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/lit/ - Literature

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12231912 No.12231912 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /lit/. Never even seen this board until now, but I have a question. Has anyone ever read Summa Theologica? I’m really looking to get my religious apologetics up and even catholic apologetics. I’m not really a reader by any definition of the word but I really want to learn. And what can I expect from this book? Thanks.

>> No.12231917

>It seems so
>on the contrary
>it must be said
Rinse and repeat for 3000 pages

>> No.12231928

Btw when I told you to ask /lit/ i meant that you'll probably get funnier answers than /x/ could ever provide XD

>> No.12231947


>> No.12232410

nobody here even reads. especially not something as long as that.

>> No.12232449
File: 229 KB, 1200x823, jackedaquinas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading it now. It's actually not very extremely difficult, and it's not really meant to be read front to back. It's arranged as a reference, with questions of metaphysics, ethics, sin, nature of God, and so on laid out in categories. You would benefit from reading Aristotle's Organon first, and having Metaphysics on hand. Plotinus is another, and having at least some comprehension of Plato's forms (esp. the form of the good) is necessary I would say. It is very much worth your time.

>> No.12232455

aquinas made a summa of the summa because he knew he was a retarded autist no ones going to read his stupid tome

>> No.12232493

Read Edward Feser.

>> No.12234025


>> No.12234063

What hole did you two crawl out from?

>> No.12234147

You're better off reading the Contra Gentiles first since it was actually written as an apologetic. The Theologiae is more of a reference book for other monks and priests, or at least that's what it was originally intended to be. If you need a primer Brian Davies and Ed Feser are excellent. It's worth looking at Peter Kreeft if you're a real beginner.

>> No.12234155

Was going to post, but this is all good advice. I recommend picking up Feser's book on Aquinas

>> No.12235488

Don't know but you should invest in an good Oxford.
/lit/ is not amused, cheeky fuckers

>> No.12235497


Both of you please die