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12229229 No.12229229 [Reply] [Original]

>he didnt start with the greeks

>> No.12229235
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>He didn’t start, persist and end with the Greeks

>> No.12229249
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So what did the Greeks start with?

>> No.12229254
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With this 5

>> No.12229266
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the Grugs

>> No.12229315

The Mesopotamians

>> No.12229323

Don't get me starting about the Greeks.

>> No.12229325

I actually did and then did this >>12229235

I'm reading nothing but the Greeks and will soon be teaching myself Attic Greek so as to read them in the original. Women seem to love it btw. Pussy has never been easier. Seriously, just sit down with a chick and go on for about 7 minutes about Plato dichotomized with Parmenides and the panties just fly off.

>> No.12229330

lol you forgot the part about the milfs.

>> No.12229346

The pheonecians

>> No.12229366

Jerry, you haven't had a real acting job in years, don't look so smug.

>> No.12229392
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>> No.12229591

tfw you started with pleb shit like Goodnight Moon and Magic Treehouse

>> No.12229598

>Not starting with your primary school's English curriculum
Homeschoolies giddout

>> No.12229646

>not transcending the greeks and discovering the all-encompassing proto-indo-european tradition through comparison with other traditions which share similar thoughts and mythic images

>> No.12229660

>speculating on that instead of reading the much more ancient Hadza and Australian Aboriginal folk tales and myths

>> No.12229704

never gonna make it

>> No.12230639

Should I read about Egypt after Greece or Rome?

>> No.12231335
File: 43 KB, 579x426, 2EA71979-B9B6-42D0-BFB2-267CCF72B867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I started with the existentialists (even though most of them wouldn’t call themselves that)

>> No.12231396

>Attic Greek
Are these translations by Anne Frank?

>> No.12231546

>he didn't start with Spencer

>> No.12233641

I'm starting with the Ancient Near East, you fucking pleb.

>> No.12234190

Some Egyptian cultist.

>> No.12234215

>starting with the Greeks instead of reading whatever the fuck you feel like reading
Folk tales and myths from their own land, like everybody else in the pre-Modern, pre-globalized era did. Before Homer composed the Iliad and the Odyssey, he'd probably already spent his lifetime hearing all sorts of different myths about the heroes of the Bronze Age and the near-legendary Trojan War, which he used as base for his own works.

>> No.12234317
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>he didn't start with mein kampf

>> No.12234406

I'm half way through the Greeks and honestly want to kill myself