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/lit/ - Literature

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12226265 No.12226265 [Reply] [Original]

Camus entire life work got surpassed by a throwaway line in a small budget Chinese slideshow

>> No.12226315

Pretty sure Cinnabar is just repeating basic Zen/Tao thought there.

>> No.12226317

Maybe if you’re a coolie

>> No.12226459

i've been thinking about this line ever since I saw that anime a year or so ago. Almost everyday. Glad i'm not the only one.
I have a soft spot for ''Immortal beings searching for a meaning in life''-settings, but this one is very unique, even in said tired and true theme.

>> No.12226477

Also she's clearly best girl.

>> No.12226481

>meaningful work
I think I found a flaw

>> No.12226500


>> No.12226503

what's a meaningful work tho

>> No.12226511

Sisyphus' work wasn't meaningful desu

>> No.12226536

>implying this throwaway line in some Chinese slideshow would've existed without people who have studied Camus

>> No.12227062
File: 1.86 MB, 1853x1479, 08c8229505e0d7559c321948245338f207c0a549b6b7fc98329a851321a5af3a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People shouldn't underestimate this series. Its a ride, I tell you.
A heavily Buddhist ride.

>> No.12227098

That bubble in the bottom left looks like a penis

>> No.12227129

its pronounced camoo pleb

>> No.12227142

Not a bad line desu. What show?

>> No.12227145
File: 2.98 MB, 1920x1080, 12. Land of the Lustrous [BD 1080p Hi10P AAC][kuchikirukia].mkv_snapshot_16.40_[2018.12.13_06.50.45].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not wrong. HnK had a surprising and understated sort of depth to it.

>> No.12227146

>to not question your meaning, do meaningful work
A masterpiece of eastern thought

>> No.12227147

There is no such thing as meaningful work

>> No.12227153

Land of the Lustrious

>> No.12227228

Honestly Camus' problem is just that he is egocentric. He is Job asking God "But why does suffering happen to ME?" But he has no God to ask him rhetorically where he was when the heaven and the earth was made, i.e. it doesn't happen to YOU, it just happens and you get in the way.

>> No.12227530

Top post

>> No.12227566

And changes have to happen due to that.

>> No.12227967

You should read Camus

>> No.12228198


>> No.12228215

Surpassed? How? That quote is essentially Rieux in The Plague. Have you read Camus?

>> No.12228219
File: 25 KB, 240x218, 328EF027-39F6-4FF5-82CA-3AD60A3E2F2A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyone says anything bad about my pleb favorite
>”You haven’t read him.”

>> No.12228267

I really liked Houseki no Kuni.

>> No.12228304


>> No.12228669

Me too.

>> No.12228892

>lol dude don't think about your place in life
>here's some paperwork to file
wow so deep much almonds activiating wowsszd
Reminder that gemposters are cancer. Please keep it to your shitty general and stop crossboarding.

>> No.12230192

It's more like what you said about him was said so badly it's incredible to think you've actually familiarized yourself with the material you pontificate on.

>> No.12230258

Just dissociate LMAO

>> No.12230531

yes, it is an absolute gem

>> No.12230537

rutile was talking to phos, they just cut to shinsha during the line

>> No.12230563
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The Phosphophyllite Ethic and the Spirit of Cinnabar

>> No.12230650

Japs just poorly insert well-known philosophy and literature into anime, to distract from the fact that the base product is vapid trash.

>> No.12230661

That's not what the quote indicates at all. You guys are obsessed with avoiding facing anything, you dress up any notion of effort or work or mere action as some revolting capitalist degeneration or slavery. Despite the fact that most of the time a quote or post does not fit into that whatsoever, in fact, rejects it (as this one does). You have nothing to say so you revert to the same meme.

>> No.12230775


>> No.12230794

In general I'd agree, but this particular series manages to do surprisingly well with its Buddhism.

>> No.12230799

you're ignoring the qualifier "meaningful." don't be obtuse.

>> No.12230804

The easiest way to compensate for being a brainlet writer is to awkwardly insert some pseudery that makes the audience feel like retards

>> No.12231526

>studied Camus

sorry what?

>> No.12231528

No, "clearly" punished gembutt is.

>> No.12231532

I watched the anime, purchased volume 5, re-read the manga till volume 4 and i've been tehre for months.

>> No.12231757


>> No.12231763

working just changes my questioning from "what am I doing here?" in the general to "what am I doing here?" in the specific.

>> No.12231888

stalling it i guess

>> No.12232487

Happens occasionally with anime, manga, and video games where the end devolves into a lot of metaphysical babble. Always felt like a last-minute attempt to be "deep" to me.

>> No.12232593

Pain, pain, pain! I want it all! Let me drip with the primose of my life beeding up from the small cuts of my own endeavors, and only then will I have ink to write and paint to paint!

>> No.12232611

One that you love, that others can also love.

>> No.12232621

>meaningful work

Literally impossible cause meaning doesn't exist

>> No.12232729

/lit/ in a nutshell

>> No.12233606


>> No.12234156

Bro go get some poon or something

>> No.12234162

It’s more /lit/ than I thought possible

>> No.12235423

Look at this nerd who took the leap

>> No.12235976 [SPOILER] 
File: 49 KB, 732x977, 1544951356120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is the best gem? And why is it Antarcticite

>> No.12236306
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This show was /lit/ as fuck.

>> No.12236307

>only fraem of reference for philosophy is Camus

>> No.12236310


Alexandrite a cute

>> No.12236392

Is it buddhist? Suppose I'm not into Zen enough.