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/lit/ - Literature

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12232912 No.12232912 [Reply] [Original]

how come latinoamerica BTFO northern europe literary wise?

>> No.12232919

Recommend your favorite latinoamerican literary works.

>> No.12232920


>> No.12232935

If you're a beta in northern europe you watch tv all day
if you're a beta in latin america you contemplate I guess.
Latins also have not so much a natal identity as Europeans I guess.
All of their nations are like a 200 years old mix of conquerers and conquered. All that really holds it together is catholicism.

>> No.12233075
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Did we?
Alejandro Dolina, Enrique Medina, Liliana Bodoc, Sergio Aguirre.

>> No.12233414
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Read Machado de Assis, from Brazil.

>> No.12233437

>All that really holds it together is catholicism.

Which is being, sadly, ravaged in Brazil because of US-inspired evangelicals and proddies. Disgusting.

>> No.12233446

That actually sounds based. The great Brazilian culture + the American approach to religion

>> No.12233455

Sup reddipol

>> No.12233459

Portuguese and Spanish literature was already way ahead of anything in Northern Europe, so it was only expected.

>> No.12233488


>> No.12233502

>great brazilian culture
You monkeys have no culture

>> No.12233503

It doesnt though.

>> No.12233532


>> No.12233533

Brazil is not part of latin america, dummies

>> No.12233538
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is that bodoc trilogy actually good?

>> No.12233542

imagine being from a country that has authors like borges, cortazar and sabato, but recommends these hacks instead.

>> No.12233545

Is argentina white, tho?

>> No.12233550

Based and iberopilled

>> No.12233554

Mein neger, just picked up his his two first volumes in french.

>> No.12233559


>> No.12233564

It's not even normal protestants, it's literally healer-like faggotry of robbing people blind while promising the word of God.

>> No.12233576

Roberto Bolano

>> No.12233581
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Jorge Amado > Jorge Luis Borges

>> No.12233586
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what do you think?

>> No.12233592


Northern Europe holds its own!

>> No.12233610

None of them are good novelists, though.

>> No.12233621

But the American approach to religion is pants-on-head retarded

>> No.12233696

I will go out of the way to recommend authors different from the same you always hear on /lit/.
>Mario benedetti
The man is an actual commie, but gracias por el fuego is unironically a good insight into the idiosincrasy of the upper class of uruguayans and other nations in the region.

>mario vargas llosa
very prolific writer, most of his novels are good tier, but la ciudad y los perros is pretty great as it deals with the opression one feels institutionalized, and the corruption of said institution becoming apparent only to those that get out.

>juan carlos onetti
only have read el astillero. highly recommended.

>arturo uslar pietri
I think i am the only anon in this board to have read him, and he is my favorite author. His best novel is oficio de difuntos, and it is a chronological look into the formation of a caudillo and the implications (economic/political/social) that the reign of a "philosopher king" has over a nation. Also, his short stories are pretty great.
You might also want to read his novel el camino del dorado that talks about a historical figure seldom mentioned in the history of the region, lope de aguirre, who might have been the first person to bring liberty ideas to the minds of the new worlders.

I got more people if anybody wants me to keep going.

>> No.12234020

>The man is an actual commie
OH THE HORROR, i feel violated after reading this post anon

>> No.12234815

Good literature comes from hard times. Otherwise is just masturbartory nonsense like current US fiction.

>> No.12234859

Yes it is.

>> No.12234932

Here's the correct answer ITT. Northern European homogeneity means similar opinions among citizens, while diversity creates conflict. Plenty of slaves intermixed with Latin American culture and that is one of the reasons why the countries down there are utterly fucked. N. Europe has also been relatively economically stable compared to S. America; poverty and real suffering equate to more accurate depictions of it in text because it's based on personal experience.

>> No.12234956

How come real people BTFO humanoid robots that work 75 hours a week and suppress all human emotions literary wise?

>> No.12234957

Yep, you have native americans, spanish/portuguese, and a few blacks depending on the country all fighting for power. it's basically game of thrones.

>> No.12234967

Not to mention Mestizos and every sort of Mixed folks.

>> No.12234998

But they didn’t

>> No.12235004

More Nobel Lit prizes, though. And Borges. You could establish an entire literature based on him alone.

>> No.12235019

>Nobel lit prizes
Who fucking cares? How many Nobel prize winners are actually widely read and discussed on lit? Borges is probably the only heavily influential LA author. England alone has a better literary tradition than spicland without taking into account the rest of Northern Europe.

>> No.12235032

I think the OP meant Scandinavia specifically. No one has better body of literature than England.

>> No.12235039

assuming by northern europe you mean scandinavia
> difference in population sizes

>> No.12235044

Even still Scandinavia’s body of literature has been more impactful than anything from LA as shown by >>12233592. And that’s without counting things like the Eddas and other mythological works.

>> No.12235047

Scandinavia compesates that given how old they are. LA is merely 200+ yo.

