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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 82 KB, 350x600, wands02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12229212 No.12229212 [Reply] [Original]

What is a good life?

>> No.12230725


>> No.12230739

a free life

>> No.12230816

>tfw simple clothes and an untouched countryside will never return

A "good" life depends highly on ones expectations. I think in general, if you achieve most of what you set out to do, and are at peace with your moral code, you will be happy. For some people you may also factor in love and relationships. For others, securing good pussy might do the trick. Ah yes.

>> No.12230818

One where you have a good place to store your penis

>> No.12230828

OP is there any chance you could post sauce for this Tarot card? The illustrator or name of the set??

>> No.12230842

Good food, good drugs, good sex. Everything else is wonky. I love to read but there's a lot of shitty books out there. Live for visceral pleasure and it will render present moments more than tolerable-fun. Fun, anon. Have fucking fun! Fuck bitches, make money etc etc. I like to get high and read, fuck my gf, eat. Normal shit you know? Not everything is a contest or competition. Also and this is hella important, do not make a woman a serious partner unless she can do the EXACT THING for you. Otherwise, she's trash and using you, brother. Fuck that & fuck that bitch too.

>> No.12230847

EXACT SAME* THING sorry about that fellers

>> No.12230873
File: 66 KB, 480x608, .....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Good food, good drugs, good sex
Hedonistic acts; the pleasure ends the moment you they do. Instead, most of the day is spent in frustration and unhappiness about being separated from these things. Even if subsidized and indulged as much as possible, the intelligent man finds these things empty, and eventually sees how they begin to direct his life rather than him it. The fact that you are supposedly 47 years old and still have not learned it makes it all the more pathetic. This creates nothing tangible and is an empty meaningless consumption oriented life, that almost always culminates in tragedy or regret.

>> No.12230882
File: 8 KB, 245x206, 1541098219520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


define good
define life
I suppose then you'll know what one is won't you?

>> No.12230883


>47 yo

lmfao I'm not even religious, but failures like this retard show why we need some kind of enforced religious code

>> No.12230895
File: 261 KB, 1200x813, Proennekecabin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I awoke, brought some wood in from the shed, warmed the stove, and brewed some coffee. I then continued reading from Emerson's Essays (second series). Midday, I canoed onto the lake and caught two fish and cooked them for lunch in butter with some wild mushrooms and green onions. In the afternoon, I hiked around the lake and scoped out some more good timber. I saw a coyote and her cubs cowering in a den. I gestured to them inoffensively then continued on my walk
>As the sun began to fall, I reignited the stove and cooked some of the wild fowl I had shot in the afternoon. After enjoying a sumptuous dinner, I relaxed with a glass of brandy and London's Klondike stories. I smoked from my pipe while sitting on the porch under the stars, as it was a warm summer night, and reflected on my life and the natural world around me.
>Around ten-thirty, I stoked the fire and crawled into bed, content with myself.

>> No.12230905

Actually you have the memories to reflect on forever so your very premise is flawed from the jump. Try again or go away. Makes no difference in the end.

That is solid advice and I'm sorry your parents passed a turd off as a child. That must be really humiliating. Good luck with your bound to be shitty life. Or tut could listen to wisdom but that would require effort, something I doubt that's within you.

>> No.12230908
File: 14 KB, 220x263, 220px-Schopenhauer-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Choose one (1)

>> No.12230910

Yet reflecting on them begets no sense of joy.

>> No.12230912
File: 165 KB, 624x500, 60fe30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish this was bait.

>> No.12230929

It's this deck. Marseilles deck and this one are my favourite tarot decks.

>> No.12230935

How can in not? I remember my friend's smile and her awesome deep brown eyes and I can't help but smile. We did smoke a ton of weed that summer. Goddamn she's beyond hot.
I guess you younguns are never gonna understand that until you hit your 40s. If you're lucky.

>> No.12230940

Why? Don't be sad. There's always the heat death of the universe to cheer you up.

>> No.12230944

>sensual love
Cringe and boomerpilled

>> No.12230950

>one line reply
Ok kid. Muddy diks. Do u understand? No? Then you're pure summer. Stop being a faggot perhaps.

>> No.12230962

It was two lines gramps, just like this post;
Try wiping your reading glasses this time

>> No.12230973

I would say you lie but technically you're right. Want a fucking cookie or something? Go back to fingering your sister or whatever passes for a hobby among dumbasses like you. There's nothing wrong with sensual anything. You have five senses and you should use them, often, retard.

>> No.12230984

gramps is seething

>> No.12231007

Memes are meming. What else is new?I'm always mad, so what? I mitigate it well. Take my advice or leave it but I'd rather you leave it. Wink wink.

>> No.12231013


>> No.12231015


Back to /sci/ or the gulag. Your choice.

>> No.12231026

Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentation of their women.

>> No.12231031

Look, I didn't create the heat death. I would like to posit a question about it though. If there is absolutely nothing left of the universe then
>where's heaven
>where's hell
Modest mouse has a song that addresses these questions but indirectly. Would God create another universe but filled with wish fulfillment when we can't even appreciate this one? No. No he wouldn't. Sad, huh...

>> No.12231045

>What is a good life
>Starts thread with Two of Wands by Waite

Exquisite taste, anon, I salute you.

I think it's about learning. But not only rational stuff, learning in general: people, Nature, feelings, inner trappings, love and understanding.

Also Art. A good life is always close to Art.

>> No.12231071


>> No.12231076

try Buddhism

>> No.12231148

A virtuous life.