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12222977 No.12222977 [Reply] [Original]

>read a STEM book for 10 mibutes
It's too late, philosophybros, I've seen too much

>> No.12223144
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The BEST science has given us:
>4 dimensional spacetime "field" that "bends" because of mass, which is energy, which is.. idk
>virtual (idk lol) particles that travel back in time to meet one another that create point (idk lol) particles which aren't extended in space
>the universe is a big computer of 1s and 0s lmao
>the big bang was created out of nothing but maybe there was a big quantum noodle soup right before that potentially gave rise to a big hot hydrogen soup with quark (idk rofl) plasma here and there and this big soup came with pre-ordained physical laws for some reason--btw there is no god lmao why would you think of such a thing seeing as how i can encapsulate the hwole cosomos in these numbers here--see? this is a 5 and this is what is called a constant--now aren't you satisfied lol we're just particles see?
>light travels in... err.... packets (i just need a number to put into my equation lmao)
>gender is fluid so let's go to the gay bar and lubricate each other's gentials and get aids

>> No.12223164

unironically based

the first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you

>> No.12223173

Just read Hume then Kant. You’ll be back.

>> No.12223174

Based and redpilled i must say

>> No.12223202

Gonna be a yikes from me. You start off with Einstein's relativity which has been demonstrated through various experiments and then you post a bunch of various hypothesis which are merely thought experiments. Also, social sciences are not actual sciences which is why you get things like gender vs. sex plugging up academia.

>> No.12223204

Based and STEMpilled

Delusional and cringepilled

>> No.12223210


>> No.12223216
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>> No.12223226

hahaha I don't have anything to contribute but I'm going to shit up this thread anyway! Based! Yikes! Cringe! Redpilled!

>> No.12223230


Postmodern/10 post, anon. I like it.

>> No.12223236

this i gotta see

>> No.12223239
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is occam's razor a good argument for having a more scientific rather than a philosophical outlook to life?

>> No.12223241

>not reading both STEM and Philosophy.

Why would you let one ruin the other?

>> No.12223247
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>> No.12223249

quality shitposting, my friend. keep up the good work

>> No.12223251


>> No.12223263


>> No.12223267

I hate the "science makes philosophy obsolete" meme

>> No.12223269

occam's razor is just a heuristic, and not even a very good one

>> No.12223274

Couldn't Occam's razor be used to argue the existence of God?

>> No.12223276

>not becoming an analytic philosopher for the M in STEM for the best of both worlds

>> No.12223320

>read a philosophy book for 10 mibutes
It's too late, STEMbros, I've seen too much

>> No.12223326

Any Heideggerian-Jungian-Nietzschean-Classicist will tell you science is BS

>> No.12223348


>> No.12223352

>is r*ddit a good argument for having a more scientific rather than a philosophical outlook to life?

>> No.12223385
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>What do you mean you don't see the point in building a multi-billion dollar, seventeen mile wide Ouroboros in the middle of Europe so we can smash particles together and then fellate each other whenever we get a blip on a computer screen?
>Don't you like particles? I didn't spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on a gender neutral STEM education just so that I could wind up on the street with a trunk full of condoms and overpriced textbooks, unable to put organic basedmilk from Amazon's Whole Foods on my wife's son's table!
>What do you mean you don't care how many Higg's bozos we discovered in our laboratory? Don't you care about the progress of science? Don't you know what will happen when we discover what happened during the Big Bang? We'll be able to explain it--that's what! And then we'll figure out what gravity is, so that backwards ruralites like you without a STEM degree can read about it in Scientific American, right after the article with child pornogra--I mean transgender rights for children!
>And then what? And then we'll smash MORE particles with tax payer funding so that MY wife's son can get HIS article published in Science Weekly when HE'S old enough, and work in an underground world serpent, so that he can afford to by scones at Starbucks every day on his way to work, while his wife is away at Goddard Space Station with HIS wife's son, making waves as a woman in the field of astrophysics and so forth.
>And can you PLEASE just admit that one day there will be colonies on Mars and people will fornicate there and live happily in high-tech space suits with lattes and so forth, without conservatives there to tells us we "can't" genetically modify our babies and open our borders to migrants, which we will transport in droves from the earth to live as our pet underclass, comfortably far removed from my three-bedroom space loft in a gated community, performing the dirty work while we work in the high-tech MINERAL space center on Mars, or at SpaceX, playing Kerbel Space Program during our lunch break, etc.

>> No.12223396

he current wave of technological automation – driven by advanced robotics, encrypted neural networks and furtive distributed data channels, machine learning, and big data voodoo heroin – is expelling labour from the production process faster than it can be reintegrated, disrupting the balance between labour and capital, and threatening a phase shift in global capitalism. The Dehumanisation of the Human: The rapid development and increasing accessibility of technologies that modify human biology, psychology, and sociality – spearheaded by the convergence of nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technology, and cognitive science – threatens to dissolve the cognitive, reproductive, and evolutionary unity of our common form of life.

The idea of free will and our assumed identities and self-understandings, including politics or social standing, are simulations that can and will be ultimately be sloughed off as we enter a post-industrial society.

>> No.12223397

you got em

>> No.12223399

based, i have been studying stem for like 15 years and can only yet hope to achieve your level of enlightenment

>> No.12223421

light is both a particle and a wave you brainlet
the rest of your post is just pure hypothetical nonsense

>> No.12223424

anally raped STEMfags are going to just try and brush this off like it isn't a total and definitive dismantling of their ivory tower bullshit.
10/10 post, anon. the emperor and all his dick suckers have no clothes.

>> No.12223469

>being this mad over some fucking nerds with a big hula hoop

>> No.12223481

A multi billion dollar hula hoop

>> No.12223488

>the wife's son is himself a cuckold

bold move, not sure how i feel about it

>> No.12223534

>the universe is a big computer of 1s and 0s lmao
isn't this basically Pythagoras?

>> No.12223624

No? I have not once seen someone who can sufficiently summarize Pythagoras thought on here. It is extremely esoteric and complex, I doubt you’d understand it.

And I’m not even trying to be ironic here, I sincerely doubt you would understand Pythagorean philosophy. It involves a fair deal of complex numerical ideas and ratios.

Like for instance, if you don’t know what the harmonic ratio is, then you probably have a small understanding of what Pythagorean thought entails.

>> No.12223640

I'm a stemfag, will you come fuck my wife?

>> No.12223678

can we go out to dinner first?