12240424
File: 48 KB, 200x200, toasty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

7 years in hellfire, an eternity to go!

>> No.12240459


>> No.12240474

>watch the Craig vs Hitchens debate
>even as an Athiest I thought that Hitchens looked like a retard
>all the comments are fedora tippers talking about how Hitchens won

>> No.12240541

nice upvotes and downvotes

>> No.12241804

People who comment on atheist debates just want to see their side hit the highlights. Hitchens was good at this.

>> No.12241854

>Marxist alcoholic
And nothing of value was lost.