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12234924 No.12234924 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: writers who are definitely burning in hell.

>> No.12234934

Hell doesn’t real, anon.
This thread doesn’t funny either

>> No.12234938
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The guy who discovered the andrea-lewis effect.

>> No.12234940

It is real but I agree that this thread isn’t funny. It’s deeply saddening. Please say a prayer for the lost souls.

>> No.12234941
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hegel. for sure hegel.

>> No.12234943
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and any other french philosopher


back to r*ddit

>> No.12234947
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>> No.12234958


>> No.12234974

I'm at a loss with this one.

>> No.12234977

>Hell doesn’t real, anon.



She was so gifted that God himself was going to dive into the pits to rescue her and keep her as interlocutor for Eternity.

>back to r*ddit

You people are all conservative and religious because it is the fashion of the day. All young people are on this wave thiking they are special when in fact they would all be hippies in the 60s and "rebels without a cause" in the 50's.Of course, there are the old dudes that were so depressed with their lives that only by "finding Christ" they could keep on living.


>> No.12234980


>> No.12234992

What is the andrea-lewis effect? Google and yandex give me nothing. Did you just make that up?

>> No.12235014
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>> No.12235038


The andrea-lewis effect, to be brief, is when a male who forms part of a power couple fucks a married female in his place of employment who has one or more children and whose status is below that of his and his wife, causing the subordinate couple’s consequent divorce and the humiliation of every member of said family.

>> No.12235085

Why would she be going to hell?

>> No.12235118
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for teasing my cock

>> No.12235124

This. Who the fuck is this ugly cunt and what did she write that was so bad?

>> No.12235150

She was pious as fuck, what are you talking about?

>> No.12235158

Im pretty sure the result of a dialectic between good and bad would be some other third option. The dichotomy of bad and good is primitive.

>> No.12235166

b-but Bloom said she was a g-gnostic priestess of her own personal Luciferian (Lightbringer) religion, l-like Blake!

>> No.12235172

Some nigger thought he was smart by trying to show the Hegelian dialectic as inherently evil. In short, Hegel postulates that truth is found in the synthesis which is made from the thesis and the antithesis. The thesis in his post being good and the antithesis being bad. Therefore the synthesis has to be bad. But, his post is flawed in that it considers morality as black and white with no grays.

>> No.12235182

See, that's the conclusion I came to as well.

The entire everything is bad thing makes absolutely zero sense??

>> No.12235219

I like Bloom a lot, and he's certainly lightyears more intelligent than I am... but he sure tended to pull some silly shit out his ass.

>> No.12235234

He was right. The problem is he sees that as an admirable quality in a poet.

>> No.12235241

>gnostic priestess of her own personal Luciferian religion

What's the problem? That just makes me like her even more.

>> No.12235245



sounds hot as fuck and gnostics are unironically based

>> No.12235262

She didn't kill herself, though.

>> No.12235270

t. 19 year olds who will give up on literature and life before their 30s are over.

>> No.12235272

Wanna make a bet?

>> No.12235278

Thank you

>> No.12235341

I don't know nothin bout that.

>> No.12235535
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>thousands year old tradition is fashion of the day

>> No.12235541

Where do you think you are?

>> No.12235547

When did he ever say that? You might be mistaking his opinion on Whitman.

>> No.12235597

Oh he says it about Whitman too. In his book 'Genius' Bloom opens his portrait of Dickinson by saying how she, like Whitman and Crane, embodied the true "American Religion" and was a gnostic like Blake, however, unlike Blake, Ms. Emily did not try to construct an alternative system but rather, according to Bloom, allows her singular religion to remain private, seen only obscurely through some of her poetry.
I'd snap a pic of the page for you but the book is at the bottom of a pile and I'm not going to dig through all that just to get it.

>> No.12235627 [SPOILER] 
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>hell doesnt real
caught you BITCH how does it feel to be fucking caught in the act retard BITCH BITCH FUCK YOU FUCK YOU you probably didn't even REALISE your mistake but i told you and i told you reeaaaal good right i hope i have turned the pleasure you got from this post into displeasure its no less then you deserve

>> No.12235840

But there is no good and bad absolute in this world, only a procession through time of warring forces towards the archetype of the Good.

>> No.12235849

The absolute state of christcucks

>> No.12235869

So she attained to the true liberation of the Ogdoad instead of being consigned to the Demiurge's region of the Hebdomad

Fuck psychikoi and fuck Irenaeus

>> No.12235873


Nigger jew faggot leabian who supported the andrea-lewis curse

>> No.12235894

How is it not? You're not some dirty moralist in your approach to art are you?

>> No.12235921

>one-drop morality

>> No.12235935

>black and white morality
yes that's religious morality, there tends to be hard lines between evil and god
think about multiplying by a negative, the entire thing is retarded because not only is that not the hegelian dialectic but Hegel was a Christian (hermeticist mystic pagan) and Christfaggots worship a blood god that feeds off the energy of virgin boys and girls.

>> No.12235965

Everyone and everything is gnostic in the works of Harold Bloom. If Dante isn't, Beatrice is. Faust? Goethe? Confused gnostic. Whitman is of course gnostic, and if the rejection and denunciation of canonical tradition is essentially gnostic, Wordsworth, Shelley and Ashbery are as well (Stevens barely escapes this fate, thus a great but lesser poet). Yeats you might expect to be gnostic, but Dickens and Cervantes are a pleasant surprise. Cervantes is also jewish, thus a gnostic jew; Kafka, meanwhile, though a jew and a gnostic, somehow is not a Jewish gnostic. America is gnostic, its Christianity is gnostic; Shakespeare isn't gnostic, but Macbeth almost is. Borges at least is a self-professed gnostic; Beckett is for now a suspect.

>> No.12235994

That's a question you should ask yourself

>> No.12235997
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>You people are all conservative and religious because it is the fashion of the day.
You're beyond retardation.

>> No.12236257


Someone who post a pic like yours can’t call anyone retarded. And you’re also proving the guys fucking point you stupid fuck

>> No.12236260
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>> No.12236278


>> No.12236319


Dialectic is not the middle or midst of two polar opposites. By this definition, and prominently so, even Good plus Good is Bad. Hegel, in being right, leaves himself fundamentally open to all manner of attack, so much so that missing the point so badly is not only wrong but tragic.

Even Aristotle knows this:

>While the doctrine of Heraclitus, that all things are and are not, seems to make everything true, that of Anaxagoras, that there is an intermediate between the terms of a contradiction, seems to make everything false; for when things are mixed, the mixture is neither good nor not-good, so that one cannot say anything that is true.