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/lit/ - Literature

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12231696 No.12231696 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible to attain a broad understanding of literature and philosophy, without reading a book? Ever?I mean there's videos, lectures, shit like that allover the place.

Not only is my attention span that of a mouse, which is typical anyway nowadays, but I have this habit of obsessing over a specific topic only for a limited time, before switching for something else. This means I'll never read a Victor Hugo or anything of the sort.

But I'm still massively interested in this shit. Is there hope for me?

Pic VERY related, you just have to think hard enough.

>> No.12231704

youtube wikipedia sparknotes gradesaver and all those college bullshits

>> No.12231721

Yeah bro just watch the film

>> No.12231723

I have a nice step by step guide for you.
1: Start watching base level shit, like school of life, philosophy tube and contrapoints.
2: Then see "Crash course philosophy" with John Green
3: Then watch all cuck philosophy videos, all of wireless philosophy and all academy of ideas videos.
4: After that, start watching gregory sadler. Download all of his lectures as mp3:s and listen to them while lifting weights.
5: When you're done with this, download librivox and listen to all philosophical audiobooks that they have.
6: After this you can finaly start with the bigboy stuff, subscribe to truediltom.
7: Then read critque of pure reason and the bible.

>> No.12231725

I don't normally tell strangers this, so listen up kid. Join the society, subscribe to Jordan Peterson on YouTube. It'll change your life bro, Jordan is a megagenius. I'm a mid tier genius and I never read a book, I can pretend to understand what people are referencing and I've memorised some Kant quotes for emergencies. I've fucking made it lads, it's lonely at the top. But Jordan is just a Mega intellect, he has read like 4 books too, insane

>> No.12231727

No. You have to apply your own thinking to primary texts.

>> No.12231766

lol no

>> No.12231831

If you had a short attention span the read what you can but read daily, you just have to commit
Buuuuuuuuut you could follow people who review books to get the general gist or even follow those who go in depth and then pretend to be a puedo intellectual.

>> No.12231840

Dude, in case you're not being sarcastic, just because I don't read books doesn't fucking mean I need some entry lever "john green" fucking videos. Dumbing down is not what I'm looking for. I'm looking for ways to study without reading.


>> No.12231845
File: 18 KB, 229x343, diedoflaughter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have not had such hearty a laugh in years. Thank you anon.

>> No.12231848

Listen just because I fap to japanese elf porn doesn't make me a pedo okay?

>> No.12231850

Is this satire?

>> No.12231855

this is the 21st century

Lets face it, the only people to actually still read books are those who've been discarded by others, for whatever reason.

>> No.12231859
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>1: Start watching base level shit, like school of life, philosophy tube and contrapoints.
>2: Then see "Crash course philosophy" with John Green

>> No.12231860

>wants to be well-read
>doesn't want to read
Fuck off. You're what's wrong with the planet.

>> No.12231862

Writing in the most effective way to communicate information, by doing anything else (like watching video lectures) you're wasting a lot of time.

>> No.12231865

Then just jump down to step 3 if you want deeper things, although I wouldn't recomend it if you aren't a above avearge iq person.

>> No.12231866

Heh Jordan Peterson is a brainlet. I repost Elon Musk's savage tweets on reddit. I might just get sent to Mars, my dude...

stop being a brainlet or own up to it
either knowledge isn't for you or it is, dont try to mental gymnast yourself into a PhD

>> No.12231873

Read 1 page, then tomorrow read 2 pages, then the day after that read 3, so on and so forth until you reach maybe 50 pages or so daily. Fucking children can manage this.

>> No.12231878

This but skip steps 1, 2 and 3.

>> No.12231890

>the only people to actually still read books are those who've been discarded by others

>> No.12231898

Just lurk /lit/ and occasionally read Wikipedia summaries of books that get mentioned here.

>> No.12231920

It's actually hank green who narrates crash course philosophy.

>> No.12232490

Why isn't her chest red?