>> No.12235054

Ibsen and Kierkegaard is all they truly have. Let's be honest. They're barren terrain and dull as hell.

>> No.12235069

Sorry, I'm not a hipster.
It is. First one is meh, it's not bad but it was inspired by historical events, but I gave it a chance. second and third are great, the spin off is also very interesting.

>> No.12235070

>Alejandro Dolina, Enrique Medina, Liliana Bodoc, Sergio Aguirre.

>> No.12235099

>I personally don’t like these authors/works, therefore they don’t count.
Oh fuck off

>> No.12235113

>I personally don’t like these authors/works, therefore they don’t count.
The same could be said about you.

>> No.12235122

Except I’m right. Name one author from Latin America that’s had a major impact on the literary world besides borges

>> No.12235256

Poetry: Rubén Darío and Pablo Neruda. Two of the most influential poets in the Spanish language. Both had a huge impact on the literary world, and on the poetry of LA.
Fiction: Juan Rulfo and Gabriel García Márquez. They literally are the cornerstones of LA fiction in the 20th century. Both heavily influenced the literary world, and basically founded an entire aesthetic/style.

>> No.12235292

>Ruben Dario
Never heard of him

Who has he influenced outside LA?

>Juan Rulfo
Again never heard of him

Popular and enjoyable but highly influential outside LA? I’m not so sure.

>> No.12235309

>They don't appear in the NY bestsellers list, therefore, they're not influential.
>I never heard of them, therefore, they suck.
>They weren't geniuses like Borges, therefore, they're bad.
Jesus Christ. I'm not your nanny to take you step by step, go get your own info. I'd rather have all of them + Borges, Cortázar, Ibargüengoitia, Paz, Sabato, Puig, Enrigue, Arlt, Aira, Bolaño, Nervo, Quiroga, Huidobro, Parra, etc, than all your dull Scandinavians and whatever corner of the literary world they supposedly influenced and changed the planet Earth forever as we knew it.

>> No.12235323

Stop crying you big baby. It’s not my fault that spiclit is mostly regional. Most people that aren’t spics only know of or care about maybe 3 or 4 of the authors you’ve listed.

>> No.12235385 [DELETED] 

>It’s not my fault that spiclit is mostly regional.
The fact that it's regional doesn't mean it's not good. Getting to other countries it's not only a matter of being a good writer and writing good books. It's also an editorial effort, a marketing effort, and tons of other circumstances. That's why nobody in Japan cares about Australian lit, and nobody in Cuba cares about Scandinavian lit. American literature is enjoyed everywhere thanks in part to the imperialist machine. Don't tell that has nothing to do with it.

> Most people that aren’t spics only know of or care about maybe 3 or 4 of the authors you’ve listed.
And yet spiclit is more popular than scandinavian "lit". In the grand scheme of things, nobody who isn't a non-snownigger cares about either of them: >>12233592. You're delusional if you think people, actual modern readers I mean, Anglos included, would prefer to read this: >>12233592 than this: >>12235309

LA beat Scandinavia in the literary world. You're just too salty to admit it.

>> No.12235393

>It’s not my fault that spiclit is mostly regional.
The fact that it's regional doesn't mean it's not good. Getting to other countries it's not only a matter of being a good writer and writing good books. It's also an editorial effort, a marketing effort, and tons of other circumstances. That's why nobody in Japan cares about Australian lit, and nobody in Cuba cares about Scandinavian lit. American literature is enjoyed everywhere thanks in part to the imperialist machine. Don't tell that has nothing to do with it.
> Most people that aren’t spics only know of or care about maybe 3 or 4 of the authors you’ve listed.
And yet spiclit is more popular than scandinavian "lit". In the grand scheme of things, nobody who isn't a snownigger cares about either of them: >>12233592. You're delusional if you think people, actual modern readers I mean, Anglos included, would prefer to read this: >>12233592 than this: >>12235309 (You)
LA beat Scandinavia in the literary world. You're just too salty to admit it.

>> No.12235419

I don't think it's only regional. It's read in Spain, France, and the US. It's read in at least two continents.

>> No.12235459

>LA beat Scandinavia in the literary world. You're just too salty to admit it
First of all I’m not the dumbass who made it this thread and decided to make it a contest in the first place. But whether la “beat” Scandinavia in lit is based entirely on what metric you’re using. Does it have a wider reader base? Obviously. Is it better and more enjoyable? That’s subjective. Has it had a greater impact? Arguably but not certainly.

>> No.12235570

Latin American authors spearheaded magical realism, an extremely influential genre across the globe. García Márquez, Borges, Vargas Llosa, Miguel Angel Asturias, Alejo Carpentier to name a few authors that are generally regarded as important figures in world literature.

>> No.12236005

>muh magic soil

Pretty much every major "latin american" writer is descended from European stock anyway, so Europe wins again. It's like Muslims always talking up how great the Islamic golden age is, when all the art, literature, philosophy, and science was produced by conquered Persians and non-Arabs.