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/lit/ - Literature

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12227199 No.12227199 [Reply] [Original]

why should I use this site?

>> No.12227954

intellectual masturbation

>> No.12227961

When you read a really fucking shitty book you give it one star and it feels good for a second

>> No.12227963

>set everything to private
>make a to-read list

>> No.12227989

I use it to keep track of the books I read in a year.

Microsoft word or excel work for this too.

So does a pen and paper.

It soothes my autism.

>> No.12227993
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>good reads
>reads good
>reads well
>well red
>well yellow
>hi yes is this good reads
>it is how may I help you
>i wanted to leave a bad yelp review of gravity's rainbow but it isn't a restaurant
>that's what we're here for

>> No.12227996

To find out /lit/ is a tacofest

>> No.12228031

Eating your own cum is highbrow.

>> No.12228060
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What did she mean by this?

>> No.12228077

Useful for marking down which books you may want to read in the future
Useful for finding books on a particular topic through the search function
Useful for finding books realted to any you search due to the "people also read" function (your mileage may vary on this)
Gives recommendations based on your "shelves," allowing you to create a specific set of books and generating recommendations based on it.
You can sometimes find mega-autists on a particular topic that interests you and dig through their profile to find some good books on the subject

>> No.12228096

She'd seen Apocalypse Now and knew what art was and was not.

>> No.12228152

What book is this review discussing?

>> No.12228169
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>mentions Conrad twice and darkness metaphors
>wat buk?

>> No.12228192

>forgets to mention the book
>someone asks what the book is
>"wat buk"
Holy shit we're dealing with a mensa member over here.

>> No.12228232

yeah. It actually makes reading bad books enjoyable and meaningful

>> No.12228259

literally retarded

>> No.12228264

uhh you don't have to if you don't wanna

>> No.12228283

I only use is for keeping a "want to read list" and for cataloging what I've read because I like the little year in review chart that it makes for you.

The rest of the site is awful. /lit/ isn't the best place for discussing books because this board is good, it's just that literally everywhere else is even worse.

>> No.12228285

Can this be juxtaposed with something she likes?

>> No.12228301

i know you are but what am i

>> No.12229867

To give mein kamf 5 stars

>> No.12230415

google "conrad darkness"

>> No.12230431

unironically this

>> No.12231466
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I have deleted everyone from my friends lists (why the fuck does the site automatically add people?) and just use Goodreads as an index of the books I've read. As a general site it's total shit. The community sucks and the recommendations are absolutely awful. You will never, ever explore new and good books if you stick to Goodreads. As said though, I do use it to catalogue my stuff and for that purpose it works well enough.

>> No.12231511

Why not just use something like Calibre then?

>> No.12231514


I am unfamiliar with Calibre. I'll google it now

>> No.12231547

Imagine reading books you haven’t already read instead of just rereading your old favourites for the seventh time. It’s 20 fucking 18 already.

>> No.12231561


you can make friends with other /lit/ autists online as well, and have reactionary discussions with the. Truly Based.

>> No.12231567

>You will never, ever explore new and good books if you stick to Goodreads

this is false

>> No.12231578
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To catalogue books I've read that I either don't own anymore or borrowed from a library/friend.

also to be vain.

>> No.12231613

i don't want books i read to be added to the data harvested about my online presence

>> No.12231639
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Not the person you replied to, but I use goodreads for the same purpose as him, to easily track, rate and organize books I've read. Red pill me on Calibre as I've never heard of it, why should I use that instead of goodreads?

>> No.12231659

Not him but Calibre is ebook software. If you still use physical books like a fucking luddite it will be of no use to you

>> No.12231685


I appreciate your use of the word "luddite", but physical books are top tier. I love my Kindle, but I'm never going to stop buying real books. How else will my non-existent quests know how smart I am?

>> No.12231687


Guests, ha.

>> No.12231692
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Take your pick. I feel bad for doing this. Maybe the David Sadaris?

>> No.12231713

Quests actually works better in that context, although you might not be familiar with the slang meaning of the term if you don't watch certain Twitch streamers

>> No.12231967

My greatest accomplishment on Goodreads to date is rating the Almagest five stars so I could bump it up from a 3.99 to a 4.0 rating average. I mean, I also take pride in five starring books no one has rated on there (or only one person has rated) to raise the avg rating way higher.

>> No.12232194

You know they're still mapping your reading habits, using algorithms to predict your sexual preference and political leanings, and selling it all to faceless powers right

>> No.12232407

The recommendation algorithm is pretty good. The people on the site are obnoxious which is why I deleted my account and started a new one, I had too many friends that filled my feed with shit and I really don't care what random people are reading. I also despise the sort of person who engages in "reading challenges." They're idiots.