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/lit/ - Literature

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12225257 No.12225257 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone know of any based accounts of the Crusades? Honestly I don't mind older histories or first hand accounts, I just don't want books that treat the Crusades like the big bad white man be fightin the smart desert algebra teachers.

>> No.12225271

Look up real crusades history on YouTube, check the description of a random video or listen to what he lists as sources. Read those.

>> No.12225283
File: 48 KB, 657x527, 1498932705_Crusader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon

>> No.12225290

Also, do they include first hand accounts? It's not imperative, but I do love me some olde literature.

>> No.12225294

>please give me books that will support my worldview

>> No.12225298

Maybe he is a Muslim trying to see how we see things? This is a christian board after all.

>> No.12225308

I remember in a certain video, he lists a first hand source but I can't give the title or what it even was about. I binge-watched a ton of the videos... Pretty high quality channel.

>> No.12225334

go read actual scholarship on the crusades from historians. it does not them as "the big bad white man be fightin the smart desert algebra teachers." unless what you're really looking for is literature that glorifies the crusades as christendom's righteous struggle against the bad desert men to satisfy your inclinations as a larping faggot, in which case youtube videos will suit you just fine

>> No.12225351

Thanks, I'll look into the videos.
If I'm wanting to learn about, for instance, the 30 Years War, I'd want to read literature from the time, since it's just more fun that way, haha, (Contemporary histories are valuable, I know.) Same applies to the Crusades-eras.

I feel like I've read that several billion times on this board.
I just don't want pro-invasion propaganda. It's an interesting topic, and I'd rather learn it form the perspective of the defenders of Europe, against the invading Saracens, rather than the invaders themselves. I'm not trying to make myself feel better, if that is what you are saying.
Do you have anything to recommend?

>> No.12225356

I'm not trying to put myself in their shoes, it's just interesting history. The idea of Europe being threatened by invasion is simply interesting, as is the invasions and decline of the Roman Empire. I enjoy this stuff.
Thanks for the recommendation, though.

>> No.12225361

the europeans invaded muslim territory in the crusades
it was about reclamation of previously lost land like spain and the holy land

>> No.12225364

*And what do you mean by 'actual scholarship on the crusades from historians'?
Do you have specific recommendations?

>> No.12225376

In response to the conquest of the Holy Lands. I believe something like five major holy cities had been conquered by Muslim forces.
For several hundred years Muslims had gradually worked their way up through Northern Africa into Spain, and were practically at the gates of Constantinople.

>> No.12225380

but the crusades themselves were european invasion of muslim conquered territory. i think you're more looking for pre-crusade literature

>> No.12225382

*It was NOT European provocation that brought about the Crusades. (I do not say either side was peaceful, but I emphasize that for hundreds of years, Europe was complacent.)

>> No.12225395

I think of it in this sense:
Muslim armies had conquered huge portions of territory.
They threaten Europe.
The Crusades were, in effect, a retaking of territories lost prior.
At least, that's how I think of the general time period

>> No.12225571

Retard. Christendom had lost 1/3 its lands ti Muslim invaders in the time just before the Crusades, and the Crusades were largely useless. Those Muslim invaders also delved deep into Africa at that time.

>> No.12225589

ancient special operators

>> No.12225645

Europe was threatened by invasions for like the entirety of the middle ages. The early period had every kind of barbarian you could want, the high period has mongols in the east and the crusades as you mentioned, and the late period has the turks. Try looking at those if you're interested in invasions, crusades are a little bit more nuanced

>> No.12225743

Give Steven Runciman a try OP, but something tells me you will end up playing CK2 while listening to Based and Redpilled Podcasts made by Aryan Americans

>> No.12225855

'Europe' and 'Islam' did not exist as unified entities in this period. Christian and Islamic rulers would ally and trade with each other while waging war on their coreligionists. Christian scholars like Aquinas relied heavily on Arabic philosophy. Feudalism was a hotchpotch of different states, the modern conception of a schism between 'Christendom' and the rest is a myth, largely invented in colonial times

>> No.12225867

>'Europe' and 'Islam' did not exist as unified entities
they still don't

>> No.12225983

Rodney Stark